CGS SS 17096

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 18
subject Words 2247
subject Authors Barry Lewis, Lynn Kilgore, Robert Jurmain

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Naturally occurring cereal grains in the Near East are inherently predisposed to genetic
Homoplasies are central in the use of cladistics for reconstructing the evolutionary
relationships between organisms.
It is only possible to identify habitual bipedalism from post-cranial evidence.
The enculturation process typically involves a strong degree of inherited behavior.
Human skin color exhibits a continuous or clinal distribution.
Sexual selection does not seem to be an important factor in the evolution of sexual
Specialized species are more likely to undergo an adaptive radiation.
The earliest skeletons from the New World show greater biological diversity than do
modern Native Americans.
Primates are only known to employ a closed system of communication.
The Asian Homo erectus crania from both China and Java are so different from each
other that most researchers have suggested that they be separated into two different
Tool use is not a characteristic unique to hominins.
The adoption of an agricultural way of life occurred very rapidly in the Near East.
Charles Galton is associated with the development of the eugenics movement.
Primate females typically compete for the access to mating partners.
The establishment of a new genus in the fossil record requires at least two paleospecies.
One of the primary challenges to the acceptance of Darwin's development of the theory
of evolution through natural selection was the prevailing scientific belief in the fixity of
The end of Teotihuacn is associated with the destruction of religious temples.
The biface, or "hand axe" is the basic tool of the Acheulian tradition.
Domestication in eastern North America is the result of diffusion from Mexico.
All cultures share the same worldview.
Racism is defined as the idea that culture or behavior are correlated with biological
Homologies are physical similarities that are due to common evolutionary descent.
Animal domestication is more readily identified through morphological changes than is
plant domestication.
Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.There are fewer hominoid species living today than there were during the Miocene.
B.The total number of primate species has increased steadily since the Pleistocene.
C.There are more hominoid species living today than there were during the Miocene.
D.The major radiation of hominoids occurred during the Oligocene.
E.Hominoid fossils have been found only in Africa.
Potassium argon dating is typically used on hominin sites.
Highly plastic organisms typically exhibit a great deal of learned behavior.
Anthropological archaeology is primarily concerned with understanding the ancient
cultures of Greece and Rome.
The strong Regional Continuity model is supported by the preponderance of evidence.
The United States legal system has consistently rejected the teaching of creationism or
creation science in the U.S. public school system.
Upper Paleolithic sites were typically occupied longer and by more people.
Which of the following aspects of cultural anthropology involves practical applications
of anthropological knowledge and skills outside of an academic setting?
A.Urban anthropology
B.Medical anthropology
C.Applied anthropology
D.Economic anthropology
E.Genetic Anthropology
The assumption that past human behavior and culture is preserved in knowable material
patterns is associated with which discipline?
D.forensic anthropology
E.none of these
The unique physical traits of the Flores hominins is likely the result of:
A.their geographical isolation
B.a general reduction in food resources
C.their close connection with Australopithecines
D.all of the above
E.only A and B
Which of the following statements about sexual selection is INCORRECT? equally on both sexes
B.can lead to sexual dimorphism
C.involves success in reproducing
D.results from competition for mates
page-pfb a form of natural selection
The members of the robust Paranthropus lineage likely had a diet which was made up
A.primarily meat
B.seeds and nuts
C.leaves and fruit
D.all of these
E.none of these
The initial appearance of political complexity in South America is likely associated
A.coastal groups dependent on the rich maritime resources
B.Amazonian farmers largely reliant on maize and taro
C.inland groups associated with evidence of agricultural intensification
D.highland groups practicing intensive potato-based agriculture
E.coastal groups planting maize and squash in garden plots
The rapid expansion and diversification of groups of organisms into newly available
econiches is termed:
C.parallel evolution
D.adaptive radiation
Which of the following is the most common means of finding archaeological sites?
A.aerial photos
B.satellite imagery
C.ground penetrating radar
D.pedestrian fieldwork
E.remote sensing
Preserved seeds, tubers, and leaves are examples of:
E.none of these
Which of the following traits distinguishes primates from other mammals? on the sense of smell
B.presence of claws on all digits
D.quadrupedal locomotion
E.none of these
Domestication is defined as:
A.the propagation and exploitation of plants and animals by humans
B.the process of teaching animals to be tame
C.the presence of genetic changes that render plants and animals dependent on humans
