CGS SS 38277

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 12
subject Words 2127
subject Authors Kenneth J. Guest

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Someone who ________ would be said to be part of the 1.5 generation.
a. is fifteen years old
b. was born in California, but had parents who were born in Cuba
c. was born in Cuba and migrated in his or her fifties
d. was born in Cuba but grew up in the United States
e. was internally displaced
Agriculture developed in all of the following regions, EXCEPT:
a. the Andes.
b. the Fertile Crescent.
c. Mexico.
d. southern Africa.
e. China.
Masu harka and "yan daudu see homosexual behavior as:
a. incompatible with marrying women and having families, and as incompatible with
their Muslim faith.
b. compatible with marrying women and having families, and as compatible with their
Muslim faith.
c. incompatible with marrying women and having families, but as compatible with their
Muslim faith.
d. compatible with marrying women and having families, but as incompatible with their
Muslim faith.
e. embracing Western decadence and rejecting their Nigerian heritage, especially their
Muslim faith.
Biomedicine is defined as:
a. the intersection of multiple cultural approaches to healing.
b. a practice that seeks to apply the principles of the natural sciences.
c. the documentation and description of the local use of natural substances in healing
remedies and practices.
d. the comparative study of local systems of health and healing.
e. the study of the spread of disease and pathogens through the human population.
Summarize Catherine Lutz and Jane Collins' study of National Geographic's
photographic gaze. What is the effect of National Geographic's cultural lens? Then
make a short list of visual media you encounter throughout the daysocial media, news,
television shows, websites, and advertising, for exampleand list some clues that you
think intentionally or unintentionally express the worldviews of the media owners,
editors, designers, videographers, or others who made that media.
Foragers move over a particular territory and form small, kin-based groups that are
referred to as:
a. bands.
b. chiefdoms.
c. movements.
d. states.
e. tribes.
An autonomous regional political structure with a central government authorized to
make laws and use political, economic, and military force to maintain order and defend
its territory is referred to as a:
a. group.
b. band.
c. tribe.
d. chiefdom.
e. state.
If the replacement theory is correct, then:
a. archaic and modern humans should overlap in time in most locations.
b. individuals within a population would have certain characteristics that would enable
them to survive.
c. there would be high genetic variation farther away from Africa.
d. there would be no genetic variation in human populations.
e. archaic and modern humans should not overlap in time in any locations.
In Jewish tradition, in order to be Jewish, a person must have a Jewish mother, follow
the Jewish religion, and abide by kosher food limitations. While these are not ironclad,
these customs set off traditional Jewish people from others and demonstrate the concept
a. ethnic boundary markers.
b. ethnic-making projects.
c. socially significant traits.
d. nationalistic customs.
e. religious determinism.
Cousins who are children of a father's brother or a mother's sister are considered which
type of cousin?
a. companionate cousins
b. affinal cousins
c. cross-cousins
d. parallel cousins
e. second cousins
The tendency of people of European descent in the United States to favor people like
themselves and give them the benefit of any doubt is known as:
a. cultural hedging.
b. fascism.
c. social capital.
d. stratified whiteness.
e. white privilege.
Annette Weiner:
a. conducted a restudy of the Trobriand Islands.
b. researched social life among the Nuer of Africa.
c. studied the effects of colonialism in Puerto Rico.
d. examined sexuality in Samoa.
e. became an expert on Native Americans.
A small, kinship-based group of foragers who move over a particular territory is known
as a:
a. group.
b. band.
c. tribe.
d. chiefdom.
e. state.
Cousins who are children of a mother's brother or father's sister are considered which
type of cousins?
a. companionate cousins
b. affinal cousins
c. cross-cousins
d. parallel cousins
e. second cousins
Nepali building roads in India, Filipino maids in Saudi Arabia, and Turkish street
repairmen in Germany are examples of which global dynamic?
a. time-space compression
b. international migration
c. transportation technology
d. uneven development
e. increasing migration
Which of the following is a person who sacrifices his or her life for the sake of his or
her religion?
a. saint
b. martyr
c. priest
d. nun
e. pastor
Originally, this term referred to a distinct group of people with a shared place of origin,
but it is now most commonly used to refer to a country.
a. state
b. realm
c. mandate
d. nation-state
e. nation
More than 80 percent of victims of domestic violence in the United States:
a. are female.
b. are male.
c. are transgender.
d. are abused by a stranger.
e. deserved it.
DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act, stated which of the following about marriage?
a. Marriage is the legal union between any two U.S. citizens.
b. Marriage is the legal union between one man and one woman.
c. Marriage is a union between one man and one woman recognized by a religious
institution, but not the U.S. government.
d. Marriage is a union between any two individuals recognized by a religious
institution, but not the U.S. government.
e. Marriage is a union between one man and no more than three women.
________ influences what people consider unthinkable or undoable thoughts, which
leads to the establishment of "natural truths" among a group of people.
