CGS SS 20975

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 2139
subject Authors Fredda Blanchard-Fields, John C. Cavanaugh

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The two groups of drugs for Alzheimer's disease that are approved by the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration are cholinesterase inhibitors and
a. SSRIs.
b. MAO inhibitors.
c. lithium.
d. memantine.
As time goes on and stresses increase, marital satisfaction goes down. For many
couples, the reason for this drop is having children. However, which of the following
statements provides evidence that it is not simply having children that causes this
a. The fussier the child, the more marital satisfaction declines.
b. Child-free couples experience a decline in marital satisfaction over time.
c. Lack of homogamy is a key predictor of marital dissatisfaction.
d. Younger married couples tend to be more emotionally negative and express fewer
positive emotions.
One goal of low-cost programs aimed at improving the health of older people is to
a. lower the rates of abuse and neglect of older persons.
b. address the lack of awareness many older people have regarding their own chronic
health problems.
c. increase rates of aerobic exercise among the elderly.
d. reduce the rates of anxiety and depression in older people.
Using which behavioral technique can caregivers reduce difficult behaviors of
Alzheimer's patients?
a. milieu therapy
b. differential reinforcement of incompatible behavior
c. spaced reinforcement
d. cognitive retraining
The question "Which comes next in this series of letters: d f i m r x e?" is a test of
a. auditory organization.
b. visual organization.
c. crystallized intelligence.
d. fluid intelligence.
Using the developmental forces perspective, changes in memory, intelligence, and
personality are examples of
a. biological factors.
b. psychological factors.
c. sociocultural factors.
d. life-cycle factors.
White matter hyperintensities (WMH) may indicate
a. extremely high intelligence.
b. predisposition to Alzheimer's disease.
c. brain pathologies such as neural atrophy.
d. emotional pathology.
Research clearly shows that brain plasticity is enhanced as a result of
a. online "brain-training" exercises.
b. aerobic exercise.
c. having parents with high IQs.
d. lack of pollution in one's environment.
______provide a supportive environment for people with moderate to severe dementia.
The most accurate conclusion concerning age-related changes in taste sensitivity is that
a. the changes are extensive for all flavors.
b. the changes begin in young adulthood and accelerate after age 70.
c. detection of sweet and salty tastes declines while detection of sour and bitter tastes
d. the ability to detect certain tastes declines gradually, but this varies greatly from taste
to taste and person to person.
When people develop explanations of behavior based on things inside themselves or
others, this is known as a
a. situational attribution.
b. causal attribution.
c. causation.
d. dispositional attribution.
When older adults take their time to form social judgments, they process information
similarly to younger adults. But what happens when older adults have to make social
judgments and are given a time limit?
a. They make better, more informed decisions than younger adults.
b. They have difficulty remembering the information they need to make their social
c. They become confused.
d. They show a positivity bias.
The communication predicament model refers to
a. the need for older adults to be spoken to as if they were young children.
b. older adults' increased tipofthetongue phenomenon.
c. patronizing speech that can lead to cognitive deficits in older adults.
d. secondary baby talk.
Older adults from 75 to 95 years of age who spoke_______ languages or more showed
the best cognitive state.
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. number of languages was not related to cognitive functioning
One of the more popular methods for examining life stories is through
a. case studies whereby individuals are followed over the life span.
b. questionnaires regarding life events.
c. autobiographical memory.
d. recalling and analyzing one's dreams across the lifespan.
When older adults were asked to learn a story so they could retell it later to a group of
young children, their stories
a. were less detailed than younger adults.
b. were similar to that of younger adults.
c. contained a number of errors.
d. were more detailed than younger adults.
If women initiate the divorce, they report feeling_________ . If they did not initiate the
divorce, they report feeling_________.
a. optimism; vulnerable
b. vulnerable; optimism
c. depressed; relieved
d. happy; sad
Which of the following statements best describes expertise?
a. Expertise is due to a biological predisposition to excel in one area or another.
b. Expertise is negatively correlated with age.
