CE 82245

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1782
subject Authors Judith L. Zaichkowsky, Michael R. Solomon, Rosemary Polegato

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A marketing study found that respondents believed that a dark-haired model would be
more effective in selling gold jewelry than would a blond-haired model, if the
dark-haired model were not perceived to be ethnic. What two ideas of using celebrities
as communication sources are most likely to be in play here?
a. The celebrity's image should match that of the product, and blond-haired models are
too common for the exclusive image of gold.
b. The celebrity's image should match that of the product and should embody cultural
c. The celebrity's image should embody cultural meanings that contrast with the
product's cultural stereotypic image.
d. Dark-haired models are subject to ethnocentric evaluations, while blond-haired
models are not.
In a culture, the function of myths is all of the following, EXCEPT:
a. to help to explain the origins of existence.
b. to integrate all of the components of the universe into a single picture.
c. to maintain social order by authorizing a social code to be followed by members of a
d. to understand how people feel threatened by ambiguous situations.
Andrew has just turned ten years old, which is part of the ________ category.
a. tween
b. childhood
c. adolescent
d. pragmatic
Of the following pieces of legislation intended to protect the consumer, which was
passed first?
a. Textile Labelling Act
b. Food and Drug Act
c. Motor Vehicle Safety Act
d. Hazardous Products Act
e. National Trademark and True Labelling Act
Mrs. Almarez is a middle-aged, high-income, stay-at-home mother. Recently she was
caught shoplifting. She shoplifts because:
a. her friends do it.
b. she does not believe it is morally wrong.
c. she gets a thrill from doing it.
d. she needs the stolen goods.
"Consumer confidence" refers to how sure consumers feel about their being able to
make the right product and brand choices.
a. True
b. False
Janet will only drink Earl Grey tea. This tea is her attitude object.
a. True
b. False
Contemporary research assumes that the mind processes, stores, and recalls some data
in ways similar to a computer.
a. True
b. False
Jonesy will buy only the lowest-priced spark plug when he goes shopping for auto
supplies. Because his car is very old, he really doesn't care about any other qualities.
Jonesy is using the noncompensatory decision-making rule format.
a. True
b. False
The type of information processing that will occur depends upon the consumers' level
of involvement. Which type of information processing are consumers using when they
make extensive comparisons of product claims with their existing knowledge, weighing
the alternatives?
a. simple processing
b. casual processing
c. elaboration
d. intersubjectivism
Recall of "thinking" ads is higher than that for "feeling" ads because conventional
measures of advertising effectiveness (such as "day-after-recall tests") are oriented
toward cognitive responses and do not adequately assess the cumulative effects of
emotional ads.
a. True
b. False
Katrina, a new recruit for Maple Leaf Foods, is promoted very quickly over longer-term
employees, and is given a parking space with the company vice presidents. This is an
example of:
a. employee discrimination.
b. social stratification.
c. company favouritism.
d. rapid advancement.
Procter and Gamble started a business unit called Tremor that they use to:
a. spread the word about its products among young people.
b. generate financial support for research and development.
c. create online content regarding P & G brands.
d. research the needs of different consumer segments.
Consumers who don"t base purchase decisions on a brand's global attributes are
referred to as:
a. global citizens.
b. antiglobals.
c. global agnostics.
d. global sceptics.
Which field of research is concerned with the human side of economic decisions?
a. expectancy theory
b. behavioural economics
c. buyer behaviour
d. consumer economics
Simply put, the ________ includes those objects that we consider to be a part of who
we are.
a. external self
b. extended self
c. actual self
d. material self
It is expected that by 2017, ________ of Canada's population will that of a visible
a. 5"8%
b. 8"12%
c. 12"15%
d. 19"23%
e. 25"30%
Juan, while out cycling in Vancouver one day, found himself humming a jingle for farm
tractors that he had heard on the radio. He found this surprising, as he had absolutely no
interest in farming or tractors. This acquisition of knowledge is known as:
a. vicarious observation.
b. psychological stimulation.
c. subliminal perception.
d. incidental learning.
The millions of consumers around the world who can now afford higher quality
products are referred to as belonging to the ________.