a. The hegemony of ideas
b. Biological need
c. Cultural relativism
d. Unilineal cultural evolution
e. Structural functionalism
What field of anthropology studies monkeys, apes, and other nonhuman primates?
a. evolutionary biology
b. paleoanthropology
c. paleoprimatology
d. primatology
e. sociobiology
What key dynamic of globalization is characterized by movement of people not only
between countries but also within the individual countries themselves?
a. ease of transportation
b. flexible accumulation
c. increasing migration
d. population drive
e. time-space compression
Which of the following does the author identify as a success the global economy has
achieved in the past sixty years?
a. School enrollments have more than doubled across the globe.
b. Infant mortality rates have dropped by more than 60 percent.
c. A reduction in poverty: fewer than one million people across the globe go hungry
each day.
d. Life expectancy has risen by 50 percent to seventy-eight years in the past century.
e. A decline in child malnutrition resulting in fewer than one million deaths annually.
Development is best defined as:
a. a term used to suggest that poor countries are poor as a result of their relationship to
an unbalanced global economic system.
b. a theory that predicts that former colonies would progress along the same lines as the
industrialized nations.
c. a strategy by which wealthy nations would spur global economic growth by
alleviating poverty by investing in former colonies.
d. a critique that argued that despite the end of colonialism, the underlying economic
relations in the global economy had not changed.
e. a continued pattern of unequal economic relations despite the formal end of colonial
political and military control.
As new speech communities have been formed through the digital activism of the Arab
Spring, a new ________ that includes events, names, and ideas pertaining to social
protest has also emerged.
a. mock language
b. prestige language
c. lexicon
d. set of phonemes
e. syntax
Economic resources sent back to countries of origin play an important role in:
a. supporting families and stimulating economic growth in local communities.
b. maintaining matriarchal households.
c. specifying who and who cannot migrate.
d. contributing to the tax base of destination countries.
e. finance health insurance exchanges for nonmigrants.
The export of television shows worldwide and the knowledge of other cultures that is
subsequently disseminated to even remote areas of the world are an example of which
of the following concepts?
a. functionalism
b. relativism
c. cosmopolitanism
d. capitalism
e. nationalism
Digital immigrants are:
a. the gap between those fully able to participate in the digital age and those without
access to electricity, the Internet, and mobile phones.
b. social struggles for worker rights and democracy that are aided by social media,
mobile phones, and electronic communication.
c. born after the 1980s; this generation has spent their lives using devices like
smartphones and laptops.
d. the era defined by the proliferation of high-speed communication technologies, social
networking, and personal computing.
e. the generation that uses technology, but in a process more akin to learning a new
culture or language.
________ advanced the position that capitalism works best when the government has a
role in moderating the basic welfare of all its citizens.
a. John Keynes
b. Adam Smith
c. Karl Marx
d. Henry Ford
e. Immanuel Wallerstein
Anthropology looks at the complete diversity of human life across space and time, and
this reflects the field's commitment to:
a. thoroughness.
b. holism.
c. transnationalism.
d. globalism.
e. human development.
The case of Lia Lee is significant for medical anthropologists because:
a. her parents were able to make a seamless transition from Eastern to Western medical
b. Western medicine provided a cure for an illness that herbs and soothing baths did not.
c. of the tensions of medical pluralism, as the family's beliefs did not mesh with the
d. it was a case of successful ethnomedicine, as physicians accepted herbalists' advice.
e. the child died when she was given an overdose of antibiotics in the hospital.
According to the text, the People's Republic of China moved to institutionalize
traditional Chinese medicine by all of the following, EXCEPT:
a. sending "barefoot doctors" to rural villages in the mid-twentieth century to provide
low-cost care.
b. formalizing teaching and requiring that practitioners be certified.
c. subsidizing research in low-tech approaches to preventative care.
d. developing ties by sending medical personal to developing nations in Africa.
e. creating videos to show Westerners the benefits of Chinese medical treatments.
When anthropologists compare the polygyny of Mormon fundamentalists in Utah to
Muslim tradition, which allows a man to have as many as four wives, they are doing
what kind of analysis?
a. ethnological
b. holistic
c. ethnographic
d. affinal
e. polygamous
In his work with Azande peoples, E. E. Evans-Pritchard found that which of the
following individuals are formally taught the knowledge of rituals and medicines and
use that knowledge to thwart the work of a witch?
a. shamans
b. priests
c. witch doctors
d. rabbis
e. witches
Policy planners and national governments did not rely on ________ as routes to
progress in former colonies.
a. interest-free loans to the nations of Latin America
b. scientific and technological expertise
c. developing the infrastructure
d. financial assistance from agencies like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and
World Bank
e. input from anthropologists and other experts

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