CE 175 Quiz 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1188
subject Authors Delbert Hawkins David Mothersbaugh

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Which of the following can influence an organization's decision to buy or not buy a
given product, or to buy or not buy from a given supplier?
A. trade associations
B. financial analysts
C. dealer organizations
D. business press
E. all of the above
Which of the following is the most widely applied single cue we use to initially
evaluate and define individuals we meet?
A. age
B. income
C. occupation
D. gender
E. education
Organizing individual items into groups of related items that can be processed as a
single unit is called _____.
A. chunking
B. maintenance rehearsal
C. zipping
D. minimizing
E. conditioning
Laura's job is to negotiate the payment schedule, warranties, and delivery dates for
major purchases made by her company. Laura deals with the _____ of the purchase.
A. evaluative criteria
B. product specifications
C. terms and conditions
D. postpurchase evaluation
E. relationship marketing aspect
Which of the following is NOT considered a stimulus factor affecting attention?
A. size
B. intensity
C. clutter
D. position
E. isolation
Which type of appeal uses the threat of negative (unpleasant) consequence if attitudes
or behaviors are not altered?
A. one-sided message
B. two-sided message
C. fear appeals
D. humorous appeals
E. comparative ads
_____ is the emotional or feeling response triggered by a stimulus such as an ad.
A. Affective interpretation
B. Consumer inference
C. Cognitive interpretation
D. Perceptual interpretation
E. Perceptual relativity
Several girls in the 9th grade class at a small private school maintained an online
journal. In this journal, some negative comments about the school were made, and the
principal made them discontinue this online journal. The principal was concerned
because anybody can read these comments as long as they know the address.
Personalized online journals where people and organizations can keep a running
dialogue such as the one illustrated here are known as _____.
A. search engines
B. diaries
C. blogs
D. viral marketing sites
E. cyber diaries
Which consumer group is driven by a desire to help with respect to cause-related
marketing programs?
A. Skeptic
B. Balancer
C. Attribution-oriented
D. Socially concerned
E. Apathetic
Many victims of hurricane Katrina were left without their homes, food, and
water--basic necessities for living. Based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which
motives were activated for these individuals?
A. security
B. self-actualization
C. physiological
D. belongingness
E. esteem
The owner of a local restaurant wants to enhance consumers' attitudes toward his
restaurant by changing the affective component of their attitude. Which of the following
is an appropriate approach to achieve this objective?
A. Change consumers' beliefs about attributes of his restaurant.
B. Use positive music in their advertisements so that over time consumers will transfer
the positive affect associated with the music to the restaurant.
C. Convince consumers that an attribute for which this restaurant is strong is more
important than other attributes consumers consider for this product category.
D. Inform consumers that delivery is now available.
Which outcome of marketing strategy produces the revenue necessary for the firm to
continue in business?
A. customer satisfaction
B. product position
C. consumption
D. social welfare
E. sales and profits
Age, gender, education, occupation, and income are examples of _____ variables.
A. demographic
B. holographic
C. geographic
D. psychographic
E. censographics
Which of the following provides an accurate description of the organic food market?
A. foods which meet USDA standards so that they are certified organic enhance
consumer trust
B. organic sales are expected to grow to $50 million by 2012
C. roughly two-thirds of Americans buy organic foods regularly
D. supermarkets are expected to begin carrying organic foods by 2012
E. all of the above describe the organic food market
Harley-Davidson motorcycle owners that join a Harley group, Jeep owners that attend
events sponsored by Jeep, and Star Trek "Trekkies" are all examples of _____.
A. cohort groups
B. clone groups
C. dissociative reference groups
D. consumption subcultures
E. purchase consortiums
Which type of materialism is the acquisition of things to enable one to do something?
A. primary
B. secondary
C. terminal
D. means-end
E. instrumental
Which trait reflects an individual difference in consumers' propensity to be biased
against the purchase of foreign products?
A. need for affiliation
B. need for uniqueness
C. consumer ethnocentrism
D. agreeableness
E. introversion
People from different functional areas of an organization in a DMU will always use the
same evaluative criteria.
Which generation of Hispanic adults was born outside the United States, has the lowest
income and education, is most likely to identify themselves as Hispanic, is most likely
to have Spanish as their primary language, and is most likely to possess traditional
values including a masculine view of the family decision hierarchy?
A. First generation adults
B. Second generation adults
C. Third generation adults
D. Primary generation adults
E. Secondary generation adults

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