CGS SS 602 Test

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 950
subject Authors Adena B. Meyers, Laura E. Berk

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Kyle recognizes and classifies all varieties of animals and plants. According to Gardner,
Kyle excels in __________ intelligence.
Young children learning Chinese, Japanese, and Korean acquire __________ more readily
than their English-speaking agemates.
A)proper nouns
C)object nouns
Children as young as age 2 display
A)a sophisticated understanding of role relationships and story lines.
B)awareness that make-believe is a representational activity.
C)the ability to flexibly understand that an object may take on multiple fictional identities.
D)advanced forms of sociodramatic play without adult prompting.
Which of the following statements about aggression is true?
A)Girls display overall rates of aggression that are much higher than boys.
B)Highly aggressive children tend to be neglected by peers.
C)Children high in proactive aggression often see hostile intent where it does not exist.
D)Boys are more likely than girls to be targets of harsh, inconsistent discipline.
Research consistently shows that young children exposed to long hours of mediocre to
poor-quality child care
A)score lower on cognitive measures only if they also come from low-SES homes.
B)score lower on language measures, but high on social skills, during the preschool years.
C)still show gains in cognitive, emotional, and social competence in the elementary school
D)score lower on measures of cognitive and language skills during the preschool and
elementary school years.
Miguel is spending a year volunteering in a homeless shelter. At the end of the year,
Miguel is likely to
A)attribute homelessness to personal or individual factors.
B)become overwhelmed by social injustices and withdraw from those affected.
C)become desensitized to social injustices and stop all volunteering activities.
D)redefine his own identity to include a responsibility to combat others' misfortunes.
One advantage of the sequential design is that
A)researchers can find out whether cohort effects are operating by comparing participants
of the same age who were born in different years.
B)it permits cause-and-effect inferences by studying groups of people differing in age at
the same point in time.
C)it presents participants with a novel task and follows their mastery over a series of
closely spaced sessions.
D)it is especially useful for studying the strategies children use to acquire new knowledge
in reading and science.
Mrs. Rosinski gives each of her children, ages 5, 8, and 12, a shopping list of 10 items.
Which of the following results can she expect to see?
A)Her 5-year-old will probably make a plan before searching for items.
B)Her 12-year-old will probably scan the store before searching for items.
C)All of the children will immediately start to retrieve items.
D)All of the children will probably make a plan before searching for items.
Many gifted children and adolescents
A)are socially isolated.
B)have high self-esteem.
C)display creativity in many unrelated areas.
D)have driving and overambitious parents.
Which of the following statements is supported by research on television violence?
A)Children's programming is below average in violent content.
B)Watching violence on TV does not increase the likelihood of aggressive behavior.
C)Older children are more likely than preschoolers and young school-age children to
imitate TV violence.
D)Time spent watching TV in childhood and adolescence predicts aggressive behavior in
Which of the following tasks would be within Lucy's zone of proximal development?
A)a task that Lucy cannot accomplish alone or with the help of an adult
B)a task that Lucy has recently mastered independently following the assistance of an
C)a task that Lucy cannot yet handle on her own but can do with the help of an adult
D)a task that Lucy accomplishes through her independent activity
The Attachment Q-Sort
A)is not suitable for children between 1 and 5 years.
B)is less time-consuming than the Strange Situation.
C)does not differentiate between types of insecurity.
D)taps fewer attachment-related behaviors than the Strange Situation.
According to Erikson, once children have a sense of autonomy, they become
A)filled with doubt and shame.
B)aware of their own psychological conflict.
C)less contrary than they were as toddlers.
D)unmotivated to perform unfamiliar tasks.
Joshua recently switched from elementary school to middle school. He feels less
academically competent, and his liking for school has declined. Which of the following
best explains the cause of his feelings?
A)He has more homework and less time for socializing with friends.
B)He now is offered fewer chances to participate in classroom decision making.
C)Boys, more so than girls, tend to struggle with school transitions.
D)His parents have become more involved with his schooling.
Which of the following is a common criticism of Vygotsky's theory?
A)It underemphasizes the role of verbal communication in early childhood development.
B)It overemphasizes the development of basic cognitive processes in early childhood.
C)It places too much emphasis on how elementary capacities spark changes in children's
social experiences.
D)It says too little about how basic cognitive skills contribute to socially transmitted
higher cognitive processes.

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