CGS SS 96413

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 23
subject Words 5717
subject Authors Richard T. Schaefer

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Which of the following best expresses Zionism?
a. the championing of racist and anti-Semitic ideologies
b. the substitution of cultural traditions as the tie that binds Jews
c. the twentieth-century movement to create a Jewish state in Palestine
d. the Jewish attitude toward death and the afterlife
Which of the following statements is true about the Poles?
a. The Poles turned rebels when they found it difficult to adjust to a new culture and
more urban way of life.
b. The Poles who migrated were most likely to see themselves as forced immigrants
than their European counterparts.
c. The Poles who migrated were most likely families rather than male immigrants.
d. The majority of the Poles who migrated were atheists.
Which of the following statements is true about Latinos in relation to education?
a. The most important complicating factor in educational attainment for Latinos is
immigration status.
b. Latinos are often stigmatized as being more academically challenged than their
White and Asian American peers.
c. The level of attainment by Latinos as measured by years of schooling completed
beyond high school remains high.
d. A negative side of Latinos is that they exhibit low aspirations in continuing school.
Which of the following statements is true of Filipino Americans?
a. They have a strong loyalty to the Protestant faith.
b. They seek involvement in broader non-Filipino organizations and avoid group
c. They are a homogenous population in terms of language.
d. They have a single national group that represents the general Filipino population.
Around the end of the nineteenth century, which of the following statements is true of
the greatest migration of Jews to the United States and the great European migration?
a. They were identical in all respects.
b. They were both simultaneous.
c. They both resulted in the immediate merger of immigrants with the earlier settlers.
d. They both had very few immigrants returning to Europe.
________ refers to the same wages for different types of work that are judged to be
comparable by such measures as employee knowledge, skills, effort, responsibility, and
working conditions.
a. Occupational integration
b. Pay equity
c. Occupational assimilation
d. Equal opportunity
Which of the following statements is true of the Indian Removal Act of 1830?
a. It was carried out to protect the American Indians from an epidemic.
b. It led to annexation of tribal land in America.
c. The Native Americans were well compensated for relocation.
d. The migration was volunteered by the Native Americans.
Which of the following perspectives on race and ethnicity tends to emphasize group
tensions between the privileged and the exploited?
a. conflict perspective
b. labeling perspective
c. ethnocentric perspective
d. functionalist perspective
Portraying the problems of racial and ethnic minorities as their fault rather than
recognizing society's responsibilities is an instance of ________.
a. victim discounting
b. blaming the victim
c. the scapegoating theory
d. the melting pot
Which of the following indicates the prevalence of a glass wall?
a. women being expected to find a fine balance between work outside the home and
childcare and housework
b. men who enter female-dominated occupations being rewarded frequently with
promotions and positions of responsibility
c. groups that reject assimilation and promote coexistence and pluralism
d. women being placed in support positions that reflect their stereotypical helping
The most common feature of African American households is ________.
a. the presence of grandparents residing in the home
b. the absence of extended living arrangements
c. a weak religious orientation
d. the strong presence of a patriarchal structure in the family
Kate is of the opinion that mothers are much more involved than fathers in the invisible
mental labor associated with taking care of a baby. Which of the following statements
will most likely strengthen her argument?
a. Fathers do a better job as homemakers and caregivers for children than mothers.
b. Mothers feel guilty later if they become too consumed with the demands of their jobs
that they fail to think about their babies.
c. A majority of mothers and fathers feel that the ideal situation for young children is to
have a mother who works full time.
d. A majority of working mothers report that it is not very difficult to balance the
responsibilities of their job and their family.
With regard to gender of immigrants, which of the following statements is true?
a. Immigration policies favor male immigrants.
b. Immigration to the United States has consistently been lopsided.
c. Women immigrants are more likely to be consumed with work while male
immigrants have the responsibility of navigating the new society when it comes to
services for their family and children.
d. From 1907 through 1922, most women citizens who married immigrants who were
not citizens lost their U.S. citizenship.
In 1974, the Supreme Court ruled in ________ that it was improper to order Detroit and
the suburbs to have a joint metropolitan busing solution.
a. Millikin v. Bradley
b. Plessy v. Ferguson
c. Williams v. Mississippi
d. Shelley v. Kramer
Which of the following statements is true of the seizure of Alcatraz Island in San
Francisco Bay, in 1969?
a. The island was seized by members of the Alaska Indian Center.
b. The island was an active maximum-security federal prison.
c. The federal government was undecided about how to use it.
d. The Whites cheated the Native Americans by paying them $24 for the property.
The immigration or the apprehension of illegal aliens is not likely to end in the United
States because of ________.
a. political vendetta
b. religious intolerance
c. economic conditions
d. environmental factors
Which of the following is true of maintaining ethnicity and assimilating into the
dominant culture?
a. The ethnic community members are under constant psychological stress.
b. The ethnic community members may get a financial boost from the ethnic
c. The ethnic community members get a negative self-esteem.
d. The ethnic community members are inhibited from competing effectively in a larger
