CE 589 Quiz 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1146
subject Authors Gilbert A. Churchill, Tom J. Brown, Tracy A. Suter

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The standard test market plays a vital role when
a. a firm wishes to test its ability to actually sell to the trade and get distribution for the
b. the capital investment is large.
c. the firm is entering a new territory.
d. Both A and B.
e. A, B, and C.
Research should be avoided when resources such as time and budget are lacking to do
the research properly.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following is TRUE?
a. External validity is concerned with the issue of whether or not the specific treatment
in which the researchers are interested has actually brought about the effect they have
b. A consumer good purchase experiment conducted in a mock-up store is more
externally valid than the same experiment in a real store setting.
c. External validity deals with the problem of projecting one's results from the
experimental setting to the real world.
d. Both A and C.
e. A, B, and C.
What type of research is conducted with a goal to support a particular position with
pseudoscientific results?
a. Positional
b. Pseudo
c. Expedient
d. Advocacy
e. Tertiary
What type of scale is the following? "What is your gender? 1 Male 2 Female
a. Nominal scale
b. Ordinal scale
c. Interval scale
d. Ratio scale
e. Likert scale
A researcher divides the city of Flint, Michigan, into 500 blocks of 10 households each.
She requires a sample of
400 households. She selects a sample by randomly selecting 100 blocks and randomly
selecting 4 households per block. This is an example of .
a. systematic sampling
b. two-stage area sampling
c. probability-proportional-to-size sampling
d. one-stage area sampling
e. sequential sampling
The________________is often all that many executives will see of the research effort.
a. Research Request Agreement
b. Data collection forms
c. Written research report
d. Decision Support System
e. All of the above
The use of a "no opinion" option in fixed-alternative response questions is
a. not necessary, because individuals will always express an opinion.
b. recommended by all leading authorities on questionnaire design.
c. not recommended since it allows individuals to "take the easy way out."
d. appropriate if pretesting or exploratory research reveals that 20-25% of the
respondents either don't know or don't hold an opinion.
e. not likely to affect the results of the survey.
Which type of primary data is represented by characteristics such as age, education,
occupation, marital status or gender?
a. Personality/Lifestyle
b. Awareness/Knowledge
c. Demographic/Socioeconomic
d. Attitudes
e. Behavior
John was stopped at the local shopping centers and asked if he would be willing to
participate in a research study.
Since John was alone and mainly doing window-shopping, he agreed to participate.
John was taken to a room and shown four new advertisements and asked various
questions related to the ads. This type of technique is called?
a. Person-on-the-street interview
b. Mall-intercept interview
c. Drop-off survey
d. Ad recall interview
e. None of the above.
The reporting technique for rating scale questions that presents the percentage of
respondents who checked one of the top two positions on a rating scales is known as the
a. ad hoc category combination.
b. response mashup technique.
c. expedient analysis technique.
d. two-box technique.
e. response alignment technique.
If your population is relatively small, it's a good idea to use which of the following?
a. Probability sample
b. Nonprobability sample
c. Census
d. All of the above.
e. a or b.
The differences between a cluster sample and a stratified sample are in a
a. cluster sample, the parent population is divided into mutually exclusive and
exhaustive subsets.
b. stratified sample, the parent population is divided into mutually exclusive and
exhaustive subsets.
c. stratified sample, a simple random sample of elements is chosen independently from
each group or subset, while in a cluster sample, a random sample of the subsets is
d. cluster sample, a simple random sample of elements is chosen independently from
each group or subset, while in a stratified sample, a random sample of the subsets is
e. None of the above.
To avoid low response rates, it is recommended that researchers
a. conduct thorough exploratory research.
b. perform pre-testing of the questionnaire.
c. use a large sample size.
d. Both a and b.
e. Both b and c.
Calculation of the samplingintervalis important in which sampling plan?
a. Simple random sample
b. Systematic sample
c. "Skip" sample
d. Cluster sample
e. Convenient sample
Research evidence supports the contention that
a. gender of respondents and interviewers does NOT influence the answers in a survey.
b. black interviewers are likely to obtain more information on consumption
expenditures in a predominantly white neighborhood.
c. it is better to have an old interviewer interview a young respondent and vice versa so
as to keep the interview from wandering off the intended topic into areas of mutual
d. the further the social distance between the interviewer and the respondent the greater
the bias.
e. background factors of interviewer and interviewee do NOT generally influence the
information obtained.
Finding answers and drawing conclusions is better left to more research.
a. Informal
b. Formal
c. Exploratory
d. Consumer
e. Scientific
A frequency analysis is NOT used to
a. locate blunders.
b. locate outliers.
c. determine the empirical distribution of the variable.
d. communicate the results of the study.
e. determine the relationship between two variables.
While completing a survey on attitudes toward house ownership, John was hit by an
attack of indigestion. Which of the following best accounts for the difference between
John's and another respondent's scores?
a. A true difference in attitudes
b. A true difference in personality between John and Bob
c. A difference due to temporary personal factors
d. A difference due to situational factors
e. A difference due to variations in administration.
Which of the following is NOT an advantage of computer-assisted interviewing?
a. Ease of data tabulation
b. Explanation of complex questions
c. Enhanced response rates
d. Personalization of questions
e. Customized questionnaires

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