c. People tend to become selective experts.
d. Someone who is an expert in one area is probably an expert in all areas of their life.
For a number of reasons, including changes in the immune system, older adults have a
greater risk of contracting
a. exacerbators.
b. drug excretion.
c. autolymphomosis.
d. HIV.
A study of 70-year-olds finds that they are more likely to participate in religious
services than younger individuals. What can be concluded?
a. Increased age caused participants to be more religious.
b. Sex of participant is a confounding variable.
c. Since age and cohort are confounding variables, it is not possible to determine
whether increased participation in religion is due to age or historical time in which one
d. Time of measurement is a confounding variable.
Being born in the year 2000 is a variable that could produce a(n)
a. age effect.
b. time-of-measurement effect.
c. practice effect.
d. cohort effect.
Palliative care is
a. pain management.
b. extending life.
c. the same as physician-assisted suicide.
d. diagnosing disease.
Memory aids that rely on environmental resources, such as notebooks or calendars, are
known as
a. external aids.
b. implicit aids.
c. internal aids.
d. mnemonics.
When reading a research journal, a 47-year-old professor finds that she must hold it
farther away to read the fine print. She is experiencing which normal age-related
change in vision?
a. presbycusis
b. retinopathy
c. presbyopia
d. dysthermia
The degree to which a questionnaire measures what it is supposed to measure is an
indication of its
a. representativeness.
b. utility.
c. validity.
d. reliability.
Before making a decision on where an older family member should live, it's wise to
consult the person's
a. physician
b. neighbors
c. friends
d. clergy
Between the years 2003 and 2013, the age at which people said they expected to retire
a. went up.
b. went down.
c. went up for women but down for men.
d. went down for those who were affluent and went up for those in lower income
Older adults tend to engage in more than .
a. corrective adaptations; preventive adaptations
b. preventive adaptations; corrective adaptations
c. proactivity; docility
d. increasing adaptation; decreasing press
Johnnie was just diagnosed with lung cancer and has been given 6 months to live.
Johnnie thinks the doctors must be wrong. He can"t have cancer because he never
smoked. This would illustrate which of KblerRoss's stages?
a. denial
b. bargaining
c. depression
d. acceptance
Testing problem-solving and verbal abilities by using measures specifically designed to
assess these components is characteristic of which approach?
a. Piaget's cognitive developmental approach
b. the cognitive structural approach
c. the psychometric approach
d. the information-processing approach
The fact that younger generations generally do better on primary mental abilities than
older generations is an example of
a. a cohort effect.
b. changes in the information-processing system.
c. better health care improving mental functioning.
d. all of these.
Researchers have found that this form of exercise can reduce older adults' chances of
falling and can improve their balance.
a. yoga
b. swimming
c. Tai Chi
d. gymnastics
Native American grandmothers are more involved than Native American grandfathers
and are more likely to pass on traditional_______.
____________________ involves gaining permission from the participant before
collecting data and telling the participant about any potential risks and benefits.
What is sensory memory? Describe its importance in information processing and
identify age-related differences.
Through her interviews with terminally ill individuals,________determined there were
five reactions or stages people had in dealing with death.
A(n) ____________ is a variable that is used to represent the complex interrelated
influences on people over time, such as chronological age.
When older adults do not correct their initial impression because negative information
is more striking and affects them more strongly, they are exhibiting a___________.
Contrary to what was previously thought,_________ can regenerate, even in late life,
under the right circumstances.
Discuss the differences between MRI and fMRI.
In a(n)____________________study, a single person is examined in great detail.
_________is the study of aging from maturity through old age.
Even though aging is associated with an overall decrease in the number of new neurons,
this differs across
Identify and describe the components of Sternberg's theory of love.
____is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion as a result of work stress.
_______is the theoretical upper limit of a person's capacity to function.
Research in the United States and Brazil reveals that________ have a more positive
view of aging when compared with younger adults.

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