CGS SS 31236

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 18
subject Words 2178
subject Authors Robert Jurmain

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Creationism is considered a science because it has testable hypotheses.
Recent analyses have shown that the mtDNA from fossil modern human skeletons is
somewhat limited because mtDNA is a fairly small segment of DAN, and is transmitted
between generations as a single unit.
Birth is an event that is celebrated with ritual only in the United States and Europe.
During the Paleozoic era, reptiles were the dominant land vertebrates.
Charles Darwin acknowledged the importance of sexual reproduction when formulating
his theory of natural selection.
The "dental comb" is a specialization found in most of the anthropoid species.
Cladistics is an approach to classification that makes evolutionary interpretations based
solely on shared ancestral characters.
The theory of the inheritance of acquired characteristics has recently displaced natural
selection as mainstream science's most accepted theory of evolutionary change.
The Upper Paleolithic was a period during which there were rapid shifts in climatic
Vertebrate fossils are found as far back as the Paleozoic.
Miss Waldron's red colobus has officially been declared extinct.
All archaeologists agree that Homo erectus appears to have been an efficient big game
hunter who rarely gathered wild plant foods.
All human genetic disorders are inherited as recessive traits.
Mitochondrial DNA has the same molecular structure and function as nuclear DNA
found in the nucleus.
All primate communication is autonomic in nature.
Given the newest dates for the Ngandong Homo erectus material on Java, it is possible
that Homo erectus could have existed contemporaneously with Homo sapiens.
Genetic evidence suggests that Neandertal DNA is remarkably similar to modern
H. erectus was the first species with a cranial capacity approaching H. sapiens.
The partial replacement models have been bolstered by the sequencing of Neandertal
Using evolution to solve health problems requires medical researchers have training
that includes evolutionary theory.
Homo heidelbergensis refers to finds from China dating to between 850,000 and
200,000 years ago.
By 165,000 ya individuals were using fire at Blombos Cave, as evidenced by microliths
that show evidence that the stone had been carefully heated.
The concept of evolution is unique to Western science.
The scientific community is now in almost complete agreement that we are seeing the
effects of global warming.
Humans are the only living representatives of the habitually bipedal primates (hominin
The morphology of the child's skeleton from Abrigo do Lagar Velho in Portugal has
been cited as support for the regional continuity model for understanding modern
human origins.
Charles Lyell, author of Principles of Geology, is considered the founder of modern
The Human Genome Project was successfully completed in 1952.
Recessive conditions are usually associated with the lack of production of an enzyme.
All cultures share the same worldview.
Today, the effects of human impact on ecosystems remain a localized phenomenon.
Chimpanzees have never been observed to modify twigs for termite fishing before
actually arriving at the termite mound.
Light-skinned people, when compared to dark skinned people
a. produce too much melanin
b. have rickets
c. lack melanin
d. have no melanocytes
e. are not found in African populations
________ have very large, highly sexually dimorphic body sizes and live largely
solitary lives.
a. Gorillas
b. Chimpanzees
c. Gibbons
d. Orangutans
e. Humans
The traditional view of nonhuman communication has been that nonhumans, including
a. are perfectly capable of conveying information about the external environment or
their emotional state
b. use symbolic communication
c. use language in the same manner as humans
d. can convey information about events in the past and future
e. communicate information relating to their emotional state ONLY
While many theorists stayed home and debated the merits of natural selection and the
likely course of human evolution, this young Dutch anatomist enlisted in the Dutch East
Indian Army, having decided to go find evidence of it.
a. Eugene Dubois
b. Franz Weidenreich
c. Louis Leakey
d. Raymond Dart
e. Richard Leakey
Which of the following is an epoch of the Cenozoic era?
a. Ordovician
b. Permian
c. Triassic
d. Cambrian
e. Eocene
Thus far, what do the postcranial remains of the Dmanisi hominins indicate?
a. They are indistinguishable from Homo sapiens.
b. They are significantly more robust than other Homo erectus.
c. They are much more similar to modern humans than to Homo erectus.
d. The first hominins to leave Africa were possibly a very early form of H. erectus.
e. They are not bipeds.
The age of onset of menarche is affected by all of the following except
a. genetic patterns
b. nutrition
c. stress
d. disease
e. telomerase
In _________, the young are born in an extremely immature state and complete
development in their mother's external pouch.
a. placental mammals
b. monotremes
c. marsupials
d. reptiles
e. adaptive radiation
The origins of physical anthropology arose from two areas of interest among 19th
century scientists. What did these areas concern?
a. the origins of modern species and human variation
b. the genetic determinants of behavior and osteology
c. nonhuman primates and origins of modern species
d. human variation and osteology
e. human evolution and nonhuman primates
