CGS SS 483 Quiz 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 8
subject Words 903
subject Authors Adena B. Meyers, Laura E. Berk

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Lou's parents give him feedback that is primarily negative or inconsistent. The chances are
high that Lou
A)will become increasingly resilient with age.
B)will rely more on adults than peers to affirm his self-esteem.
C)has a relatively stable, if negative, self-worth.
D)feels incompetent and unloved.
Frankie is failing and at risk for dropping out of high school. He will be more likely to
complete his education if he
A)receives intensive remedial instruction in small classes.
B)transfers to a new school.
C)gets an after-school job to boost his self-esteem.
D)is punished by his parents for his low grades.
Ten-year-old Gemma is presented with a stream of numbers on a computer screen. She is
asked to press a button whenever the two-digit sequence of a "5" followed by a "7"
appears. Gemma's __________ attention is being tested.
__________ is appropriate if the mother€s pushing during the second stage of labor does
not move the baby through the birth canal in a reasonable period of time.
A)Instrument delivery
B)Epidural analgesia
C)Use of an anesthetic
D)Induced labor
The ethological theory of attachment
A)suggests that the infant's emotional tie to the mother is the foundation of all later
B)recognizes the infant's emotional tie to the caregiver as an evolved response that
promotes survival.
C)emphasizes the importance of feeding as the central context in which caregivers and
babies build close emotional bonds.
D)suggests that infants learn to prefer their mother because she functions as both a primary
caregiver and a social partner.
Which of the following individuals is most likely to have fraternal twins?
A)Marlie, a 25-year-old Caucasian American
B)Janie, a 30-year-old Caucasian American
C)Asuka, a 30-year-old Japanese
D)Rhoda, a 30-year-old African
Which of the following teens is most likely to have an adolescent pregnancy?
A)Wynn, a middle-income African American
B)Kim, a high-income Asian American
C)Selena, a low-income Hispanic American
D)Bella, a middle-income Caucasian American
Marcus is able to evaluate the logic of verbal statements without referring to real-world
circumstances. Marcus is engaging in
A)hypothetico-deductive reasoning.
B)propositional thought.
C)concrete operational thought.
D)cognitive intuition.
__________ prompts children to make amends.
Young children's writing is usually large because
A)horizontal motions are easier to control.
B)vertical motions are easier to control.
C)it is easier to maintain uniform height with larger letters.
D)they make strokes using the entire arm.
Students who are not assigned to a college preparatory track or who achieve poorly in high
school can still attend college in
C)Western Europe.
D)the United States.
Charles Darwin's theory of evolution emphasized __________ and __________.
A)the normative approach; survival of the fittest
B)noble savages; physical maturation
C)tabula rasa; natural selection
D)natural selection; survival of the fittest
Brad is a teenager who has experimented minimally with alcohol. Brad is likely to
A)be a healthy, curious young person.
B)become an addict in adulthood.
C)be less sociable than his peers who do not experiment.
D)choose not to drink alcohol in college.
Which of the following 21-year-olds is most likely to report low self-esteem and depressed
A) Henry, who has been in a committed relationship for two years
B) Patrick, who just started dating a girl from his biology class
C) Lucy, who has a "friends with benefits" relationship with her roommate
D) Camille, who has a friend who brags to her about her various "hookups"
Which of the following children, when placed in front of a mirror, is most likely to respond
to the appearance of a red dot on his or her nose by touching or rubbing his or her nose?
A)Reggie, an 8-month-old boy
B)Melik, a 12-month-old boy
C)Isabella, a 16-month-old girl
D)Jayla, a 21-month-old girl
As an adolescent, Grant has failed to select a vocation that matches his interests and skills.
According to Erikson, Grant
A)lacks a sense of industry.
B)has poor initiative.
C)has a weak sense of trust.
D)has recently overcome an identity crisis.
Second-language competence
A)drops sharply after age 18.
B)increases continuously with age.
C)drops sharply after age 10.
D)decreases continuously with age.
Which of the following accurately characterizes the three-phase sequence that many
gay and lesbian adolescents and adults move through in coming out to themselves and
A)feeling different, confusion, self-acceptance
B)confusion, feeling accepted, announcement
C)feeling different, self-acceptance, integration
D)feeling rejected, confusion, self-acceptance

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