CGS SS 18769

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 1999
subject Authors George F. Cole, Michael D. Reisig, Todd R. Clear

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Most parole revocations occur only when the parolee is arrested on a serious charge or
cannot be located by the officer.
a. True
b. False
Research has shown that postrelease supervision is________ in its effectiveness.
a. excellent
b. poor
c. limited
d. none of these
Probation release is often tied to shock incarceration.
a. True
b. False
A common concern shared by both liberal and conservative politicians is that:
a. probation efforts must increase.
b. crime rates have increased, thus more prisons are needed.
c. punishment does not work.
d. the cost of corrections is out of line.
Over _______dollars in fines is collected annually in the United States.
a. 25 million
b. 675 million
c. 1 billion
d. 3.7 billion
Current case law indicates that capital punishment is legal as long as:
a. the voters of the state approve it.
b. it is administered to deliver the least amount of pain.
c. it is lethal injection and not electrocution.
d. it is imposed fairly.
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Inmates and visitors have a great deal of freedom
b. Newer with functional units located in the entry
c. Central corridor for prisoner movement
d. Treatment programs designed to reform offender
e. Restrictions on inmates/visitors are less strict than maximum security
f. Often used for juveniles and women
g. Emphasizes family and community ties as a method of reform
h. Strict limitations on freedom of inmates/visitors
i. A control center from which to monitor movement
j. Emphasizes security, discipline, and order
Radial design
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Prison newcomer
b. Cigarettes
c. Values and norms of the prison social system
d. Goods and services not allowed by prison authorities
e. Where prisoners may purchase certain items
f. Method of learning the prison subculture
g. Construct a life within the prison with little connection to society
h. Take advantage of prison programs
i. Main source of inmate violence
j. semiautonomous institutions
Unit management
In some states, those serving on a parole board are appointed by the:
a. warden.
b. governor.
c. commissioner.
d. ombudsman.
Sixty percent of probation sentences are received directly from the judge.
a. True
b. False
Risk management combines values of the ___________ model of the criminal sanction
with the idea that the community deserves protection.
a. community
b. just deserts
c. restorative
d. medical
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Objective standard for defense counsel
b. Circumstances that increase seriousness of crime
c. Deserves a punishment equal to the victim's fate
d. The three-drug protocol is constitutional
e. Developed in the late 1970s
f. Separate hearings for guilt and sentencing
g. Execution of the insane
h. Circumstances that invite mercy
i. Reinstituted death penalty
j.Death penalty unconstitutional
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Post-custody supervision in the community
b. Without any further correctional supervision
c. Used with indeterminate sentence
d. Furloughs
e. Required release
f. The prisoner promises to abide by certain conditions in exchange for being released
g. Stipulated by parole guidelines based on offenders actions
h. Treat a mental abnormality
i. The government extends the privilege of release
j. Conditional release
Civil commitment
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Inmates and visitors have a great deal of freedom
b. Newer with functional units located in the entry
c. Central corridor for prisoner movement
d. Treatment programs designed to reform offender
e. Restrictions on inmates/visitors are less strict than maximum security
f. Often used for juveniles and women
g. Emphasizes family and community ties as a method of reform
h. Strict limitations on freedom of inmates/visitors
i. A control center from which to monitor movement
j. Emphasizes security, discipline, and order
Courtyard style
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Noninterference policy
b. Rules created by judges
c. Legal rules regarding agency policies
d. Rules other judges follow with similar cases
e. Laws created by legislatures
f. Lists individual rights
g. Intervention towards an agreed resolution
h. Responsible for compensation of a plaintiff
i. Judicial order
j.Investigates public officials
Case law
According to Herbert Packer, which of the following is NOT an element of
a. an offense
b. the infliction of pain because of the commission of the offense
c. use of community justice tactics to deter the offender
d. a dominant purpose to prevent further offenses or to inflict pain on the offender
English trends and practices greatly influenced American corrections.
a. True
b. False
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Noninterference policy
b. Rules created by judges
c. Legal rules regarding agency policies
d. Rules other judges follow with similar cases
e. Laws created by legislatures
f. Lists individual rights
g. Intervention towards an agreed resolution
h. Responsible for compensation of a plaintiff
i. Judicial order
j.Investigates public officials
Civil liability
One out of _________ African American children has a parent who has been to prison.
