CGS SS 39061

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 1829
subject Authors Rebecca L Stein

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Among the Yanomam, hallucinogenic snuff is taken by shamans in order to:
a. divine the future
b. locate the location of animals
c. entice spirits into the body
d. feed the gods
In the Huichol ritual an altered state of consciousness is mainly brought about by:
a. eating the peyote cactus
b. meditation
c. fasting
d. drumming
All of the following are phases of a rite of passage except:
a. transition
b. separation
c. peripheralization
d. incorporation
Kali is a(n):
a. agricultural and fertility deity
b. war goddess and destroyer of demons
c. destroyer of ignorance and bringer of knowledge
d. goddess of love and marriage
Among the Dani spirits can be classified on the basis of all of the following except
whether they are:
a. close or remote
b. male or female
c. beneficent or malevolent
d. spirit or non-spirit life form
The movement of culture traits from one culture to another is termed:
a. acculturation
b. diffusion
c. assimilation
d. discovery
There are many approaches to the study of religion in anthropology. One approach is to
ask the question: What does religion do? What roles does religion play in human
societies? This approach is referred to as the:
a. functional approach
b. psychosocial approach
c. evolutionary approach
d. cognitive approach
A proposed relationship between early childhood experiences and adult projection
systems like myths is characteristic of which analytic approach?
a. functional analysis
b. structural analysis
c. psychoanalytic analysis
d. evolutionary analysis
Freud described myths as:
a. neuroses
b. shared dreams
c. psychoanalysis
d. psychological conflict
In Buddhism, rebirth is seen not as the transmission of a distinct personality, but as a
transmission of:
a. consciousness
b. karma
c. lineage
d. thoughts
Characteristics of an altered state of consciousness include:
a. attachment of new meaning to experiences
b. perceptual distortions and hallucinations
c. sudden and unexpected displays of emotional extremes
d. all of the above
Yoruba taxi cab drivers will sacrifice an animal to the god Ogun. This is an example of
a. hunting & gathering rite of intensification
b. protective ritual
c. therapeutic ritual
d. rite of passage
Symbolic elements of dance include:
a. movement
b. costume
c. paraphernalia
d. all of the above
Which of the following might also be referred to as an ethnographer?
a. a physical anthropologist
b. an archaeologist
c. a cultural anthropologist
d. a linguistic anthropologist
Which of the following is true about Navaho witchcraft?
a. Navaho witches are born with witchcraft substance within their bodies
b. witchcraft is a common factor in Navaho life that is freely talked about
c. witchcraft is learned from a close relative and requires initiation
d. witches participate in healing rituals
Geographical areas wherein are found societies that share a great many characteristics
are known as:
a. culture areas
b. ethnographic zones
c. ecological regions
d. societal areas
a. may receive a call from the spirits through an altered state of consciousness to
become a shaman
b. may become a shaman because of recovering from a illness
c. are sometimes call "wounded healers" in that they are often driven to become
shamans because of illness, accident, spirit possession, and so forth
d. all of the above
The Hmong of Laos believe that:
a. illness occurs when one of many souls is frightened out of the body or stolen by
b. the immortal souls recycles from grandparent to grandchild
c. one aspect of the soul lives near the liver and can be stolen by a shaman causing
d. only souls of people free of sin will go to Heaven
In Native American cultures it is common for an individual to enter an altered state of
consciousness and receive a gift of supernatural power. Seeking to do this is known as
a. vision quest
b. soul search
c. spiritual boon
d. guardian gift
An example of a supernatural element in the narrative of Snow White is:
a. the queen's looking glass
b. Snow White returning to life after death
c. the queen eating the heart of Snow White to obtain her qualities of beauty
d. all of the above
The Soyal Ceremony of the Hopi of Arizona begins on the winter solstice and marks the
beginning of the Hopi ceremonial cycle. This ceremony is:
a. prescriptive and periodic
b. situational and occasional
c. prescriptive and occasional
d. occasional and periodic
Lord Pakal, a Mayan ruler of Palenque, ruled in the:
a. fifth century
b. seventh century
c. thirteenth century
d. eighteenth century
A ghost can best be thought of as:
a. a dead person brought to life through magic
b. a soul that remains in the world of the living
c. an evil spirit or deity
d. none of the above
Herbalists are:
a. healers
b. prophets
c. diviners
d. witches
An agnostic:
a. has not made up his mind about the existence of the supernatural
b. believes that there is no supernatural
c. says that it is impossible to prove or disprove the existence of the supernatural
d. none of the above
Female demons are termed:
a. incubi
b. orisha
c. succubae
d. zairan
The point of view that all knowledge is a human "construction," that there are multiple
viewpoints and truths, and that we must be aware of our own viewpoints and biases, is
referred to as:
a. modernity
b. essentialism
c. postmodernism
d. Marxism
The book Malleus Maleficarum was:
a. written in the 15th century and set forth European witchcraft beliefs of the time
b. a 17th century description of witchcraft beliefs in northern Africa
c. a late 18th century anthropological study of European witchcraft
d. was written by Gerald Gardner and became the basis of much Neo-Pagan belief
In the Holiness Church, an altered state of consciousness is brought about by:
a. music and dance
b. the drinking of poison
c. drumming
d. the use of peyote
Which of the following is true about the concept of the soul in small-scale religions?
a. the soul may be destroyed on its way to the other world
b. the fate of the soul may be the result of the social statuses of the individual during
c. the souls of people who die a special death, such as in war, may share a fate different
from those who die a different death
d. all of the above
Much of Dani behavior, including the fear of traveling outside of the village at night, is
based upon their belief in the existence of:
a. sorcerers
b. zombies
c. ghosts
d. witches
Which of the following is true about Vodou deities?
a. God is a remote creator deity who is no longer directly involved with the everyday
lives of the people
b. Catholic Saints are seen as manifestations of Vodou deities
c. during rituals deities will possess worshippers
d. all of the above
Okinawan priests are:
a. always women from specific clans
b. communicate with the ancestors and the kami
c. practice divination and healing
d. all of the above
The Holiness Churches use tobacco and alcohol as a sacrament to create contact with
the Holy Ghost.
The Fore of New Guinea practice mortuary cannibalism, that is, they eat the body of
their deceased relatives.
Postmodernism highlights the scientific method and rationality in the discovery of
Cargo Cults are high-demand forms of Christianity that developed in West Africa in the
early twentieth century.
A remote, isolated society that nevertheless uses manufactured clothing and canned
goods received from the outside is said to be assimilated.
In contrast with traditional shamanism, neoshamanism focuses on the individual, often
as a self-help means of improving one's life.
Wicca has been described as a polytheistic religion.
Among the Trobriand Islanders, a "man with knowledge" is one who possesses
technological knowledge as well as knowledge of magic.
Symbols are arbitrary, that is, new symbols can be created when necessary.
Animatism refers to the idea of an impersonal supernatural force.
From at etic perspective, Mary can be classified as a goddess in the Roman Catholic
The term shaman is a term used for a kind of religious specialist; the term is derived
from Latin.
Pentecostal preachers resemble shamans in that they will enter altered states of
consciousness to contact the supernatural, in this case God, as a part of a healing ritual.
The study of religious art excavated from now extinct cultures is a part of the field of
The Hindu goddess Kali is often pictured as dark skinned and naked, standing on a
corpse dripping with blood.
All languages have a similar set of basic color terms in terms of number and meaning.
Different Yoruba deities, or orisha, can be identified, in part, by the colors used in their
Pain, caused by placing skewers through the skin, characterizes the Cheyenne Sun

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