CGS SS 59441

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 19
subject Words 2179
subject Authors Barry Lewis, Lynn Kilgore, Robert Jurmain

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The earliest TRUE city was:
Unlike chimpanzees, bonobos do not have closely bonded male groups.
Oldowan tools are very generalized in function.
There is clear evidence that Homo erectus regularly and systematically hunted to obtain
The first unambiguous primates appear in the fossil record during the Eocene.
Childe's Oasis model implies that humans were predestined to develop agriculture.
The increased emphasis on primates' sight is likely associated with the development of
flowering plants.
There are no well-documented examples of natural selection operating in natural
The development of global economies and population growth have increased the threats
posed by infectious diseases.
Hypotheses only become theories when they are successfully tested several times and
are not rejected.
Hominin occupations at Olduvai Gorge likely represent a home-base foraging pattern.
A cladogram typically includes both a time scale and the evolutionary relationship
between organisms.
Cultural anthropologists study virtually any aspect of modern human behavior.
The earliest TRUE city is found in Mesopotamia.
Traditional studies of race have typically focused on superficial phenotypic
Pleistocene climate changes were primarily limited to the temperate regions outside of
The earliest Homo erectus fossils date to 1.8 million years ago.
The Epipaleolithic of the Near East was more dependent on wild nut and seed crops
than the Mesolithic in northern Europe.
Humans exhibit both quantitative and qualitative differences from the other primates.
Environmental explanations of domestication typically propose that some change
altered a population's ability to feed its members.
Archaeology is primarily associated with the study of past species, such as dinosaurs.
Infanticide may serve to increase the reproductive fitness of the male who commits it.
According to the Regional Continuity model, Neandertals are classified as the same
biological species as anatomically modern humans.
Evidence from the Upper Paleolithic in Asia shows that there is no evidence for
occupation prior to the initial occupation of the New World.
The term "race" currently has only biological connotations and is without any social
The rate of culturally and technological innovation during the Upper Paleolithic was
greater than any of the preceding cultural periods.
The development of larger brains (encephalization) is one of the primary aspects of
early hominin evolution.
Physical anthropologists are only interested in the fossil record.
Primates are unlike many mammals in the fact that females typically have a permanent
association with the group of their birth.
All aspects of the past culture can be easily reconstructed through archaeological
The distribution of resources within an environment does not influence social structure.
The exchange of DNA between paired chromosomes is known as recombination.
The various components of hominin biocultural evolution development simultaneously.
The first TRUE Chinese civilization develops around:
A.8,000 y.a.
B.6,000 y.a.
C.5,000 y.a.
D.4,000 y.a.
E.2,000 y.a
The structure of DNA can be described as a double helix.
The European Upper Paleolithic contains the earliest examples of artwork and personal
Which of the following statements best describes the development of plant
domestication in the Near East?
A.It was preceded by a hunting and gathering economy based on small-grain grass and
cereal seeds.
B.It coincides with a cooler and dryer climate.
C.It is associated with the human dispersal of cereal grasses to the stream valleys.
D.all of the above
E.only A and C
In primates, an increased period of infant dependency:
A.requires greater parental investment
B.provides for an increase in flexible learned behavior
C.results in more intense child rearing
D.all of the above
E.only A and C
Which of the following is not a component of an ecological niche?
D.all of the above
E.only A and B
Which of the following may be the meaning of the deep cave art found in western
A.religious rituals
B.visual communication
C.for aesthetic purposes
D.all of the above
E.only A and C
Which of the following would not be an example of material culture?
A.carved ivory statue
E.All of the above are examples of material culture.
Venus figurines:
A.are only associated with Aurignacian
B.were only used as fertility objects
C.depict women in range of statuses/roles
D.all of the above
E.both A and C
Which of the following best defines the term 'empirical'?
A.a systematic means to minimize bias
B.something relying on experiment or observation
C.well substantiated explanations about natural phenomena
D.facts from which conclusions can be drawn
E.none of these
The Tianyuan skeleton has been offered as evidence in support of:
A.The Partial Replacement Model
B.The Complete Replacement Model
C.The Regional Continuity Model
D.The Out of Asia Model
E.none of these