a. 2
b. 7
c. 5
d. 10
Until 1870 women inmates in the United States were generally treated:
a. with dignity .
b. less harshly than men
c. the same as men.
d. more harshly than men.
Whites tend to admit to more_________ crimes than African Americans or Hispanics
when completing a self-report survey.
a. theft
b. drug
c. burglary
d. alcohol
The community justice approach combines crime control and rehabilitation.
a. True
b. False
Eastern State Penitentiary was designed by:
a. John Howard.
b. John Haviland.
c. Jeremy Bentham.
d. Cesare Lombroso.
By far the most successful alternative approach to bail is being released on one's own
a. True
b. False
The argument that African Americans are more criminal than whites by nature is not
sustained by the evidence.
a. True
b. False
The most important issue concerning use of intermediate sanctions has to do with
prison overcrowding
a. True
b. False
Most jails in the United States have viable rehabilitative programs, and many have
professionally trained personnel to deal with the mental health needs of offenders.
a. True
b. False
According to the authors, most gangs are:
a. violent.
b. similar.
c. non-violent.
d. brutal.
Most inmate rule violations are handled by:
a. the warden
b. the line personnel.
c. work detail supervisors.
d. an institutional disciplinary committee.
Reintegration is the solution sought in the problem-solving philosophy of community
a. True
b. False
Who was the first person to provide bail for defendants under the authority of the
Boston Police Court in 1841?
a. John Augustus
b. John Howard
c. Zebulon Brockway
d. Jeremy Bentham
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Adds rewards and punishment, role modeling, and other teachings
b. Legal restrictions that prevent released felons from engaging in certain professions
c. Assigning types of custody and treatment
d. Emphasizes personal responsibility
e. Create environments that support prosocial behaviors
f. Focuses on changing patterns that accompany criminal behavior
g. Face to face with crime's consequences
h. Contract for prison-made goods at a set price
i. Treatment of the mind
j. No goods or services beyond those available to law-abiding people
Social therapy
_____________________ has been credited as being the founder of the Classical
School of Criminology.
A(n)________ prison is designed to prevent escapes and violence but in a less rigid
The term " __________" refers to methods of applying scientific knowledge to practical
purposes in a
particular field.
The ______________ branch of each state government is responsible for administering
its prison system.
The period__________ after arrest and detention is when most inmates commit suicide.
The most common method used in executions in the United States today is
___________ is more an economic crime than a sexual crime.
Racial disparities become racial ______________ if people who are otherwise similar
in their criminality are treated differently by the criminal justice system because of their
Briefly summarize the social, political, and scientific ideas advocated during the
Enlightenment and the lasting effect they had on correctional thinking and practices.
Answer:Answers will vary.
The first two decades of the 1900s, referred to as ______________, set the dominant
tone for U.S. social thought and political action through the 1960s.
The ________ refers to a set of rules of conduct that reflect the values and norms of the
prison social system.
Female inmates traditionally receive _________ sentences than men for similar
A labor contract stipulates the rights and obligations of each side (administration and
employees);thus a __________________ can no longer dictate working conditions.
_______________is when the prisoner could be kept incarcerated but the government
extends the privilege of release.
Define and discuss the "war on drugs." How has the war on drugs affected U.S. prison
populations? Based on your readings, has this been a successful war? Be sure to fully
explain your answer. Finally, what can be done to address the issues that have resulted
from this war?
Answer:Answers will vary.
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Adds rewards and punishment, role modeling, and other teachings
b. Legal restrictions that prevent released felons from engaging in certain professions
c. Assigning types of custody and treatment
d. Emphasizes personal responsibility
e. Create environments that support prosocial behaviors
f. Focuses on changing patterns that accompany criminal behavior
g. Face to face with crime's consequences
h. Contract for prison-made goods at a set price
i. Treatment of the mind
j. No goods or services beyond those available to law-abiding people
Confrontation therapy
_______________ release is often tied to shock incarceration, a practice in which
first-time offenders are sentenced to a short period in jail (the shock) and then allowed
to reenter the community.
What distinguishes an "objective classification system" from traditional approaches to
inmate classification?
Describe the various methods of classifying inmates. Identify the characteristics that are
evaluated in each method. Which would you say is the most fair? Why? Which is the
least fair? Why?
Answer:Answers will vary.

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