Conflicts among ethnic, racial, religious, and linguistic groups within nations are
referred to as ________ conflicts.
a. ethnologic
b. ethnonational
c. ethnocentric
d. ethnographic
Acknowledging its difficulties in recruiting members of racial and ethnic minority
groups, AARP (originally American Association of Retired Persons) ________.
a. endorsed voter-registration campaigns for the minority
b. began a Minority Affairs Initiative
c. established nursing home for minority groups
d. started pension schemes for racial and ethnic minority groups
________, founded in 1944 in Denver, Colorado, was the first national organization
representing Native Americans.
a. The National Civic League
b. The American Civil Liberties Union
c. The Association of Young Americans
d. The National Congress of American Indians
After apartheid had ended, which of the following events took place in South Africa?
a. South Africa held its first universal election.
b. Nelson Mandela became the president without any elections.
c. Nelson Mandela was imprisoned a second time.
d. South Africa witnessed the creation of the two-state nation.
The study that outlined a tangle of pathology with the Black family at its core was the
a. Moynihan Report
b. Journal Citation Report
c. Ebony and Ivory Report
d. Journal of Black Studies
Which of the following events occurred in the Diaspora?
a. the referendum of Qubcois to have their own nation
b. the rebellion of Mexican Indians to protest against injustices
c. the exile of Jews from Palestine, nearly 2,000 years ago
d. the struggle between the Boers and the English colonists in South Africa
________ are contracted laborers brought to the United States from Mexico after the
a. Braceros
b. Wetbacks
c. Marielitos
d. Mojados
According to the slave codes, ________.
a. marriage between slaves was not legally recognized
b. a slave could not legally buy or sell by special arrangement
c. except Whites, no one else was allowed to teach a slave to read or write
d. a slave could not testify in court against another slave
In 1920s, the homosexual organizations in the United States were primarily ________.
a. public charities
b. lobbyists
c. self-help groups
d. rebellious groups
A ________ describes distinctions based on skin color made on a continuum rather than
by sharp categorical separations.
a. color paradox
b. color perspective
c. color hypothesis
d. color gradient
The family patterns of recent immigrants or children of immigrants in the United States
are more likely to be affected by ________.
a. the European ideology
b. the rules laid down by the U.S. government for immigrants
c. the fact that they are Muslim or Arab
d. the traditions of their homeland
Which of the following features of the slave codes demonstrates the subjugation of
Africans in the United States?
a. A slave could not possess property even if it was allowable by his or her owner.
b. A slave could not testify in court against another slave.
c. A slave could not legally buy or sell anything by special arrangement.
d. A slave could not marry or even meet with a free Black.
The Africans who were brought involuntarily to the Western hemisphere were seen as
heathens and barbarians because ________.
a. they were ethnocentric
b. they were non-Christian
c. they were not White
d. they opposed slavery
Explain the difference between absolute and relative deprivation as applied to the
experiences of minority groups in America.
In the nineteenth century, Americans were introduced to the Arab world through the
a. media
b. schools
c. world's fairs
d. abolitionary movement
Which of the following statements is true of Black Power?
a. It facilitated the assimilation of Blacks into White upper-class society.
b. It legalized marriage between Blacks and Whites.
c. It gained wide acceptance among Blacks and even many Whites.
d. It made amendments for the injustice of slavery.
The ________ is also known as the rotten apple theory because it discredited the rioters
and left the barrel of apples, White society, untouched.
a. exploitation theory
b. talented tenth theory
c. labeling theory
d. riff-raff theory
In the United States, which of the following attributes of the older population
necessitates many different responses to the problems of older adults?
a. increasing unhappiness
b. growing number
c. mortality
d. diversity
Describe the economic status of the elderly in the United Sates.
Associations like tsu and tongs are observed in the ________ community.
________ are Jewish laws pertaining to permissible and forbidden foods.
Describe the provisions of the Employment Assistance Program. What were the
consequences of implementing this program?
The term ________ is used to describe the double burden, work outside the home
followed by childcare and housework, that many women face and that few men share
________ implies a fixed standard based on a minimum level of subsistence below
which families should not be expected to exist.
A form of holistic health care and healing, or Latino folk medicine, is called ________.
The concept of ________ permits women and men to be both aggressive and
expressive, depending on the requirements of the situation.
Specify the factors that give rise to the conclusion that the Jewish family today no
longer is the main transmission agent of Jewish values, identity, and continuity.
What is meant by the term environmental justice? Provide examples to explain
environmental discrimination.
Which of the following groups of people constitute the aboriginal people of Canada?
a. Ainu
b. Inuit
c. Haoles
d. Marielitos
Explain the social construction of race with an example. Describe the concept of
Describe the historical background of Hawai"i.
How are people with disabilities victims of institutional discrimination? Provide
examples for your explanation.
Define and differentiate among glass ceilings, glass walls, and glass escalators.
Contrast the plight of Haitians seeking refuge in the United States before and after the
2010 earthquake in Haiti.
Provide a comparison of older adults with other subordinate or minority social groups.
Write a note on the occupational profile of Chinese Americans.
Examine two theories that provide explanations for the negative stereotypes associated
with Jews.
Describe the concept of stereotypes. Explain with examples why are some traits
assigned more often than others.

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