CGS SS 73297

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 1903
subject Authors George F. Cole, Michael D. Reisig, Todd R. Clear

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Which of the following is an argument for a centralized probation authority?
a. Decentralized programs are often unprofessional and lag behind the times.
b. It is able to train staff for a variety of roles.
c. It is able to implement broader program with greater equality in supervision and
d. all of these
Best known for his utilitarian theories, including his creation of the phrase of "hedonic
calculus," Jeremy Bentham was a leading social scholar and philosopher of his time.
a. True
b. False
Early evaluations of intensive supervision reflect which the following?
a. Offenders are likely to commit a serious offense in six months.
b. More technical violations occur than with traditional probation.
c. Little money is saved.
d. Probation officers dislike the program.
Correctional officers have total power over inmates.
a. True
b. False
Residential programs normally house between 10 and__________ offenders at any one
a. 12
b. 15
c. 25
d. 50
Since prisons are highly secure institutions, rarely does any type of violence take place.
a. True
b. False
Correctional practices and processes all affect one another because offenders pass
through in a kind of assembly line with return loops.
a. True
b. False
The goal of community corrections is to prepare offenders for reentry into society
gradually through the:
a. rehabilitative model.
b. retributive model.
c. reintegration model.
d. reinforcement model.
Most sanctions in Western democracies do not involve:
a. imprisonment.
b. probation.
c. restitution.
d. community corrections.
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Interacting with clients to change their behavior
b. Corrections is divided against itself
c. Problem of attraction and motivation
d.Choice between unsatisfactory alternatives
e. Focusing on prisons
f. Looking for patterns and consistencies in study findings
g. Expectations and goals
h.Assigning a group to a valid program and one group to a non-valid program
i.Achieves correctional goals through technology
j.Disproportionately affected minority group members
Internal structure
_______________________ is an instrument developed for judges that indicates the
usual sanctions given previously for particular offenses.
a. Sentencing guidelines
b. Sentencing report
c. Pretrial guidelines
d. Presentence report
Confrontation therapy is a form of treatment that emphasizes personal responsibility for
actions and their consequences.
a. True
b. False
When we talk about characteristics associated with criminal offenders, we can conclude
a. there is much diversity with respect to the backgrounds of prisoners.
b. on the whole, while unique differences do exist, there are still many similarities
among prisoners.
c. it is difficult (if not impossible) to make any general statements about criminal
d. most offenders are very violent and dangerous, and as a result, deserve some form of
Citizens and victims are involved in sentencing decisions to increase their confidence in
the wisdom of the sanctions.
a. True
b. False
When girls break the law, the juvenile justice system has a tendency to treat them as
status offenders.
a. True
b. False
Today's prison construction is greatly influenced by:
a. drug use.
b. offender needs.
c. cost.
d. politics.
One key purpose of prison labor is to:
a. earn a living wage.
b. develop knowledge they can use when released on parole.
c. to relieve idleness.
d. all of these
The least frequently used criminal sanction in the United States is:
a. death.
b. incarceration.
c. intermediate sanctions.
d. probation.
A house of _________________________ was a detention facility that combined the
major elements of a workhouse, poorhouse, and penal industry by both disciplining the
inmates and setting them to work.
a. solitude
b. correction
c. penance
d. redemption
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Requires "essentials" of due process
b. Has no parent or guardian and does not receive proper care
c. Child who commits an act if committed by an adult is not a crime
d. Transfer to adult court
e. State as guardian
f. Parole
g. Specifies "essentials" of due process
h. Stop doing crime
i.Child not receiving proper care
j.Depends on social expectations
Researchers argue that using technical violations as a crime prevention strategy does
not make a meaningful difference in the criminal activity of released prisoners.
a. True
b. False
A majority of Americans approve intermediate sanctions for most forms of nonviolent
a. True
b. False
In the wake of the "get tough on crime" movement over the past three decades, the
number of parolees in the United States has:
a. doubled.
b. tripled.
c. decreased.
d. remained the same.
All of the following countries had a direct impact on the creation and early
implementation of our parole system in the 19th century, except:
a. France.
b. Australia.