Which of the following best describes the changes in subsistence practices of groups
during the early and middle Holocene?
A.initial systematic exploitation of fish and fowl resources
B.primarily associated with hunting megafauna
C.intensive hunting, fishing, and gathering
D.a decreased emphasis on the importance of plant foods in the diet
E.a switch away from marine resources as sea levels rise
Which of the following is commonly used to define members of a species?
A.They are reproductively isolated .
B.ability to interbreed and produce fertile offspring
C.geographic proximity
D.similar processes of enculturation
E.none of these
Which lines of evidence are used to support the North Atlantic Ice-Edge Corridor model
for the peopling of the New World?
A.the presence of clear Clovis precursors in the Asian Upper Paleolithic
B.a technological connection between Clovis and the Solutrean tool technology
C.the fact that the Clovis culture immediately post-dates the Solutrean culture
D.all of the above
E.only B and C
As a species, Homo erectus existed:
A.for less than 1 million years
B.for about 500,000 years
C.for over 2 million years
D.for about 1.5 million years
E.throughout the Pliocene
Primate teeth:
A.are generalized and lack specializations seen in many other mammalian groups
B.are very specialized, reflecting a specialized diet not differ from other mammalian teeth
D.are used primarily for grasping objects since the hands are not used for this purpose
E.all of these
Which of the following would be an example of a selective pressure?
A.drought influencing the size and toughness of seeds
C.prey animals
D.all of the above
E.only A and C
The founder effect is defined as:
A.a type of genetic drift
B.unlikely to significantly alter allele frequencies
C.a process occurring when a larger population is reduced in size or splits into a smaller
D.all of the above
E.only A and C
Which of the following best describes the diet of gorillas?
D.none of the above
E.A and C
Which of the following factors influences how many variations a species can diverge
A.the adaptive potential of available niches
B.its adaptive potential
C.whether it is a prey or predator species
D.all of the above
E.only A and B
The earliest, fully anatomically modern humans in Asia likely date to:
A.10,000-50,000 years ago
B.75,000-100,000 years ago
C.100,000-120,000 years ago
D.175,00-200,000 years ago
E.200,000-250,000 years ago
Objects or materials made or modified for use by hominins are known as:
D.the archaeological record
E.all of these
The study of ancient patterns of health, stature, and demography from skeletal remains
is known as:
B.forensic anthropology
E.all of these
Data are typically collected through:
C.specialized equipment
D.all of the above
E.only A and B
Homoplasy is defined as:
A.the process leading to the development of analogies
B.the process of divergent evolution
C.the process leading to the development of homologies
D.the basis for constructing cladograms
E.only used in evolutionary systematics
The importance of learning for mammals is reflected in:
A.their long developmental period
B.their homeothermy
C.their nocturnal heritage
D.the fact that they are heterodonts
E.all of these
Which of the following hominin species is the least derived?
A.Australopithecus afarensis
B.Australopithecus africanus
C.Australopithecus robustus
D.Australopithecus anamensis
E.Australopithecus boisei
The increase in genetic diversity within a population resulting from the exchange of
genes with another population is known as:
B.gene flow
C.non-random mating
D.genetic drift
E.none of these
Which of the following represents a cost of group living?
A.increased risk of predation
B.increased energy expenditure
C.increased competition for resources
D.all of the above
E.only B and C
Lyell's concept of deep time and the extended antiquity of the earth was influential on
Darwin's development of natural selection because:
page-pf17 introduced the idea that organisms and their environment were interrelated refuted the idea of fixity of species made speciation through gradual change possible
D.all of these
E.none of these
What characteristics of wild grasses are NOT likely to have been consciously selected
for by foragers in the process of domestication?
A.larger seeds
B.less tough glumes
C.more brittle rachis
D.more grains per seed head
E.structure which shatters less readily
The earliest anatomically modern humans are from Africa.
The process by which cultural values and beliefs are transmitted from one generation to
the next is known as:
C.trans-generational crossover
D.biocultural evolution
E.none of these
Which of the following statements best describes the nature of Olmec political
A.It represents the first undisputed civilization in Mesoamerica.
B.It may represent the first civilization in the Americas.
C.It contains characteristics of a chiefdom, or ranked society.
D.all of the above
E.only B and C
The expression of two alleles in a heterozygote is defined as:
C.independent assortment
D.combined expression
E.point mutation

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