CGS SS 79364

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 16
subject Words 2214
subject Authors George F. Cole, Michael D. Reisig, Todd R. Clear

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Men in prison tend to have already graduated from high school.
a. True
b. False
________________ power refers to the ability to obtain compliance in exchange for
material resources.
a. Normative
b. Remunerative
c. Coercive
d. Subjective
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Willingness to intervene on behalf of the common good
b. Concentration of social problems
c. Neighborhoods where arrests and going to prison are common
d. Gives back to the community through justice
e. Based in a state or local jurisdiction
f. Offenders must admit what they have done
g. Focuses on resolving the problem behind a crime
h. Focuses on guilt and fair punishment
i.Analysis of why and where crimes tend to concentrate
j.Improve and strengthen communities
Environmental crime prevention
For parolees, a "clean start" is usually an easy process once a plan is in place.
a. True
b. False
According to the concept of , ___________offenders are returned to society once they
are treated.
a. deterrence
b. retribution
c. incapacitation
d. rehabilitation
According to the text, corrections ideally serves which goal(s)?
a. treatment
b. protection
c. punishment
d. both protection and punishment
Many ideas that arose from the Enlightenment fostered the thinking that crime is caused
a. human nature.
b. forces in the environment.
c. biology.
d. sin.
Punishment of criminals that is intended to be an example to the public and to
discourage the commission of offenses by others is known as:
a. specific deterrence.
b. specific retribution.
c. general deterrence.
d. general rehabilitation.
Generally, mentally ill persons represent a greater risk of committing violent crimes
than the population as a whole.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following is NOT one of the three key concepts that parole is based upon?
a. custody
b. constitutional rights
c. contract of consent
d. grace
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Interacting with clients to change their behavior
b. Corrections is divided against itself
c. Problem of attraction and motivation
d.Choice between unsatisfactory alternatives
e. Focusing on prisons
f. Looking for patterns and consistencies in study findings
g. Expectations and goals
h.Assigning a group to a valid program and one group to a non-valid program
i.Achieves correctional goals through technology
j.Disproportionately affected minority group members
Correctional growth
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Prison newcomer
b. Cigarettes
c. Values and norms of the prison social system
d. Goods and services not allowed by prison authorities
e. Where prisoners may purchase certain items
f. Method of learning the prison subculture
g. Construct a life within the prison with little connection to society
h. Take advantage of prison programs
i. Main source of inmate violence
j. semiautonomous institutions
Three forces influence the newly released offender's adjustment to free society. They
include the parole board, the parole bureaucracy, and the experiences of the:
a. offender.
b. victim.
c. rehabilitation.
d. community.
After an inmate has served time equal to the total sentence minus "good time," if any,
he or she will receive:
a. conditional release.
b. discretionary release.
c. mandatory release.
d. none of these.
The number of states without the death penalty has_________ in recent years.
a. decreased
b. remained unchanged
c. increased
d. stabilized
Section 1983 allows inmates to sue public officials for constitutional violations.
a. True
b. False
Forty-eight of the 50 states along with the federal government currently operate prisons.
a. True
b. False
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Inmates and visitors have a great deal of freedom
b. Newer with functional units located in the entry
c. Central corridor for prisoner movement
d. Treatment programs designed to reform offender
e. Restrictions on inmates/visitors are less strict than maximum security
f. Often used for juveniles and women
g. Emphasizes family and community ties as a method of reform
h. Strict limitations on freedom of inmates/visitors
i. A control center from which to monitor movement
j. Emphasizes security, discipline, and order
Minimum security
Most parole boards cite an inmate's progress in __________ as one criterion for release.
a. self-improvement programs
b. family visitations
c. solitary confinement
d. religious practices
Which of the following is NOT one of most important issues facing women who have
completed their prison sentence and are about to be released back to their communities?
a. lack of family support
b. lost custody of children
c. no housing
d. substance abuse histories
Jeremy Bentham's classic prison design known as the ______________ called for a
circular building with a glass roof and cells on each story and around the circumference
of the penitentiary so that the inmates could be viewed at all times to ensure they were
abiding by prison rules.
a. Trivium
b. Octagon
c. Panopticon
d. Hexagon
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Houses people convicted of serious crimes
b. A facility authorized to hold pretrial detainees
c. Mutual transfer of resources
d. Workers who provide programs and services
e. Power between national and state government
f. Method of applying scientific knowledge
g. One of the goals of corrections
h. Common goals influenced by the environment
i.Conforms to the rules of society
j.Manages accused or convicted offenders
Social control
In prison terminology, the "fish" is a(n):
a. career criminal.
b. newcomer.
c. gang member.
d. elderly inmate.
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Post-custody supervision in the community
b. Without any further correctional supervision
c. Used with indeterminate sentence
d. Furloughs
e. Required release
