CGS SS 24451

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1293
subject Authors Susan Toby Evans

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The largest Mesoamerican ball court is found at the site of:
A. Labn
B. Pueblo Viejo
C. Cob
D. Chichn Itz
Tula's environmental setting can be described as:
A. semi-arid
B. tropical rainforest
C. arid
D. desert
A. in Mesoamerica happened at the same time as other places around the globe
B. first occurred during the Formative period in Mesoamerica
C. and sedentism must occur together
D. is not a prerequisite for sedentism
Chapters 5 and 6 of your textbook discuss the Formative period in Mesoamerica. Some
general conclusions that can be drawn from these chapters are that:
A. the Olmec heartland was the only place in Mesoamerica where cultural complexity
developed, while other areas were still in transition from hunting and gathering to an
agricultural lifestyle
B. the Olmecs had a direct and strong impact on all areas of Mesoamerica
C. as people completed the shift to agriculture, societies throughout Mesoamerica
became larger and more complex
D. all of the sites predominant during the Preclassic period endured and also flourished
during the Classic Period
During the Early Postclassic, the extensive trade network along West Mexico's Pacific
Coast and its interior was associated with the:
A. Aztec culture
B. Toltec culture
C. Aztatln culture
D. Hohokam culture
Copn's 16th ruler, Yax Pasaj, most likely commissioned Altar Q to:
A. showcase his expertise in Mayan hieroglyphic writing
B. celebrate his Palenque heritage
C. create the longest Mayan text of the Classic period
D. honor the Copn dynasty and legitimize his rule
The _______ were a Mayan-speaking group that moved to the northern Gulf lowlands
in the Formative period and flourished during the Late Classic.
A. Olmecs
B. Toltecs
C. Huastecs
D. Chontal Maya
The most famous sculptures at Tula are:
A. statues of female deities
B. gigantic cacao pods carved from granite
C. the Atlantean warriors
D. the large jaguars in the Palacio Quemado
During the Late Postclassic, the Tarascan capital was at:
A. Tzintzuntzan
B. Toluca
C. Ptzcuaro
D. Ihuatzio
The decline of Tula is attributed to:
A. extensive flooding along the Tula River
B. the fall of the ruler Ce Acatl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl
C. excessive consumption of pulque
D. overpopulation and environmental degradation
During the Middle and Late Archaic, the sites of Laguna Chantuto in the Soconusco
A. were composed of elaborate temple pyramids
B. consisted primarily of shell middens used for food processing
C were inhabited by early farmers
D. were located inland to exploit terrestrial resources
During the reign of the Mixtec's most famous ruler, _______ was thought to have been
a very important capital.
A. Coixtlahuaca
B. Teotenango
C. Tilantongo
D. Cholula
________ was a well-fortified site established by the Olmeca-Xicalanca during the Late
Classic period.
A. Xochicalco
B. Cholula
C. Cacaxtla
D. Cerro Zapotecas
"Entering the road" is a Maya metaphor for:
A. construction
B. travel
C. merchant trading
D. death
1) Motecuzma Ilhuicamina
2) Atotztli
3) Axaycatl
4) Ahuitzotl
5) Tizoc
A. Ineffective Aztec ruler
B. Aztec ruler who was the third brother to gain power
C. Aztec ruler known as the conqueror
D. Aztec ruler who was the daughter of Motecuzma
E. Aztec ruler who defeated the Chalcans
We know that the individuals buried in the F-4 shaft tomb at Huitzilapa were related
A. DNA analysis was conducted on each of the burials
B. hieroglyphs reveal their kinship relations
C. the style of the tombs was similar
D. a congenital abnormality was found in most individuals
The area of the Gulf Coast that served as a central location for merchants is known as:
A. the Yucatn
B. Chenes
C. Puuc
D. Chontalpa
"Tecpan" is the Nahuatl word for palace, while the Nahuatl word for great palace is:
A. palacio grande
B. huetlatoani
C. huetecpan
D. Cihuatecpan
Motecuzma II and Corts met for the first time on:
A. 20 April 1519
B. 8 November 1519
C. 1 January 1520
D. 13 August 1521
The largest Classic Maya center was:
A. Palenque
B. Tikal
C. Copn
D. Calakmul
The three most important staple crops of Mesoamerica were (and still are):
A. maize, beans, and corn
B. beans, squash, and maize
C. maize, avocado, and beans
D. corn, maize, and avocado
Cosmetic alterations in Mesoamerica:
A. originated during the Spanish conquest
B. were the exclusive purview of elite members of society
C. may be preserved on human skeletal remains
D. are known to have been practiced in ancient times because of written records
Yax K"uk Mo" was buried:
A. at Teotihuacan, from where he may have originated
B. in a Copn building named "Hunal"
C. in a temple nicknamed "Rosalila"
D. in the Copn River, after his cremation
Two important resources (_____ and _____) were located just northeast of Kaminaljuy,
A. shell / clay
B. obsidian / clay
C. jade / shell
D. jade / obsidian
Jade in Mesoamerica:
A. has sources throughout all regions
B. symbolizes death
C. was first worked by the Aztecs
D. is not true mineralogical jade, but jadeite
Indigenous peoples of the Americas (North, Central, South) came from:
A. Northeast Asia
B. Southeast Asia
C. Europe
D. Africa
It is estimated that the percentage of Late Classic Maya who were not members of the
upper class was:
A. 10 percent
B. 45 percent
C. 80 percent
D. 90 percent
The relation between population size and stratification:
A. cannot be determined
B. is positively correlated
C. does not manifest itself in archaeological remains
D. is always a matter of cause and effect
Xochicalco fell around 900, most likely because of:
A. a volcanic eruption
B. the disruption of trade routes
C. invasion from the north
D. destruction by its own tributary population
Decorated serving vessels in Mesoamerica:
A. have been used since the Paleoindian period
B. are associated with hospitality
C. are very rarely recovered in archaeological contexts
D. were manufactured only in highland regions
An example of a Late Formative hilltop center in Oaxaca is:
A. Ro Viejo
B. Monte Negro
C. Izapa
D. Tikal
The law stating that "the necessary resource in least supply will limit the operation of a
living being" is:
A. the Law of Biotic Potential
B. Leibig's Law of the Minimum
C. the Law of Least Effort
D. Romer's Rule
One's status in a chiefdom:
A. is egalitarian, until one is the chief
B. is the same as the chief's
C. is dependent on one's relation to the chief
D. varies according to the seasons

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