CGS SS 24312

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 1933
subject Authors Gary Feinman, T. Douglas Price

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Ester Boserup has argued that __________ spurs technological change and increased
food production.
A.population pressure
B.political change
C.population decline
The footprints at Ltoli were dated using
A.radiopotassium dates on bone.
B.radiocarbon dates on bone.
C.radiopotassium dates on volcanic ash.
D.radiocarbon dates on volcanic ash.
The Black Earth site at Carrier Mills does NOT
A. reside in the Midwestern U.S.
B. contain numerous burials.
C. display early evidence of slave labor in construction.
D. date to about 6000 B.C.
Vnget Nord was
A.a large town in the early Neolithic.
B.a small island with Mesolithic activities. of the earliest train stations.
D.a way of producing very long blades.
At European contact, the largest empire in the Americas was situated in
A.the Andes.
B.highland Mesoamerica.
C.the Petn.
D.the Amazon Basin.
Klasies River Mouth is
A.a burial site with flowers placed on the carcass.
B.a site with evidence for very early Homo sapiens sapiens.
C.located in Kenya, East Africa. early site in Alaska.
Karl Wittfogel argued that _________was the key factor in the rise of the state.
A.population pressure
B.environmental circumscription
C.long-distance trade
D.water control
Which of the following would you not expect to find at a Mousterian site?
A.Neanderthal burials
B.prepared cores
E.evidence of hunting large game
The site of Black Earth gets its name from agricultural soils in the area.
B.large peat bogs that dominate the area.
C.charcoal stained soils from Archaic settlements.
D.a French explorer and fur trader.
Acheulean assemblages did not include
The calendar round in Mesoamerica did NOT
A.comprise a 52-year cycle.
B.include the ritual calendar of 260 days.
C.include the solar calendar.
D.feature the twelve constellations of the zodiac
The first cities were established in
E.Southeast Asia.
The cranial capacity of Homo erectus is approximately
A.the same as an orangutang.
B.1,000 cubic centimeters.
C.1,500 cubic centimeters.
D.500 cubic centimeters.
The Aztec practiced human sacrifice order to obtain much needed protein.
B.because hearts and blood were needed to maintain the order of the Universe.
C.because they were ordered to by Tlaloc, the goggle-eyed god. a means of population control
Exotic materials are
A.a result of performance and dance.
B.always a product of craft production.
C.usually of low value.
D.foreign items.
Discuss differences in the exchange systems that characterized later prehispanic polities
in Middle and South America.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Hierarchical organization often found among hunter-gatherers. associated with rank or class in society. a technique for classifying pottery and stone tools. associated with egalitarian groups.
Compared to the market at Tenochtitln-Tlatelolco, the market at Cuzco was
A.large with a more diverse array of products.
B.small and peripherally located.
C.known for the greater abundance of cacao, which was used as a currency.
D.described in more detail by the Spanish.
Faunal analysis can be used to learn about
A.the location of a site.
B.the number of layers at a site.
C.the vegetation of the site.
D.the animals at a site.
The earliest domesticated plants now known come from
B.Khok Phanom Di.
D.Abu Hureyra.
A passage grave is
B.a Mycenaean elite tomb.
C.a Bronze Age burial.
D.a Neolithic tomb.
Discuss the past behaviors and processes that account for the cultural unit we know as
ancient Mesoamerica.
Answer:Answers will vary
Petroglyphs are
A.maya carved stones.
B.drawings carved on rocks.
C.oil-based paints used on bark paper.
D.code words known only to chieftains.
Which of the following is considered to be the first major development in hominin
A.increased brain capacity
B.tool making
D.sexual dimorphism
Topographic maps are useful for archaeologists because they contain information on
A.ancient vegetation. patterns.
C.the shape of the land.
D.soil distribution.
Redistribution is
A.a form of reciprocal exchange.
B.a form of trade.
C.a means of allotting foods and goods from a central place.
D.the analysis of economic exchange.
The age of the earth is approximately
A.15 billion years.
B.4.5 billion years.
C.1 billion years.
D.4,400 years.
Some terms associated with establishing a grid system at an archaeological site include
A.accelerator mass spectrometer.
B.ground penetrating radar.
C.datum and elevation.
D.phosphate analysis.
Maiden Castle is located in
A.southern England.
B.northern Belgium.
C.eastern Ireland.
D.western Scotland.
Which of the following was NOT domesticated in the Americas?
Which of the following was not an Inca site?
A.Machu Picchu
C.Hunuco Pampa
At Non Nok Tha metal objects were made of
A.bronze and iron. and silver.
C.steel and aluminum.
D.copper and tin.
An Archaeological Problem
The following multiple choice questions refer to the paragraph below. Base your
answers on the information given below, your archaeological knowledge, and common
Recent excavations in the Levant have uncovered a small settlement of approximately
twenty houses. These structures were circular in shape and had rock-wall foundations. A
number of burials were found in a small cemetery adjacent to the settlement. Storage
pits and roasting areas for preparing plant foods also were found, but there was no
