CGS SS 70881

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1842
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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__________ refers to acceleration in deterioration of cognitive functioning prior to
A) Increased morbidity
B) Cognitive mortality
C) Life expectancy crossover
D) Terminal decline
Which of the following statements about continuity in the lives of older adults is true?
A) Even after a change, people usually make choices that extend the previous direction
of their lives, engaging in new activities but often with familiar domains.
B) Most aging adults strive to maintain continuity between their past and anticipated
future, which means that elders' lives are usually static.
C) Research on the daily lives of older adults finds evidence of a low to moderate
degree of continuity in everyday pursuits and relationships.
D) Following a major life change in late adulthood, such as retirement or widowhood,
people usually choose to engage in new activities in unfamiliar domains.
To infer babies' emotions as accurately as possible, researchers
A) are best off attending to multiple interacting behavioral cues and seeing how they
vary across situations believed to elicit different emotions.
B) can exclusively rely on analyzing infants' facial patterns to determine the range of
emotions they display at different ages.
C) are best off asking parents to describe their infants' feelings because infants cannot
describe their own feelings.
D) must remember that people around the world do not associate photographs of
different facial expressions with emotions in the same way.
__________ are strongly associated with childhood injury.
A) Permissive child rearing and participation in child care
B) Poverty, single parenthood, and low parental education
C) Family size, rural living, and divorce
D) Poor school performance, inattentiveness, and lesser impulsivity
As interest in dating increases,
A) membership in same-sex cliques increases.
B) boys' and girls' cliques come together.
C) crowds increase in importance.
D) membership in deviant crowds increases.
Infant-directed speech and parent"child conversation
A) create a zone of proximal development in which children's language expands.
B) contribute to a decline in infantile amnesia.
C) have little impact on language development because language emerges
D) foster referential communication skills.
Which of the following statements about the risk factors of elder abuse is true?
A) The very old and frail are rarely victims of maltreatment because they are usually
B) Many abusers are dependent, emotionally or financially, on their victims.
C) While abusers are more likely than other caregivers to have psychological problems,
they are less likely to have substance abuse issues.
D) Elder abuse is less likely to occur in nursing homes that have minimal staffing
supervision and few visitors.
Extensive experience working with dying patients in a sensitive, supportive
environment is associated with
A) high death anxiety.
B) low death anxiety.
C) late retirement.
D) early retirement.
Erika becomes upset when her mother leaves. When her mother is present, Erika
follows and climbs on her in preference to others. Erika is most likely in Bowlby's
__________ phase.
A) preattachment
B) formation of reciprocal relationship
C) "clear-cut" attachment
D) "attachment-in-the-making"
Current research on infant cognition yields broad agreement on which of the following?
A) The cognitive changes of infancy are stagelike.
B) Most aspects of infant cognition develop concurrently.
C) Many cognitive changes of infancy are gradual and continuous.
D) Most aspects of infant cognition develop abruptly.
Ingredients of effective rape intervention include
A) reinforcing rape myths.
B) teaching social skills and social awareness.
C) supporting gender stereotypes with evidence.
D) safety planning, but only if the abuser is still present.
Which of the following individuals is the most likely to master formal operational
A) Geni, an American high school student
B) Gus, an adolescent in a village society
C) Ghenniaa, the chief of a tribal society
D) Grady, who has had no formal schooling
Goran is a child victim of war. Research shows that Goran is likely to experience
A) an increase in anxiety and depression.
B) long-term amnesia.
C) an increased sensitivity to violence.
D) a decrease in aggression.
Recent research on gender-stereotyped beliefs about achievement found that a majority
of elementary and secondary students agreed with the idea that __________ is a
"__________" subject.
A) music; masculine
B) language arts; masculine
C) math; feminine
D) science; feminine
Which of the following statements about stereotypes of aging is true?
A) Adults with more education are more susceptible to the detrimental effects of aging
B) Older adults rarely appear in television programs and, when they do, typically play
minor roles.
C) Negative portrayals of seniors on television and in other media are common.
D) People see older adults in stereotypical ways, unless they appear otherwise.
Octavio feels comfortable being a boy, which consequently makes him happy. Which of
the following self-evaluations reflects Octavio's gender identity?