c. Ireland.
d. England.
The central purpose of corrections is to rehabilitate the offender.
a. True
b. False
A range of punishments are given to inmates for disciplinary reasons when they are
unruly. One such punishment is:
a. erasing good time credit.
b. not feeding inmates.
c. not allowing inmates to practice their religion.
d. not providing inmates bedding.
Incapacitation focuses on characteristics of the offenders instead of characteristics of
the victims.
a. True
b. False
More than half of all jail occupants are:
a. female.
b. violent offenders.
c. awaiting trial.
d. not guilty.
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Interacting with clients to change their behavior
b. Corrections is divided against itself
c. Problem of attraction and motivation
d.Choice between unsatisfactory alternatives
e. Focusing on prisons
f. Looking for patterns and consistencies in study findings
g. Expectations and goals
h.Assigning a group to a valid program and one group to a non-valid program
i.Achieves correctional goals through technology
j.Disproportionately affected minority group members
Random field trial
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Punishment to a body inflicting pain
b. Law of civil society
c. Forced rowing
d. Detention facility
e. Pleasure over pain
f. The right to be tried in ecclesiastical court
g. Retaliation
h. Age of Reason
i. A form of banishment
j. Free will and severe punishment
Classical criminology
What is the average caseload for probation officers in New York City?
a. 77 probationers per officer
b. 114 probationers per officer
c. 162 probationers per officer
d. 249 probationers per officer
Parole officers have little discretionary power over their clients.
a. True
b. False
According to the authors, race is very controversial to the extent that it has been
recognized as having both political and biological implications.
a. True
b. False
Prison surpassed college as a place for young African American men after:
a. 1950.
b. 1960.
c. 1970.
d. 1980
The term_________ refers to the desire to keep the offender from committing further
a. reintegration
b. rehabilitation
c. incapacitation
d. retribution
Until the 1800s, ______________ were authorized only to house pretrial detainees,
debtors, and vagrants.
__________ investigative firms have recently begun to provide judges with PSIs.
____________is the idea that it is most efficient for a subordinate to report to only one
The term ______________________ usually refers to any action applied to offenders
after they have been convicted and implies that action is meant to change offenders
according to society's needs.
Some people claim that eliminating racism from the criminal justice system is not likely
to occur, because the system is embedded in a larger racist ________.
The differences in the style and philosophy of correctional programs in different
localities reflect a basic truth about law and ___________.
What are the three foundations of correctional law? Describe how each operates and
give an example of each. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each approach.
Answer:Answers will vary.
According to the authors, corrections officials have little or no control over the _____
of new offenders.
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Houses people convicted of serious crimes
b. A facility authorized to hold pretrial detainees
c. Mutual transfer of resources
d. Workers who provide programs and services
e. Power between national and state government
f. Method of applying scientific knowledge
g. One of the goals of corrections
h. Common goals influenced by the environment
i.Conforms to the rules of society
j.Manages accused or convicted offenders
__________is the goal of punishment inflicted on a person who has violated a criminal
law and deserves to be punished.
In Ring v. Arizona the Supreme Court ruled that_________must make the factual
decisions as to whether a convicted murderer should receive the punishment of death.
When a technical violation occurs__________, a revocation proceeding is required by
the Supreme Court.
List and explain three alternatives to litigation. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of
each. Which one do you think is most effective in maximum security prisons for men?
For women? Please fully explain your answers.
Answer:Answers will vary.
The _____________ strategy advocates doing nothing to relieve prison overcrowding,
under the assumption that the problem will take of itself.
The unreliability of __________ ___________ diagnosis may be one reason why
treatment regimens in prison have been so ineffective.
The challenge we face is bringing our __________more into line with our__________ .
The skyrocketing prison population has created a correctional crisis of _________.
The congregate penitentiary system was more concerned with instilling good work
habits to prevent a relapse into crime than with ________________ an offender's

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