f. The prisoner promises to abide by certain conditions in exchange for being released
g. Stipulated by parole guidelines based on offenders actions
h. Treat a mental abnormality
i. The government extends the privilege of release
j. Conditional release
Grace or privilege
The typical length of re-confinement for a technical parole violation is consistent
among all offenders.
a. True
b. False
The public today calls for a_________ approach to juveniles.
a. rehabilitative
b. lenient
c. get-tough
d. restorative
Women account for roughly half of all arrests for serious crimes tabulated by the FBI's
Uniform Crime Report.
a. True
b. False
The Federal Bureau of Prisons is housed within the Department of Homeland Security.
a. True
b. False
The differences between male and female prison subcultures have been attributed to the
nurturing, _________qualities of women.
a. educational
b. vocational
c. psychological
d. maternal
Programs that have been proven ineffective by research efforts are easily discarded for
new innovative strategies.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following is NOT one of the major factors that influence judges'
sentencing decisions?
a. role of the victim in the crime
b. offender's role in the commission of the crime
c. offender's criminal history
d. severity of the offense
Approximately__________ of female inmates are currently incarcerated for violent
a. 1/3
b. 3/4
c. 1/2
d. 1/5
a. Build our way out of overcrowding
b. Strains staff morale
c. Cheaper than prison
d. Let prisons become more and more crowded
e. Incarceration rate above historical norms
f. African Americans/Hispanics
g. Higher prison populations as a whole
h. Average U.S. incarceration rate from 2000 to 2007
i. Higher rate of imprisonment of specific groups
j.Raw material of corrections
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Inmates and visitors have a great deal of freedom
b. Newer with functional units located in the entry
c. Central corridor for prisoner movement
d. Treatment programs designed to reform offender
e. Restrictions on inmates/visitors are less strict than maximum security
f. Often used for juveniles and women
g. Emphasizes family and community ties as a method of reform
h. Strict limitations on freedom of inmates/visitors
i. A control center from which to monitor movement
j. Emphasizes security, discipline, and order
Maximum security
_______________ release occurs when a sentencing judge requires a period of
postcustody supervision in the community.
a. Probation
b. Discretionary
c. Expiration
d. Mandatory
A ___________________ refers to any formal structured activity that takes prisoners
out of their cells and sets them to instrumental tasks.
Parole can be revoked for two reasons: (1) committing a new crime and (2) a
________________ violation.
A _________child is one who has no parent or guardian or whose parents are unable to
give proper care.
Discuss how releasing authorities (parole boards) are organized within corrections. Is
the selection process for who sits on the board fair, and how effective are the persons
chosen for this task? What are the requirements of each participant who is selected?
Answer:Answers will vary.
Prison officers must constantly deal with conflicting ___________________ and
_______________ goals.
__________________ therapy is a type of treatment that induces behaviors through
reinforcements, role modeling, and other active forms of instruction.
According to the authors, key issues in corrections are divided into three main areas:
managing the correctional organization, working with offenders, and __________.
The term __________ refers to a person who sees crime as a way of earning a living
and has numerous contacts with the law throughout his/her life.
Define what is meant by "mentally ill offender." Discuss the changes that have occurred
over time regarding this type of inmate and the foreseeable changes in the future for
corrections classification process.
Answer:Answers will vary.
A school of criminology that views behavior as stemming from free will is known as
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Compliance by threat
b. Compliance for material resources
c. Compliance through manipulation of symbolic rewards
d. Supervisor can oversee limited subordinates effectively
e. Subordinate reports to only one superior
f. Toleration of some actions of inmates to operate the prison
g. Behavior violation of department policy
h. Prison disorder results from weak management
i. Support line personnel
j. In direct contact with the client
Normative power
Shaming is not a new practice; in fact, it has been making a resurgence in the realm of
punishment in certain arenas. Please provide early historical examples of shaming and
discuss whether you think it is a useful tool of social control. Be sure to fully explain
your answer. In your opinion, are there any possible negative outcomes of shaming?
Answer:Answers will vary.
What is community justice? Are there characteristics of a practice that must be present
for a strategy to be deemed community justice? What are these qualities? How do you
define community justice? How is community justice different from traditional criminal
justice frameworks? Which approach would you prefer if you were: a victim of a
criminal event, the perpetrator of a criminal event, living in a neighborhood with high
crime rates, living in a neighborhood with low crime rates?
Answer:will vary.
If a parolee breaks a rule, their parole may be____________ .
A mutual transfer of resources based on decisions regarding the costs and benefits of
alternative actions is referred to as__________ .
Laws passed by legislatures at all levels of government are known as__________ .
Most U.S. prisons today utilize the ________________ model of incarceration, which
focuses primarily on security and discipline.
An investigation of behavior (such as criminal activity) based on a subject's responses is
a(n)_________ .

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