evidence for domesticated plants at the site. Animal bones from deer, gazelle, sheep,
and goat were common at the site. The investigators noticed that a high number of
young male animals were represented in the sheep bones. This difference was not noted
among the bones of the other species. Other materials from the site included sickle
blades, bone tools, charcoal, and grinding slabs.
A probable date for this site would be
A.25,000 B.C.
B.9000 B.C.
C.7000 B.C.
D.2000 B.C.
What organizations are working to preserve our cultural heritage?
Answer:Answers will vary.
Compare dendrochronology to one other archaeological dating technique that is
discussed in the text.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Discuss the different residential patterns at Monte Albn and Teotihuacn and what
interpretations can be drawn from them.
Answer:Answers will vary
Please write 2-3 sentences identifying the person, place, or thing in terms of age,
location, and significance.
1) Dendrochronology
2) Southeastern Ceremonial Complex
3) Kiva
4) Hohokam ball court
5) Reciprocity
6) Redistribution
7) Platform mound
8) Longhouse
9) Pueblo
10) Mississippian
11) Hopewell Interaction Sphere
12) Monks Mound
13) Achieved status
14) Ascribed status
15) Wet-site excavation
16) Pithouse
17) Potlatch
18) Petroglyph
19) Wattle and daub
20) Woodhenge
21) Ethnocentrism
Answer:Answers will vary.
Discuss and evaluate the different views of Aztec human sacrifice and cannibalism.
Answer:Answers will vary
An Archaeological Problem
The following multiple choice questions refer to the paragraph below. Base your
answers on the information given below, your archaeological knowledge, and common
Recent excavations in the Levant have uncovered a small settlement of approximately
twenty houses. These structures were circular in shape and had rock-wall foundations. A
number of burials were found in a small cemetery adjacent to the settlement. Storage
pits and roasting areas for preparing plant foods also were found, but there was no
evidence for domesticated plants at the site. Animal bones from deer, gazelle, sheep,
and goat were common at the site. The investigators noticed that a high number of
young male animals were represented in the sheep bones. This difference was not noted
among the bones of the other species. Other materials from the site included sickle
blades, bone tools, charcoal, and grinding slabs.
Please write 2-3 sentences identifying the person, place, or thing in terms of age,
location, and significance.
1) Obsidian
2) Paleoethnobotany
3) Ban-po-ts'un
4) Richard MacNeish
5) Archaeozoology
6) Cultivation
7) Natural habitat
8) Barbara Bender
9) Southwest Asia
10) Jericho
11) Catalhyk
12) Flotation
13) Ganj Dareh
14) Rice
15) Maize
16) Chenopodium
17) Edge hypothesis
18) Sedentism
19) Microband
20) Teosinte
21) Fertile Crescent
22) Tel
23) Rachis
24) Llama
25) Glume
Answer:Answers will vary.
Compare the European Mesolithic and the North American Archaic in terms of human
settlement and subsistence.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Design an archaeological project that will collect data amenable to the study of
community layout.
Answer:Answers will vary.
One of the major questions about human behavior in the time of Homo erectus is
whether these people were large game hunters. What evidence can you use to argue that
they were or were not?
Answer:Answers will vary.
Discuss various theories on the origins of language. Why is it so difficult to evaluate
these theories?
Answer:Answers will vary.
An Archaeological Problem
The following multiple choice questions refer to the paragraph below. Base your
answers on the information given below, your archaeological knowledge, and common
Recent excavations in the Levant have uncovered a small settlement of approximately
twenty houses. These structures were circular in shape and had rock-wall foundations. A
number of burials were found in a small cemetery adjacent to the settlement. Storage
pits and roasting areas for preparing plant foods also were found, but there was no
evidence for domesticated plants at the site. Animal bones from deer, gazelle, sheep,
and goat were common at the site. The investigators noticed that a high number of
young male animals were represented in the sheep bones. This difference was not noted
among the bones of the other species. Other materials from the site included sickle
blades, bone tools, charcoal, and grinding slabs.
Why did people begin farming? Discuss at least two of the major theories for the
origins of agriculture and their strengths and weaknesses.
Answer:Answers will vary.
How can individuals help to protect the past?
Answer:Answers will vary.
Discuss the major features of Mycenaean civilization.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Describe at least four major species in our evolution in terms of their physical
characteristics and when they lived.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Why is social organization important to understand in the study of prehistoric societies?
Answer:Answers will vary.
Please write 2-3 sentences identifying the person, place, or thing in terms of age,
location, and significance.
1) Endocasts
2) Magdalenian
3) Homo neanderthalensis
4) Dolni Vestonice
5) Lascaux
6) Venus figurines
7) Homo sapiens sapiens
8) Fluted Point
9) Levallois technique
Answer:Answers will vary.

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