D.the intensive use of plants and animals by humans
E.the process of intentionally growing plants
The prevalence of malaria in West Africa is likely tied to what cultural practice?
B.mortuary rituals
D.slash and burn agriculture
Mammals first appear during which of the following eras?
Which of the following sites has yielded the largest sample of Homo heidelbergensis
fossils and is dated to approximately 530,000-600,000 years ago?
Explanations for the presence of animal bones in archaeological sites such as
Zhoukoudian include:
A.they are the result of scavenging by hominins
B.they result from hominin hunting
C.they represent natural processes water transport
D.they may indicate that hominins were prey species
E.all of these
Hypoxia: due to insufficient amounts of vitamin D
B.occurs at higher altitude because the atmosphere contains less oxygen than at sea
C.exerts no stress on humans a problem for people living at sea level
E.none of these
Which of the following presents the primary challenge that the Bering Land Bridge
represented the first route for the first humans in the New World?
A.the earliest occupations pre-date the presence of Beringia
B.many early occupations pre-date the presence of the Ice Free Corridor
C.there are no Upper Paleolithic sites in northern Asia at the time of first settlement
D.modern Native Americans are genetically unrelated to northern Asian populations
E.all of these
Which of the following statements concerning Neandertal burials is INCORRECT?
A.It seems to occur prior to the earliest known examples in Africa.
B.They display the same degree of elaboration of those of the Upper Paleolithic.
C.The practice is seen at both European and the Near Eastern Neandertal sites.
D.Neandertal burials contain evidence for grave goods.
E.It occurs well before the appearance of fully modern humans in Europe.
The branch of osteology that focuses on injury or disease in human remains is:
The tarsier: unquestionably a prosimian
B.may be more closely related to anthropoids than prosimians
page-pf12 a hominid a New World monkey unquestionably an anthropoid
Which of the following types of primate tends to have pronounced sexual dimorphism?
B.Gibbons and siamangs
C.New World monkeys
E.Old World monkeys
Which of the following best describes the culture of Asian H. erectus?
A.scavenger-gatherers hunting
C.possible use of fire
D.all of the above
E.only A and C
What feature differentiates the Ardipithecus genus from the Australopithecines?
A.presence of substantial sagittal crest
B.thin molar enamel
C.position of the foramen magnum
D.retention of opposable big toe
E.all of these
Hominin footprints preserved in a volcanic deposit approximately 3.5 million years ago
were found at:
D.Lake Turkana
Which of the following is a reason why Olduvai Gorge is an important source of
information on hominin evolution?
A.exposures of deep geologic strata
B.ability to use radiometric dating techniques on volcanic sediments
C.rapid sedimentation
D.presence of complex stratigraphy
E.all of these
What factor likely influenced/predisposed wild grass seeds to unconscious modification
by gatherers?
A.tend to exhibit a great deal of genetic variability
B.occur in dense stands
C.quick reproductive rates
D.all of the above
E.only A and B
The modern genetic definition of evolution is:
A.the process of transmutation
B.a change in gene frequency between generations
C.the process of a change in species primarily associated with mutation
D.the exchange of genes between populations
E.all of these
Morphologically, the Homo heidelbergensis fossils from Atapuerca contain traits that
resemble what other hominin type?
A.Homo erectus
C.Homo habilis
D.anatomically modern Homo sapiens
E.Homo antecessor
Chimpanzees live in groups composed of: adult male and several females and their young
B.several adult males and females and young of all ages
page-pf16 adult male, one adult female, and their young
D.several adult females and one adult male and dependent young
E.none of these
Which of the following forms the fundamental basis for human cultural success?
A.material culture
B.home based foraging
C.stone tools
D.mosaic evolution
E.symbolic communication
Factors that influence social organization include:
A.distribution of resources
B.relationships with other, non-predatory species
C.body size
D.all of the above
E.only A and B
The identification of a fossil genus requires:
A.a fundamental adaptive or morphological difference from another genus least two species
C.evidence for the exploitation of different econiches
D.the presence of shared derived traits unique to the proposed genus
E.all of these
Which of the following traits does NOT readily differentiate Homo erectus from Homo
A.larger brain size
B.similar stature
C.wider cranial base
D.thick cranial bone
E.supraorbital tori
Analysis of mortuary statistics indicates which of the following?
A.Infectious diseases continue to decrease as a source of human mortality.
B.The rate of death from infectious diseases has steadily declined over the past 100
C.The rate of death from infectious disease has seen a recent increase in the past 25
D.The twentieth century marks the first time that infectious diseases have been
responsible for the majority of human deaths.
E.Infectious diseases have never constituted a significant source of human mortality.

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