CGS SS 20290

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 1625
subject Authors Robert Jurmain

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Physical anthropologists do NOT view culture as a human adaptive strategy.
The phyum chordate includes all animals with a never cord, gill slits, and supporting
cord along the back.
Neandertals are a fully separate biological species from modern humans and therefore
theoretically incapable of fertilely interbreeding with modern people.
The process of translation during protein synthesis occurs at the ribosomes.
A clear evolutionary picture is possible for organizing all the early hominins.
Charles Darwin recognized the importance of beak variation in finches while visiting
the Galpagos Islands.
The discovery of the structure of DNA dates back to the late 1700s.
Several language experiments with chimpanzees, orangutans, gorillas, and bonobos
have shown that all great apes have the capacity to use signs and symbols to
communicate. Questions, however, have been raised about this type of research.
Humans have unusually short childhoods, reflecting the importance of learning in our
What is the term for the period following the last menstrual cycle in human women?
a. menarche
b. menopause
c. adrenarche
d. egg-pause
e. cyclopause
Categorizing people on the basis of skin color
a. is mostly a twentieth century phenomenon
b. has been practiced only by Western Europeans
c. is a valid approach to racial taxonomy
d. has a long history and has been practiced by many peoples
e. began with Christopher Columbus
Which of the following nitrogenous bases in not found in DNA?
a. Uracil
b. Guanine
c. Thymine
d. Adenine
e. Cytosine
Anatomically modern Homo sapiens fossils from Africa have been dated to about
_____ years ago.
a. 100,000-70,000
b. 200,000-100,000
c. 195,000-80,000
d. 35,000
e. 65,000
Sexual dimorphism
a. refers to differences between adults and adolescents with regard to sexual behavior
b. is particularly pronounced in all primate species
c. refers to differences between the sexes with regard to features such as body size
d. is more common in arboreal species
e. has not been observed in any monkey
a. is the cell division process in somatic cells
b. replaces cells during growth and development
c. permits healing of injured tissue
d. is the cell division in specialized cells in ovaries and testes
e. involves two divisions and results in six daughter cells.
According to Partial Replacement Models, modern humans first appeared in Africa
a. and interbred with premodern populations of Eurasia, thus partially displacing them
b. and remained there until modern humans from Asia displaced them
c. about 500,000 years ago
d. but were later displaced by European Neandertals
e. and India, simultaneously.
The World Heath Organization lists ______ as the world's leading killer of adults.
a. car crashes
b. reality show stunts
c. tuberculosis
d. cholera
Primate behavior is best viewed as being
a. influenced by environmental factors
b. entirely genetic in origin
c. independent of environmental factors
d. entirely learned and without any genetic basis
e. subject to very few factors
a. are cells that produce carotene
b. are found in the dermis
c. only occur in dark-skinned individuals
d. produce melanin
e. cause cancer
The first Homo habilis fossils were found during the 1960's in
a. Olduvai Gorge
b. Tugen Hills
c. Toros Menalla
d. Sterkfontein
e. South Africa
What was a major goal of the Human Genome Project?
a. facilitate human cloning
b. map the chromosomes of every human on the planet
c. sequence the entire human genome
d. trace evolutionary relationships among primates
e. prevent overpopulation
The Homo erectus remains from Africa are dated to _____ years ago.
a. 2.5 to 3.5 million
b. 500,000 to 200,000
c. 800,000
d. 5.5 million
e. 1.7-1 million
What is the belief that species do not change but are the same as when first created
known as?
a. fixity of species
b. the Great Chain of Being
c. truth
d. uniformitarianism
e. natural selection
Studies have shown that UV radiation rapidly depletes ______, which plays a crucial
role in neural tube development of the embryo.
a. melanin
b. melanocytes
c. carotene
d. folate
e. vitamin C
What is the complete sequence of DNA bases that specifies the order of amino acids in
an entire protein or portion of protein, or any functional product?
a. helix
b. codon
c. polypeptide
d. amino acid
e. gene
There is a very late surviving H. erectus group in Java that apparently managed to
survive there until less than________years ago.
a. 300,000
b. 100,000
c. 1.5 mya
d. 2.0 mya
e. 50,000
Adaptive advantages of bipedalism include the following except
a. freeing the hands for making and using tools
b. early predator detection
c. more efficient way of covering long distances
d. further refinements to capabilities used for swimming
e. freeing the hands for carrying objects
According to the text, Blombos Cave is significant for accomplishments in art and
technology that compare to similarly dated accomplishments in
a. Europe
b. North America
c. South America
d. Russia
e. Australia
Fossil evidence for early hominin foot structure
a. has come from South and East African sites
b. has come from North African sites
c. is totally lacking
d. indicates they were quadrupedal
e. is highly disputed and therefore insignificant in discussions of human evolution
_______ is a site in southern France dated to 28,000 years ago. Fossil material from this
site became the archetype for Upper Paleolithic Europeans.
a. Skhūl
b. La Chapelle-aux-Saints
c. Cro-Magnon
d. Qafzeh
e. Zhoukoudian
a. are basic units of the DNA molecule composed of sugar
b. are also called zygotes
c. transmit genetic information from parent to offspring
d. can make copies of itself
e. are important structural components of the body
"Fitness," in an evolutionary sense, refers to an individual's
a. strength
b. reproductive success
c. aggressiveness
d. size
e. age at death
Compared to Strepsirhini, anthropoids generally
a. have smaller body sizes
b. have decreased infant maturation periods
c. have smaller brains
d. depend less on olfaction and more on vision
e. groom less often
According to the textbook authors, the problems facing our planet reflect
a. defects in our understanding of the evolutionary process.
b. problems inherent in biodiversity.
c. worrisome scientific overthinking.
d. an adaptive strategy gone awry.
e. education policies.
For most of human history,
a. technology has been complex
b. technology has been simple
c. the rate of culture change was rapid
d. culture change was not effected by climate change
e. human impact on local environments decreased as people began to live in permanent
Anatomical changes in hominins indicative of habitual bipedal locomotion include
a. feet with opposable big toes for grasping
b. shortening and broadening of the pelvis
c. increased length of arms relative to legs
d. increased length of the spine
e. increased length of pelvis
What are the X and Y chromosomes called?
a. autosomes
b. gametes
c. centromeres
d. sex chromosomes
e. karyotypes
___________ is the study of the evolution of behavior, emphasizing the role of
ecological factors as agents of natural selection.
a. Sociobiology
b. Biological-ecology
c. Behavioral ecology
d. Evolutionary ecology
e. Eco-sociobiology
Upper Pleistocene premodern Homo sapiens that have their evolutionary roots in
western Europe include
a. Homo sapiens sapiens
b. anatomically modern humans
c. Neandertals
d. Homo ergaster
e. late Homo erectus
The fossil evidence indicates that the Eocene primates were
a. mostly extinct by the end of the Eocene
b. not widely distributed
c. likely provide direct evidence of a close connection to humans
d. ectothermic
e. water animals
Which of the following are not apes?
a. gorillas
b. orangutans
c. bonobos
d. chimpanzees
e. macaques
According to the current evidence discussed in the text, which of the following
statement is true?
a. Humans are the only species capable of conveying information pertaining to specific
components of the external environment.
b. Nonhuman primates can communicate any information except that which pertains to
their emotional state.
c. Some nonhuman primates appear to give specific alarm calls that refer to particular
categories of predators.
d. Free-ranging monkeys and apes use symbolic language in the same manner as
e. Some monkeys communicate about past and future events by means of symbolic

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