CE 568 Midterm 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1868
subject Authors Nancy Mitchell, Sandra Moriarty, William Wells

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Banner ads are designed more like outdoor boards than like conventional print ads.
The tighter the focus on a target market, the harder it is to find appropriate media to
deliver a relevant message.
Similar to television programs, microblogs are a new form of Web advertising that
present several episodes in a developing story.
The ability to visualize is an important skill for artists on creative teams but not for
Flash mob marketing is a type of publicity stunt.
Brand tracking is the most common method for measuring a campaign's synergistic
Cause marketing means adopting a good cause and helping in its fund-raising and other
community-oriented efforts.
The process leading to the issuance of a cease-and-desist order is similar to that of a
court trial.
Reliability means that the research actually measures what it says it measures.
The various marketing communication messages and brand experiences that create and
maintain a brand are referred to collectively as ________.
A) brand position
B) point of differentiation
C) brand communication
D) added value
E) integrated marketing
Brand relationship communication aims to do which of the following?
A) introduce a product
B) demonstrate a product's effectiveness
C) extend a brand's image to a new product
D) highlight a competitive advantage
E) build trust with customers
In marketing communication, using an idea that someone else has originated is known
as ________ advertising.
A) duplicate
B) left-brain
C) copycat
D) right-brain
E) divergent
________ research provides insight into the underlying reasons for how and why
consumers think, feel, and behave as they do, using tools such as observation,
ethnographic studies, in-depth interviews, and case studies.
A) Secondary
B) Quantitative
C) Qualitative
D) Neural
E) Experimental
A television ad for Meridia, a prescription medication for the management of obesity,
begins by showing a close-up of a cute, pudgy baby's face while the copy says
something to the effect that "doctors have been concerned about your weight all your
life." The baby's face gradually turns into that of a woman who is attractive yet
overweight, and the copy says, "Meridia can help-just ask your doctor." Then the scene
shifts, rather abruptly, to the name of the prescription medication.
The technique in which the baby's face gradually changes into a woman's face is known
as ________.
A) die-cutting
B) debossing
C) morphing
D) interlocking
E) dubbing
Which of the following is a step in the process of structural analysis as used by the Leo
Burnett agency?
A) brainstorming ideas
B) ideation
C) incubation
D) evaluation of the power of the narrative
E) visualization
Monique and Bob Smith are married with two children at home and a third away at
college. They are also considering adopting another child. Monique is the primary
shopper for her family. Every week, she goes shopping to buy products that she and her
family need and want.
According to the U.S. Census, Monique, Bob, and the children are considered to be a
A) target market
B) family
C) culture
D) reference group
E) subculture
The promotional tool of publicity is also known as ________.
A) buzz marketing
B) sales promotion
C) public relations
D) direct-response
E) marcom
Monty Boyd travels frequently on West Coast Airlines for his job as an account
manager. Monty earns points for every mile he flies, and he will soon have enough
points to receive a free airline ticket. West Coast Airlines is building a customer
relationship with Monty using which of the following?
A) publicity
B) ambush marketing
C) premium reward
D) sweepstakes program
E) frequency program
Which of the following is LEAST likely an example of corporate media?
A) stationery
B) movie trailer
C) signage
D) delivery trucks
E) staff appearance
You are having dinner with your former college roommate, who is a neurosurgeon. You
are an account planner at an advertising agency, and you do a lot of ad testing. You're
trying to get him to help you with some neurological tests to determine the effectiveness
of some of your clients' ads, especially those that attempt to evoke strong emotional
responses. He asks you, "If advertising is done to sell a product, why don't you just
measure sales to determine the effectiveness of an ad?" You try to explain to him that it
is not that simple, and you tell him about all the types of research you conduct at
various stages of a campaign.
You also explain that while it is important to calculate the return on investment (ROI)
for brand communication efforts, it is often difficult to directly measure ROI. For which
marketing tool is it easiest to determine ROI?
A) broadcast advertising
B) out-of-home advertising
C) direct marketing
D) public relations
E) buzz marketing
The consumer promotion that is a tangible reward for a particular act, usually
purchasing a product or visiting the point-of-purchase, is known as a ________.
A) sample
B) price deal
C) contest
D) sweepstakes
E) premium
Which of the following provide the consumer with something extra through the
package itself?
A) prize-pack deals
B) cents-off deals
C) samples
D) self-liquidator premiums
E) coupons
In planning an international IMC campaign, vertical integration refers to coordinating
the ________.
A) budgeting method in all countries and regions involved in the plan
B) key planning decisions across all the marcom tools
C) purchasing of media through a single agency
D) timing of the campaign in all countries and regions involved in the plan
E) supply chain in all countries and regions involved in the plan
________ is formal research, such as surveys, in-depth interviews, observational
methods, focus groups, and all types of primary and secondary data used by the
marketing department to develop a marketing plan and, ultimately, provide information
for an advertising plan.
A) Marketing research
B) Media research
C) Consumer insight research
D) Semiotic analysis
E) Concept testing
What is the purpose of the national Do Not Call Registry?
A) to make businesses using telemarketing register all the numbers that they call
B) to allow consumers to receive telemarketing calls only from marketers that they
want to call them
C) to stop telemarketers from calling cell phone numbers because consumers must pay
for those calls
D) to allow consumers to "opt-out" of telemarketing calls from for-profit businesses
E) to stop telemarketers from calling people at work
________ are frameworks for right actions and are primarily the domain of religion and
A) Missions
B) Ethics
C) Morals
D) Customs
E) Traditions
________ is made up of tangible items-such as art, literature, buildings, and music-and
intangible concepts-such as knowledge, laws, morals, and customs-that together define
a group of people or a way of life.
A) Society
B) Culture
C) Ethnicity
D) Behavior
E) Social class
Which of the following are the two types of telemarketing?
A) opt-in and opt-out
B) toll and toll-free
C) internal and external
D) business and organizational
E) inbound and outbound
In a SWOT analysis, which of the following would be considered a strength?
A) another company's weakness
B) a strong economy
C) a leading position in a product category
D) another company's loss of market share
E) an economic downturn
Bob watched the Cadillac Golf Classic last weekend on television. Name and describe
the type of promotion and explain why companies use this kind of promotion.
A 30-second spot on a hit TV show can cost advertisers more than $600,000. Why is
mass media considered cost-effective when it costs so much?
Why is word-of-mouth such a powerful force in marketing communication?
Roger has decided to purchase a personal computer for his household's use, but he
doesn't know much about computers and he really doesn't want to spend more than
$1,000. How many stages of the consumer decision process is Roger likely to go
through in making the decision regarding which computer to purchase? Why?
For years, the U.S. Army has used an advertising campaign stressing that you can "Be
all you can be." What type of need is addressed by this campaign?
What type of sales promotion would benefit a political candidate the most?
Give an example of media convergence.

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