CE 658 Homework

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1244
subject Authors Delbert Hawkins David Mothersbaugh

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Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding appropriate alternatives?
A. An evoked set is those brands or products one will evaluate for the solution of a
particular consumer problem.
B. The brand found completely unworthy of further consideration is a member of the
inept set.
C. Marketing strategy that focuses only on creating awareness is adequate.
D. Brands for which a consumer is aware of but basically indifferent toward compose
that consumer's inert set.
E. Alternatives the consumer does not know about compose the unawareness set.
Which approach to conflict resolution misrepresents the facts in order to win?
A. bargaining
B. use of authority
C. impression management
D. playing on emotion
E. reasoning
Which of the following is FALSE regarding the working poor?
A. They are forced to spend a disproportionate percentage of their income on housing,
utilities, and medical care.
B. They generally rely on public transportation.
C. They spend a larger portion of their relatively small incomes on meals away from
D. They spend very little on their own financial security.
E. They spend the same percent of their income as do higher income consumers on
apparel and accessories.
A shift away from a competition oriented society would most likely affect _____.
A. sales force compensation
B. the types of decision rules used
C. the use of comparative advertising
D. the use of price as a competitive weapon
E. all of the above
Which type of community interacts over time around a topic of interest on the Internet?
A. brand community
B. online community
C. cyber community
D. techie community
E. geek squad
Nikki likes to attend the movies, but she is concerned with how expensive ticket prices
are getting and the cost of concessions. She wants to have fun, but she also knows that
she needs to save money for college. Which type of motivational conflict is Nikki
A. approach-approach
B. approach-avoidance
C. avoidance-avoidance
D. acceptable-unacceptable
E. unacceptable-acceptable
Marcus works in operations. Which of the following evaluative criteria is NOT
important to him?
A. ease of maintenance of equipment
B. competence of service technicians
C. vendor offers a broad line
D. time needed to install equipment
E. product warranty
The trustworthiness dimension of an online retailer's image is represented by which
A. good product offers and information, value, aligned with interests
B. fun, attractive, pleasant to browse
C. easy to use and navigate, flexible site
D. reputation, information safety and security
E. fast and flexible delivery and transactions
In Japan, the exchange of meishi is the most basic of social rituals in a nation where
social ritual matters very much. The act of exchanging meishi is weighted with
meaning. Once the social minuet is completed, the two know where they stand in
relation to each other and their respective statures within the hierarchy of corporate or
government bureaucracy. What is "meishi"?
A. shaking hands
B. exchange of business cards
C. introductions by a third party
D. formal invitation
E. bows
Teri and Ed are in their 40s, are childless, and were married for 15 years but are now
divorced. However, Teri has always wanted children, so she adopted a daughter, who is
now two years old. To which stage of the household life cycle do Teri and her daughter
A. single parent I
B. divorced parent I
C. single parent II
D. full nest I
E. delayed full nest I
Scott participated in a promotion that allowed him to download a ringtone for his cell
phone that played the Stars Wars theme song. This is an example of which type of
marketing activity aimed at children that is considered controversial?
A. violent entertainment products
B. kids' clubs
C. mobile marketing
D. commercialization in schools
E. Internet marketing
Which of the following is NOT a decision rule used by consumers?
A. conjunctive
B. disjunctive
C. lexicographic
D. compensatory
E. conjoint
A hierarchical division of a society into relatively distinct and homogeneous groups
with respect to attitudes, values, and lifestyles is known as a _____.
A. social stratum
B. social class system
C. caste system
D. social continuum
E. societal ranking
Susan actually knows quite a bit about some product categories that she doesn't actively
seek out information concerning and doesn't even own. Which of the following is the
most likely means by which she obtained this information?
A. past searches
B. personal experience
C. low-involvement learning
D. experiential sources
E. high-involvement learning
Which of the following describes a population in terms of its size, distribution, and
A. geographics
B. psychographics
C. demographics
D. censographics
E. behaviorgraphics
Which marketing strategies are appropriate for extended decision making?
A. maintenance strategy and disrupt strategy
B. capture strategy and intercept strategy
C. preference strategy and acceptance strategy
D. maintenance strategy and intercept strategy
E. capture strategy and acceptance strategy
_____ represents the density of stimuli in the environment.
A. Program involvement
B. Clutter
C. Repetition
D. Intensity
E. Isolation
What do Hispanic girls celebrate when they are fifteen years old?
A. ritual situation
B. bat mitzvah
C. quincea±era
D. Cinco de Mayo
E. a and c

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