CGS SS 23222

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 2321
subject Authors Fredda Blanchard-Fields, John C. Cavanaugh

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Which of the following is true regarding home modifications?
a. Minor structural changes (installing handrails) are common strategies.
b. Many people simply cannot afford home modifications, even though this option may
be cheaper than placement in a residential facility.
c. Home modifications typically reduce difficulty with ADLs.
d. All of these.
In a___________ design, one group of participants is studied repeatedly over a period
of time.
a. cross-sectional
b. longitudinal
c. cross-sequential
d. longitudinal-sequential
Which of the following is not a type of cell in the immune system?
a. cell-mediated immunity
b. B-lymphocytes
c. autoimmunity
d. nonspecific immunity
White matter hyperintensities (WMH) are linked to cerebrovascular diseases, which are
preventable and can be treated with
a. surgery and medications.
b. medications and lifestyle changes.
c. cognitive behavioral therapy and changes in diet.
d. hypnosis and lifestyle changes.
Older adults perform better on episodic memory tests when instructed to use
a. automatic processing.
b. divided attention.
c. internal study strategies such as rehearsal.
d. metamemory.
Physician-assisted suicide involves
a. physicians doing everything in their power to save the lives of patients.
b. the naming of a specific individual who can make decisions for ill patients.
c. a physician administering a fatal dose of medication to a patient.
d. a physician providing a fatal dose of medication that the patient self-administers.
The risk of dying in a given year among the old-old in China was found to be lower
among frequent religious participants when compared with nonparticipants.
a. 10%
b. 21%
c. 36%
d. 54%
Most people, especially older adults, are likely to
a. engage in informal advance care planning.
b. prefer to allow family members to make decisions for them when the need arises.
c. give family members leeway in interpreting advance directives.
d. all of the these.
Which theory sees marital quality as a dynamic process resulting from the couple's
ability to handle stressful events in the context of their particular vulnerabilities and
a. vulnerability-stress-adaptation model
b. homogamy model
c. exchange theory
d. marital quality-stress-resilience model
Bill and Cathy just got married and moved into an old house needing lots of repair. Bill
is not good at household repair, but he is an excellent chef. Cathy cannot cook beyond
cereal, but she is excellent at doing household repairs.
This is an example of
a. homogamy.
b. monogamy.
c. exchange theory.
d. socioemotional selectivity.
__________is a multifaceted concept that involves the changes in structure and
function of the brain over time as the result of the interaction of the brain with the
a. Plasticity
b. Neurality
c. Neuroscience
d. Neurofibrillation
A facility that provides assistance with personal care such as help with medication,
housekeeping, laundry service, and meals but does not provide major medical care is
a. a nursing home.
b. an assisted-living facility.
c. an adult family home.
d. adult day care.
Neuroimaging studies indicate that age-related changes in speed of processing
a. are inevitable.
b. are dependent upon what adults are being asked to do.
c. are uniform across different types of tasks and situations.
d. vary by sex, with women showing greater declines over time than men.
__________occur when the fibers of the axon become twisted together.
a. Neurofibrillary tangles
b. Granulovacuolar bodies
c. Synaptic nodes
d. Neuritic plaques
Modifications to one's home typically reduce difficulty in accomplishing ADLs and
a. reduce
b. increase
c. have no impact on
d. exacerbate
__________is/are (an) aspect(s) of personality that is/are consistent across different
a. Dispositional traits
b. Life narrative
c. Self-concept
d. Personal concerns
In developed countries, adults in midlife generally begin to think about their own deaths
a. they start a family.
b. their parents die.
c. they become grandparents.
d. they develop a chronic disease.
Chronic stress has been shown to have serious effects on the immune system, including
a. increased risk for viral infections.
b. increased risk for atherosclerosis.
c. increased risk for hypertension.
d. all of these.
According to the Administration on Aging (AoA), 70% of older adults
with_________are unaware they have a serious health condition.
a. diabetes mellitus
b. hypertension
c. high cholesterol
d. breast cancer
Working with an occupational therapist after surgery to improve mobility is an example
a. primary prevention.
b. secondary prevention.
c. tertiary prevention.
d. quaternary prevention.
Reduced brain activation or_______of the prefrontal cortex occurs in the elderly during
intentional cognitive processing.
a. over-recruitment
b. decline-recruitment
c. low-recruitment
d. under-recruitment
Two common problems following CVA are aphasia and
a. hemiplegia.
b. shortening of telomeres.
c. increased atherosclerosis.
d. dramatic decrease in blood pressure.
Processing speed_________as people age.
a. increases
b. decreases
c. becomes distorted
d. remains the same
Since its inception in 1935, two trends have increased the cost of the Social Security
program. One is that the proportion of people who reach age 65 has increased
dramatically. What is the other trend?
a. Due to revisions of the original law, Social Security now represents a primary source
of income for many.
b. The rate of chronic illnesses has been going up since 1935.
c. People's incomes have been declining since 1935.
d. People are now saving more money for retirement than ever before.
Which of the following is not used in diagnosing depression?
a. dysphoria
b. length of time symptoms have been present
c. excessive worry
d. physical symptoms
The grief work as rumination hypothesis proposes that
a. the grieving process is vital to recovery from loss.
b. excessive grieving is an indication of love and attachment to the deceased.
c. rumination is a positive form of coping.
d. extensive grieving may be a form of rumination that increases distress.
You wake up with the flu one morning, the day after you did poorly on a biology exam
and the day you have a big psychology exam. You look at your roommate and scream in
frustration and then vent all your pent-up anger.
According to the stress and coping paradigm, this is an example of
a. primary appraisal.
b. reappraisal.
c. problem-focused coping.
d. emotion-focused coping.
Reductions in the________of the hippocampus are related to memory decline.
a. volume
b. density
c. dendritic tangles
d. neurotransmitters
Megan feels that her work is meaningless and not valued. She is having feelings of
a. burnout.
b. alienation.
c. job dissatisfaction.
d. job mismatch.
Most adult day care clients are over the age of_____.
a. men; 65
b. women; 65
c. women; 70
d. men; 85
If medications for rheumatoid arthritis do not provide relief from the symptoms,
surgical interventions such as_________may be considered.
a. arthroplasty
b. musculoskeletal replacement
c. neuroimaging
d. osteoplasty
Which of the following is not a reproductive change in men?
a. rapid decrease in the number of sperm
b. longer time needed to reach orgasm
c. relatively constant levels of testosterone
d. little change in sexual interest
What are some key factors when choosing a nursing home?
_______is an indication that a measure is actually assessing what it was designed to
The most widely publicized and politicized case of euthanasia in the United States
involved_______, who died in 2005.
Clinical death is defined as the lack of________.
Describe the basic concepts of the six-factor Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT).
Bone fractures, tumors, and other conditions that can cause structural damage in the
brain are typically detected by the use of _______________.
Describe Vaillant's model of successful aging.
In the United States, there are more than assisted-living facilities.
Describe plasticity. Are compensatory changes in the elderly an example of plasticity?
Does research using neural stem cells support the idea of plasticity?
________is how quickly and efficiently the early steps in information processing are
The scaffolding networks used by older adults are_______than the honed, focal ones
they used as young adults.
How does the immune system work?
Hospice care is an approach to assisting dying people that focuses on pain management,
also known as
The United States has higher rates of most_____ and_______ than England or the rest
of Europe.
The main reason for institutionalization of nursing home residents is because of their .
Discuss extraindividual and intraindividual interventions with regard to health and

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