a. global middle class
b. mobile demanders
c. swing class
d. mass class
Eastern cultures stress all of the following EXCEPT:
a. collective self
b. inner, private self
c. inherent separateness of each individual
d. interdependent self
In the perceptual process, smells are classified as a sensory receptor.
a. True
b. False
Veronica engaged in an extensive information search process before buying a pair of
shoes and obtained a lot of detailed information. Her friend Rachel bought the same
pair of shoes, but obtained very little information before purchasing them. Veronica
does not expect to be as happy with the product as Rachel. This is known as the:
a. blissful-ignorance effect.
b. familiarity-liking hypothesis.
c. looking-glass self.
d. disconfirmation hypothesis.
Several of the following cultural roadblocks diminish the universality of the theory of
reasoned action, EXCEPT:
a. the model was developed to deal with actual behaviour, not with the outcomes of
b. the model was developed to predict the performance of any voluntary act.
c. the relative impact of subjective norms may vary across cultures.
d. the model measures behavioural intentions and thus presupposed that consumers are
actively thinking ahead and planning future behaviours.
Erika wanted her roommates to wash their own dishes and clean up in the kitchen when
their turn came. Everyone in the apartment had the stomach flu at least once in the last
two weeks and Erika thought she was coming down with it again. She was convinced
that if the apartment were cleaner, she could stay healthier. What type of message
would be most effective for Erika to persuade her roommates?
a. Erika should create a moderate threat with her message, and then explain how the
threat could be removed by her request.
b. Erika should emphasize the danger of the flu and how people could be adversely and
permanently affected by it.
c. Erika should ignore the threat of the flu and emphasize how much happier she would
be if the apartment was cleaner.
d. Erika should lie about the effects of the flu, using extreme illustrations such as how
the flu can lead to cancer.
Christina Chiang has decided to order a week's worth of groceries from
HomeGrocer.com. She places her order and is pleasantly surprised when she receives
her order at her doorstep six hours after the order was placed. This transaction is an
example of:
a. social commerce.
b. TCR.
c. virtual consumption.
d. U-commerce.
A basic principle ofmotivational research is:
a. Freudian theory has no basis in modern reality.
b. personality occurs when needs arise and then are satisfied.
c. consumers only buy when they are happy.
d. socially unacceptable needs are channeled into acceptable outlets.
Simtec believes in supplying the highest quality in engineering equipment and controls.
To make sure that its products fit the needs of its consumers, it goes into the field to
examine consumer needs and to see exactly how consumers use equipment to solve
problems. With respect to practice in TQM, Simtec is following a practice called
a. going to the mat
b. going to the gemba
c. going to the root of the problem
d. going to the experts
The self-concept refers to all of the products that make up the individual's sense of self.
a. True
b. False
Cherrie buys her lingerie from Frederick's of Hollywood because her favourite
entertainer recommends it. Therefore, Cherrie is acting on the basis of reward power.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following is notconsidered to be a negative limitation of e-commerce?
a. security
b. selling of personal information
c. inability to sample products
d. inability to provide good postpurchase customer service
_______ refers to the extent to which the brain's processing activity is devoted to a
particular stimulus.
a. Attention
b. Exposure
c. Perception
d. Sensation
The traditional communications model is ordered:
a. source, medium, receiver, feedback.
b. source, feedback, receiver, re-send.
c. source, medium, receiver, feedback, re-send.
d. source, message, medium, receiver, feedback.
The Bartons threw a massive birthday party for their youngest daughter. They decorated
the event like a carnival, hired a clown, had a huge balloon drop, and even brought in
an elephant for three hours. The Bartons' behaviour is an example of:
a. affluenza
b. trickle down theory
c. conspicuous consumption
d. conspicuous waste
In terms of customer complaints, marketers should:
a. encourage them.
b. handle them through email.
c. challenge customers to prove that they were wronged.
d. ignore silly ones and focus on important ones.
Values that specify the actions needed to achieve some higher-order value are termed:
a. terminal values.
b. behaviour objective values.
c. instrumental values.
d. means-end values.
e. self-actualization values.

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