In Mendel's experiments, what was the ratio of tall to short plants in the F2 generation?
a. 15 to 1
b. 3 to 1
c. tall, short
d. 4 to 1
e. 5 to 1
A long period of female postreproductive time is found in which of the following?
a. chimpanzees
b. gorillas
c. all monkeys
d. lemurs
e. humans
Regarding the example of the peppered moth, which of the following is not true
a. the two color patterns resulted from genetic variation in the species
b. it has recently come under criticism
c. natural selection acted upon pre-existing variation in the population
d. the dark is more visible on the trees darkened by pollution
e. the most common variety of the peppered moth in England, prior to the 19th century,
was a mottled gray color.
Adaptations are
a. seen only in nonhuman animals
b. the same as acclimatization responses
c. always temporary
d. long term evolutionary changes
e. short-term evolutionary changes
Gibbons and siamangs are adapted for
a. quadrupedalism
b. bipedalism
c. brachiation
d. vertical clinging and leaping
e. knuckle-walking
Studies of nonhuman primate behavior
a. have no relevance for understanding human behavior
b. may provide valuable insights into human behavioral evolution
c. has not been shaped by genetic and environmental factors
d. offer familiar examples of individual and social behaviors but are not helpful in
identifying the interactions between a number of environmental and physiological
e. are indicative of how humans were once monkeys
Population geneticists use the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium equation to determine
a. whether evolution is occurring at all loci throughout the genome simultaneously
b. whether allele frequencies in a population are changing
c. the mode of inheritance of Mendelian traits
d. whether a particular trait is polygenic
e. if human populations are operating on evolutionary forces
What is the term for the ordering of organisms into categories, such as orders or
a. evolution
b. classification
c. parallelism
d. analogy
e. generalization
Mousterian culture evidences all of the following except
a. more complex burials, with the body's position deliberately modified
b. use of pigment, perhaps as body decoration, and jewelry
c. natural pigments deliberately applied to shells and animal bones
d. clear distinctions between Neandertals and early modern humans.
e. An expanded range of foods to include marine resources
What does the term biocultural evolution refer to?
a. biological changes in a species over time
b. changes in human culture from generation to generation
c. the interaction between biology and culture in human evolution
d. biological evolution in all species except humans
e. the influence of genetic engineering on culture
Facts about sexual dimorphism in humans include all of the following except
a. Slight evidence between boys and girls at birth
b. Evidence between boys and girls greatest at puberty
c. Refers to differences in body measures between males and females
d. Adolescent growth spurts occur two years earlier in girls than in boys
e. Rate of growth continues and increases as adult stature is achieved in late teens
a. is a uniquely human response to heat
b. has no detrimental physiological effects
c. is not an effective means of dissipating heat
d. permits cooling through evaporation
e. is an ability that varies from one human population to another
The Upper Paleolithic
a. began at the onset of the Pleistocene
b. is a cultural period attributed primarily to Neandertals
c. is characterized by the invention of iron tools
d. began about 150,000 years ago
e. is divided into five different industries, based on stone tool technologies
Chimpanzees live in groups composed of
a. one adult male, several females, and their young
b. large communities of bonded males and females, plus young of all ages
c. one adult male plus one adult female and their young
d. several adult females, one adult male, and any dependent young
e. other primate species
The term for a mating system in which males, and some cases females, have several
mating partners is
a. Estrus
b. Sexual selection
c. Polygynous
d. Monogamous
e. R-selected
Potato washing behavior has been observed in which of the following?
a. Japanese macaques
b. Albanian macaques
c. Japanese gorillas
d. Chimpanzees
e. vervets
At a hypothetical locus, a man's genotype is Aa. What proportion of his gametes would
be expected to receive the A allele?
a. All
e. None
Linguistic symbols are said to be ________ because they do not resemble the object or
concept they represent.
a. autonomic
b. deliberate
c. arbitrary
d. closed
e. innate
Evolution can be described as a two-stage process that includes which of the following?
a. genetic drift followed by migration
b. natural selection followed by migration
c. recombination followed by mutation
d. production of variation followed by natural selection acting on this variation
e. production and distribution of variation
Mammals, in contrast to reptiles,
a. have larger brains
b. are homodont
c. cannot process a wide variety of foods
d. lack fur
e. are ectothermic
A group of organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring is called
a. Hominidae
b. a species
c. a family
d. a hominid
e. a populace
What is the benefit of an atlatl?
a. It is a unique type of projectile point
b. It is used for starting fires.
c. It is used to increase the force and distance of a spear throw.
d. It can be used as a drill
e. It is used for fishing.

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