Chapter 10 When revising your draft for style you shoulda

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subject Pages 9
subject Words 2535
subject Authors Amy Newman

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59. Most business reports use the (Presenting Conclusions and Recommendations)
a. Direct Organizational Plan
b. Indirect Organizational Plan
c. Structure Plan
d. Clustering Plan
60. The conclusions and recommendations part of a report should
a. Summarize what was said in the first part of the report
b. Summarize what was said in the body of the report
c. Answer all research questions raised in the introduction
d. Develop the final solution to a problem
61. Generic headings are used
a. to identify the section topic and the major conclusion.
b. in newspapers and magazines.
c. as a preview or executive summary of the entire report.
d. when the report is written according to the indirect plan.
e. to focus attention on conclusions.
62. The body of the report consists of
a. Findings, summary, conclusion, recommendation
b. Statistics
c. Policies
d. Solution
63. In a report, the largest section is
a. Your findings
b. Your tone
c. Your language
d. Your thesis
64. Which of the following is not a component of the report body?
a. introduction
b. executive summary
c. conclusions
d. recommendations
e. findings
65. The section in which you present information about the authorization for the report is the
a. introduction.
b. findings.
c. conclusions.
d. preliminary.
e. appendix.
66. Some examples of numerical information given in reports are displayed in
a. Tables and figures
b. The textual content
c. At the beginning of a report
d. The conclusion
67. To make the report read clearly and smoothly use
a. Passive voice
b. Easy language
c. Emphasis, subordination, preview, summary, and transitions
d. Lots of data
68. When revising for content you should:
a. include sufficient information
b. describe your policy
c. give an answer
d. look for negative language
69. When revising your draft for style you should
a. Vary your ideas
b. Use words that are clear, simple, and concise
c. Avoid active voice
d. Use wording that repeats so the reader understands
70. The findings section of the report should
a. be the most concise in the report.
b. focus on the factors and subfactors of the problem.
c. appear before the hypotheses and problem statement.
d. accurately discuss and interpret relevant data.
e. summarize all conclusions for the reader.
71. When referring to primary and secondary data in the findings section, you should
a. call attention to key trends and contradictions.
b. present less important information in tables and figures.
c. allow readers to come to their own conclusions about implications.
d. present facts and figures in rapid succession for busy readers.
e. refer to research procedures when necessary.
72. The summary that precedes the conclusions and recommendations should
a. not repeat the main points or arguments.
b. refer readers to the transmittal document for more detail.
c. provide a review of the problem and the main findings.
d. reiterate the hypotheses and problem factors studied.
e. contain the same wording as the executive summary.
73. You should use direct quotes
a. Sparingly
b. Often
c. One in each paragraph
d. Only in the conclusion
74. The body of your report should end with
a. a list of references, if any.
b. a statement of authorization.
c. recommendations for further studies.
d. a concluding statement conveying a sense of completion.
e. an appendix with detailed data supporting the finding section.
75. The three distinct steps for revising reports are
a. Clarity, conciseness, and redundancy
b. Tone, language, and wordiness
c. Content, style, and correctness
d. Passive voice, action verbs, and mechanics
76. Conclusions should be presented at the beginning of the report unless the reader prefers
a. The indirect plan, will not like the outcome, or if the topic is complex
b. Additional source support
c. Additional graphics for clarity
d. Reading the recommendations first
77. An effective executive summary should not
a. be written in the same writing style that is used for the report body.
b. assume that the reader will also read the entire report.
c. be more than 10% of the length of the report.
d. be used if the reader is resistant to the recommendations.
e. hint at the conclusions or recommendations shown in the report.
78. Identify the correct guideline for constructing a table of contents.
a. Use the same wording for the headings as in the report body.
b. Include all levels of headings in the table of contents.
c. List both the starting and the ending page number of each section.
d. Draft the table of contents as an outline for writing the report.
e. Use the table of contents to emphasize important headings.
79. Which of the following should not be included in an appendix?
a. a copy of the questionnaire mailed to the sample population
b. a copy of the cover letter that accompanied the questionnaire
c. a list of secondary sources cited in the report
d. forms and additional details that some readers may find helpful
e. supplementary tables not shown in the body of the report
80. In case readers want to locate the source of secondary data used in your report, make your ____ accurate in both
content and format.
a. executive summary
b. reference list
c. appendix
d. table of contents
e. transmittal document
81. An effective writing style for a report
a. incorporates colloquial expressions.
b. should be humorous to lighten the mood.
c. should be less objective than the transmittal document.
d. should be as subjective as possible.
e. should be less conversational than a casual memo.
82. The topics and amount of detail in an introduction vary according to
a. The length of the report
b. The type and complexity of the report and the audience's needs
c. A well-developed thesis
d. The sources used for support
83. Which statement regarding the use of pronouns is correct for most business reports?
a. The phrase the writer is a good substitute for first-person pronouns.
b. Using passive voice is a good alternative to using first-person pronouns.
c. Because formal reports focus on the information instead of on the writer, third-person pronouns should be
d. Second-person pronouns should be used to draw the reader into the report.
e. Use the word he as a generic pronoun when referring to an unidentified person.
84. When writing a business report, use the ____ tense to describe findings from other studies and your procedures;
use the ____ tense for your conclusions.
a. past; present
b. present; past
c. past; past
d. present; present
e. present; future
85. The statement "Two of the three previous surveys showed that employees prefer Health Plan A" uses
a. the present tense to report data from the current study.
b. the past tense to describe the findings of earlier research.
c. the past tense, reflective of the writer's time.
d. the present tense to describe the conclusion of the report.
e. the past tense to describe the procedure of the surveys.
86. You can achieve coherence in a lengthy report by
a. emphasizing the most important headings in each section.
b. repeating the words of your headings in the narrative.
c. dividing subtopics before you factor the main headings.
d. using previews, summaries, and transitions in each section.
e. omitting text when you follow one heading with another.
87. When you include another person's ideas in a report, you should
a. include the entire section so readers can see it in context.
b. put quotation marks around any information you paraphrase.
c. avoid plagiarism by rearranging or omitting a few words.
d. paraphrase various sources, without attribution, as needed for your purpose.
e. use direct quotations when you cannot improve on the wording.
88. Which of the following is not a good guideline for documentation?
a. Include documentation of any unpublished source in the narrative.
b. If you mention a certain study twice on the same page, you need not cite it more than once.
c. Include enough documentation in your citation that your reader can locate the source.
d. Carefully document facts that are common knowledge to the reader.
e. Facts that can be verified easily do not need to be documented with source citations.
89. When you use the author-date format to document sources, you should
a. omit quotation marks for text drawn from original material.
b. renumber all endnotes to ensure continuity and coherence.
c. provide the complete reference at the bottom of the page.
d. include complete bibliographic details in the Notes section.
e. set them off with semicolons or colons, as appropriate.
90. The ____ method of citing sources provides the complete reference at the bottom of the report page on which the
citation occurs.
a. endnote
b. footnote
c. author-date
d. reference list
e. documentation
91. One reason for using the author-date form of documentation is that
a. many writers prefer tracking endnotes and footnotes consecutively.
b. omitting citations would leave an inaccurate impression of the report's conclusions.
c. subsequent citations in the narrative will require less space.
d. it subordinates sources based on direct quotations rather than paraphrased text material.
e. it provides some information about the source on the page where the citation occurs.
92. Distortion by omission occurs when
a. you base your conclusions on a small database.
b. the statistics you quote reflect hypotheses, not conclusions.
c. you do not explain how you factored the problem.
d. you use quotations out of context.
e. you do not document all sources.

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