CGS SS 64757

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 1767
subject Authors Philip L. Stein, Rebecca Stein

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Symbolic elements of dance include:
a. movement
b. costume
c. paraphernalia
d. all of the above
Core shamanism is a concept that was developed by Carlos Castaneda.
A regular Sunday morning Christian service would be classified primarily as a:
a. rites of passage
b. social rites of intensification
c. revitalization rituals
d. salvation rituals
A drug that causes visions and hallucinations is classed as a(n):
a. euphoria
b. phantastica
c. hypnotica
d. excitania
The Navaho Creation Story takes place:
a. in a special garden similar to the Judeo-Christian Garden of Eden
b. in the realm of the gods in the sky
c. in a series of layers that exist underneath the present world
d. in another reality
The term tabu refers to:
a. objects and persons that are sacred
b. objects and persons who possess potentially dangerous supernatural power
c. inappropriate modes of behavior
d. all of the above
The rite of passage that revolves around the White Painted Woman is found among the:
a. Yanomam
b. Apache
c. Gururumba
d. Haida
There are many approaches to the study of religion in anthropology. One approach is to
ask the question: What does religion do? What roles does religion play in human
societies? This approach is referred to as the:
a. functional approach
b. psychosocial approach
c. evolutionary approach
d. cognitive approach
Totemic narratives among the Australian aborigines describe journeys taken by totemic
creatures in the past. On these journeys the creatures:
a. created by naming the plants and animals
b. produced geological features including water holes
c. through their behavior established customs that characterize contemporary Australian
d. all of the above
Shamans are able to cure illness by:
a. sending their souls to recapture the lost soul of the patient
b. removing spirits and objects from within the body of the patient
c. allowing a deity to possess their body
d. all of the above
A high demand religion is characterized by:
a. strict control of outside information
b. communal living
c. members being given new names and identities
d. all of the above
The Massacre at Wounded Knee was associated with the:
a. John Frum Cult
b. Vailala Madness
c. Ghost Dance
d. Santeria
The doctrine in Christianity that Jesus had been God in human form:
a. is spelled out in the New Testament
b. is not in the Bible, but is found in other writings of the apostles
c. was established in the fourth century C.E.
d. was established during the Protestant Reformation
David Lewis-Williams suggests that Upper Paleolithic cave paintings are:
a. decorations
b. a form of imitative magic designed for successful hunting
c. representations of altered states of consciousness
d. a part of coming-of-age rituals
The Holiness Church is separated from most other Christian sects by:
a. the handling of poisonous snakes
b. the drinking of poisoned beverage
c. speaking in tongues
d. all of the above
An isolated, remote village in the highlands of New Guinea sees an airplane for the first
time and creates a word to refer to it. This illustrates the fact that symbols, in this case
the new word of an airplane, are:
a. arbitrary
b. open
c. subjective
d. creative
John Frum is:
a. revered as a god in Vanuatu
b. the anthropologist who first studied the Trobriand Islanders
c. the founder of a high demand UFO religion
d. the leader of the tribal association in the Amazon
The term pantheon refers to:
a. a hierarchy of gods
b. a collective of spirits
c. a coven of witches
d. the followers of a culture hero
A ritual that focuses on the religious experience of the individual, such as possession, is
called a(n):
a. salvation ritual
b. ideological ritual
c. therapy ritual
d. revitalization ritual
All of the following are true about priests except:
a. priests are associated with temples and shrines
b. priestly offices are often inherited from father to son
c. priests obtain supernatural power from a spirit familiar
d. priests are responsible for the correct performance of rituals
Characteristics of an altered state of consciousness include:
a. attachment of new meaning to experiences
b. perceptual distortions and hallucinations
c. sudden and unexpected displays of emotional extremes
d. all of the above
mile Durkheim did not consider magic to be part of religion because:
a. religion involves the whole community but magic focuses on an individual
b. magic is not performed by religious specialists
c. magic does not involve gods and spirits
d. magic does not involve the performance of rituals
An example of contagious magic as a part of American folk medicine is:
a. a tea made of red flowers is good for bleeding
b. drawings of deer on the side of a barn will bring success in hunting
c. rub a penny on a wart and then throw the penny away to get rid of the wart
d. none of the above
A definition of religion that is concerned with the role that religion plays in a society is
a. analytic definition
b. functional definition
c. essentialist definition
d. psychosocial definition
Hedonism and the symbol of a goat's head within an inverted pentagram refer to:
a. Wicca
b. Asatru
c. Satanism
d. Druidism
Rituals that mark an individual's changing statuses as he or she moves through life's
various stages are called:
a. rites of passage
b. puberty rituals
c. stage ceremonies
d. change of life ceremonies
The term shaman comes from the Tungus language of:
a. Siberia
b. the American Southwest
c. West Africa
d. Australia
Totalism, scripturalism, and traditioning are features of:
a. fundamentalism
b. high demand religious groups
c. agnosticism
d. revitalization movements
The first use of the term culture in anthropology appeared in 1871 in a book written by:
a. James Frazer
b. Robert Edgerton
c. Edward Tylor
d. Melford Spiro
A belief in spirit beings is termed:
a. animatism
b. animism
c. agnosticism
d. anthropocentrism
Among the !Kung San of southern Africa the marriage ceremony involves the mock
forcible carrying off of the bride from her parent's hut to a specially built marriage hut
and the anointing of the bride with special oils and aromatic powders. This ritual can be
classified as a:
a. therapeutic ritual
b. rite of intensification
c. rite of passage
d. technological ritual
The Book of Revelations in the New Testament is an example of a(n):
a. trickster story
b. hero myth
c. apocalyptic myth
d. origin story
The interpretative approach, in which religion is described as a cluster of symbols that
together make up a whole, was developed by:
a. Sigmund Freud
b. Melford Spiro
c. Clifford Geertz
d. James Frazer
The Law of Contact (Contagion) states that:
a. magic depends on the apparent association between things
b. things which are alike are the same
c. things that were once in contact continue to be connected
d. none of the above
Wicca has been described as a polytheistic religion.
The Tana Toraja separate biological and social death in that social death occurs some
time after biological death.
The routine embalming of bodies developed during the Civil War.
Lord Pakal died and was entombed in the Temple of the Inscriptions in Palenque on
August 31, 1123 B.C.
One can ask spirits for assistance and protection since they live in the human world and
interact with humans.
Supernatural figures such as vampires and zombies reflect our contemporary fears and
Among the Yup"ik the souls of the seal moves to the bladder. The bladders of all of the
seals killed during the year are inflated and returned to the sea in an annual festival.
The Hmong believe that at death the soul travels to the place where its placenta
(afterbirth) has been buried and puts it on like an article of clothing.
Cargo Cults are high-demand forms of Christianity that developed in West Africa in the
early twentieth century.
The first-fruit ceremonies of the Cahuilla of the California desert are an example of
both a technological ritual and a hunting and gathering rite of intensification.
In a unitary state one feels a disequilibrium and disconnection with the world.
The term shaman is a term used for a kind of religious specialist; the term is derived
from Latin.
The Navaho worldview suggests an exploitation of natural resources by human society.
Fasting leads to an alteration of the body chemistry which, in turn, leads to an altered
state of consciousness.
The commandant to remember the Sabbath is one of the Ten Commandments. Sabbath
rituals are therefore prescribed rituals.

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