A) gender contentedness
B) gender typicality
C) feels pressure to conform to gender roles
D) gender-disconnectedness
__________ is best described as a sensitively tuned "emotional dance."
A) Social referencing
B) Interactional synchrony
C) Child-directed speech
D) Goodness of fit
In Piaget's theory, children shift from assimilation toward accommodation when they
A) in a state of cognitive disequilibrium.
B) bored and fatigued.
C) in a state of cognitive equilibrium.
D) overwhelmed.
Most freestanding birth centers
A) encourage family participation, but do not allow maternal control over labor and
B) do not allow family members and friends to participate in the birth.
C) permit a choice of delivery positions.
D) encourage childbirth medication and delivery instruments.
The best-known effect of smoking during the prenatal period is
A) colic.
B) high birth weight.
C) low birth weight.
D) delayed language development.
Dr. Goldberg introduces irrelevant stimuli into a task and records how well children
attend to its central elements. Dr. Goldberg is probably studying
A) adaptability of attention.
B) memory strategies.
C) selectivity of attention.
D) elaboration.
In Piaget's theory, __________ are the building blocks of sensorimotor intelligence.
A) goal-directed behaviors
B) cultural experiences
C) problem-solving skills
D) newborn reflexes
Which of the following statements about preventing elder maltreatment is true?
A) Legal action involving elder abuse is quite common.
B) Stereotypes of aging reduce maltreatment because it reminds the public that older
adults are extremely vulnerable.
C) Once abuse is discovered, intervention first involves caregiver counseling rather
than immediate elder protection.
D) Prevention programs offer caregivers education and respite services, such as elder
day care and in-home help.
With age, older adults report that the friends they feel the closest to
A) live in the same community.
B) are members of the other sex.
C) live far away.
D) are much younger in years.
Although Kohlberg proposes six stages of moral development,
A) current research suggests there are at least eight stages.
B) his research was able to verify only the first three stages.
C) few people move beyond Stage 4.
D) there is no evidence that individuals move through the first four stages in the
predicted order.
Theories are vital tools for developmental researchers because they
A) ensure proper use of research procedures.
B) illustrate the ultimate truth regarding human behavior.
C) provide organizing frameworks for our observations of people.
D) do not require scientific verification.
At Kohlberg's Stage 5 of moral development, individuals
A) become aware that people can have different perspectives in a moral dilemma.
B) believe that laws should not be disobeyed because they are vital for ensuring societal
C) regard laws and rules as flexible instruments for furthering human purposes.
D) typically mention such principles as respect for the worth and dignity of each
Voluntary active euthanasia is
A) not a criminal offense in most countries.
B) a criminal offense in almost all U.S. states.
C) covered under most private insurance plans.
D) available to all terminally ill patients in the United States.
IQ often enters into educational decisions because it
A) helps to identify strategies for teaching poorly performing students.
B) assesses a child's ability to profit from instruction in the general education
C) predicts school performance and educational attainment.
D) provides an accurate measure of practical intelligence.
Less well-educated people with lower lifetime earnings are the __________ retirement
planning programs.
A) least likely to benefit from
B) most likely to attend
C) least likely to attend
D) least likely to apply what they learn in
As we age,
A) the epidermis becomes more firmly attached to the dermis.
B) fibers in the dermis thicken.
C) fat in the hypodermis increases.
D) cells in both the epidermis and dermis decline in water content.
Which of the following statements about the impact on U.S. children of the September
11, 2001, terrorist attacks is true?
A) Those with indirect exposure from the media suffered no real distress.
B) Distress reactions declined more slowly for children with conflict-ridden
parent"child relationships.
C) Distress reactions improved more rapidly for children with indirect rather than direct
D) Repeatedly witnessing the attacks on TV desensitized children, decreasing their
According to research on class size, in which of the following elementary classrooms
will children likely score the highest in reading and math achievement?
A) a class of 13 to 17 students with only one teacher
B) a class of 22 to 25 students with only one teacher
C) a class of 22 to 25 students with one teacher and a full-time teacher's aide
D) a class of 26 to 30 students with one teacher and a full-time teacher's aide

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