CGS SS 43889

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1827
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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Which of the following statements about sex differences in computer use is true?
A) Boys show greater use when software programs include background music.
B) Girls more often analyze data and use graphics software.
C) Girls typically focus on information gathering and social networking.
D) Girls acquire more specialized computer knowledge.
The good news about American high school dropouts is that about one-third of them
A) obtain rewarding, high-paying jobs.
B) are happily married and satisfied with their lives.
C) attend a high-quality trade school.
D) return to finish their secondary education within a few years.
Which of the following factors can prompt parental strain as children depart from the
A) a child who was born after the parents turned 30
B) a higher SES
C) a strong orientation toward work
D) a child who is "off-time" in development
Serious violent crime is
A) mostly the domain of boys.
B) mostly the domain of girls.
C) rarely committed by teens.
D) linked to authoritative parenting.
According to cognitive-developmental theory, __________ come(s) before __________
in the development of gender identity.
A) behavior; self-perceptions
B) gender constancy; gender identity
C) self-perceptions; behavior
D) gender constancy; gender awareness
Which theory of attachment is the most widely accepted view?
A) ethological
B) psychoanalytic
C) sociocultural
D) "clear-cut"
Which of the following statements about sleep apnea is true?
A) It affects more women than men.
B) Those who are underweight are especially prone to it.
C) It affects 45 to 60 percent of older adults.
D) It affects more people in early than in late adulthood.
Two-year-old Vanessa attempts to put her doll's jacket on herself. She then attempts to
sit in her doll's highchair. Vanessa is displaying
A) scale errors.
B) continuity of control.
C) self-recognition.
D) a categorical self.
Terry is an older adult living in a small town. Which of the following is a likely
advantage of Terry's community?
A) Terry probably has greater access to social services than urban older adults.
B) Terry is more likely than urban and suburban older adults to live near his children.
C) Terry is more likely than urban older adults to have greater life satisfaction.
D) Terry probably has better access to transportation than urban older adults.
Family chaos is linked to
A) warm, involved parent"child interaction.
B) enhanced language development.
C) economic disadvantage.
D) time spent sleeping.
Which type of intelligence begins to decline in the twenties?
A) kinesthetic
B) crystallized
C) naturalistic
D) fluid
Which of the following statements about the consequences of child sexual abuse is
A) The adjustment problems of victims tend to subside once the abuse stops.
B) Repeated sexual abuse is associated with central nervous system damage.
C) In adolescence, abused young people are less promiscuous than their agemates.
D) Women who were sexually abused are less likely to choose partners who abuse them
and their children.
Which of the following statements about cooperative learning is true?
A) When more expert students cooperate with less expert students, both benefit in
achievement and self-esteem.
B) Western children typically require little guidance to succeed at cooperative learning.
C) The benefits of cooperative learning are limited to young school-age children.
D) Cooperative learning groups tend to be a powerful source of educational
self-fulfilling prophecies.
Which of the following older adults is the most likely to enter a nursing home?
A) Mr. Holzman, who has dementia
B) Mrs. Nairon, who has cancer
C) Mr. Overholser, who has cardiovascular disease
D) Mrs. Pegel, who has Type 2 diabetes
Research on the origins of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) indicates
A) ADHD is highly heritable.
B) symptoms of ADHD usually appear in infancy.
C) the disorder is usually inherited from the mother's side of the family.
D) a stressful home life usually causes ADHD.
Of all Western nations, __________ has the highest percentage of extremely poor
A) the United States
B) Canada
C) Germany
D) France
When Erica's best friend makes her angry, she takes a deep breath and counts to ten.
Erica is using
A) problem-centered coping.
B) emotion-centered coping.
C) emotional self-efficacy.
D) coregulation strategies.
The ability to distinguish theory from evidence and use logical rules to examine their
A) improves steadily from childhood into adolescence.
B) slowly declines as adolescents move into adulthood.
C) is unrelated to years of formal schooling.
D) develops in early childhood.
Martin, age 47, is single and has no children. Which of the following of Martin's
activities reflects generativity?
A) Martin works out at the gym three evenings a week and runs every night.
B) Martin attends worship services two times per week and participates in a bible study
C) Martin volunteers at the YMCA as a basketball coach and is a "big brother" in the
Big Brothers/Big Sisters program.
D) Martin participates in community theater and starred in a local production of Guys
and Dolls.
Which of the following statements regarding intelligence tests in schools is true?
A) Most experts feel that intelligence testing in schools should be mandatory.
B) Most experts feel that intelligence testing in schools should be suspended.
C) IQ scores have been found to be inaccurate measures of school learning potential for
the majority of Western children.
D) Intelligence tests are useful when interpreted carefully by psychologists and
educators who are sensitive to cultural influences on test performance.
In the United States and a few European countries, __________ are responsible for a
modest, continuing trend toward earlier menarche.
A) increased rates of infectious disease
B) soaring rates of overweight and obesity
C) eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia,
D) lack of standardized health care and high poverty rates
A major limitation of systematic observation is that it
A) provides little information on how participants actually behave.
B) underestimates the capacities of individuals who have difficulty putting their
thoughts into words.
C) tells investigators little about the reasoning behind responses and behaviors.
D) ignores participants with poor memories, who may have trouble recalling exactly
what happened.
Gloria's marriage was riddled with jealousy, emotional highs and lows, and desperation
about whether her husband returned her affection. Though she offered support to her
husband, Gloria did so in ways that poorly fit his needs. She was also quick to express
fear and anger. Based on this information, it is likely that Gloria has a(n) __________
attachment history.
A) secure
B) avoidant
C) resistant
D) trusting
Four-year-old Ellie is shown two pictures: one depicting a child stealing an apple, and
the other showing a child eating ice cream with her fingers. Ellie is most likely to view
A) the stealing as worse than the bad table manners.
B) both actions as okay as long as they were not witnessed by an adult.
C) both actions as equally wrong.
D) the bad table manners as worse than the stealing.
Dr. Sardoza is interested in research on the organization and interpretation of what we
see. Dr. Sardoza studies
A) sensation.
B) habituation and recovery.
C) perception.
D) visual acuity.
Late adulthood
A) can be a time of continued potential.
B) is a period of deterioration and isolation.
C) is a period of dependency and decline.
D) is best viewed as a break with earlier periods.
Professor Hardwick is interested in the strong affectionate tie children have with special
people in their lives that leads them to be comforted by their nearness in times of stress.
Professor Hardwick studies
A) attachment.
B) goodness of fit.
C) temperament.
D) sociocultural theory.
Gains in __________ contribute to a child's ability to play games with rules.
A) phonological awareness
B) cognitive self-regulation
C) perspective taking
D) muscle mass
Young infants can be classically conditioned most easily when
A) they are sleeping or drowsy.
B) the association between two stimuli has survival value.
C) the stimuli presented involve pain.
D) the stimuli presented involve pleasure.
Noncustodial fathers who see their children only occasionally tend to take on a(n)
__________ style of parenting.
A) authoritarian
B) authoritative
C) uninvolved
D) permissive
Rejected-aggressive children are
A) deficient in perspective taking.
B) passive and socially awkward.
C) bullied more often than rejected-withdrawn children.
D) more often accepted by boys than by girls.
Which of the following contributes to the sharp rise in suicide from childhood to
A) belief in the personal fable
B) impulsiveness
C) identity foreclosure
D) moral self-relevance

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