CDA 76654

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 458
subject Authors D. S. Malik

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To specify a function as a formal parameter to another function, we specify the function
type, followed by the function name as a pointer, followed by the parameter types of the
To implement hashing, we use four arrays.
The first form of the function transform has three parameters.
Because an array is not a random access data structure, we cannot use a binary search to
effectively find and retrieve an item from an array list.
An array created during the execution of a program is called a dynamic array.
All insertions and searches in the random probing method use a different sequence of
random numbers.
Composition is a "has-a" relationship.
When inserting into a B-tree, if the key is already in the tree, you should output an error
The order of the nodes in a linked list is determined by the data value stored in each
A recursive solution is always a better alternative to an iterative solution.
In a selection sort, the first step we locate the smallest item in the entire list, the second
step we locate the smallest item in the list starting from the second element in the list,
and so on.
OOD has three basic principles: encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism.
A program that is well developed is more expensive to maintain.
The stack container class provides the operation size to return the actual number of
elements in the stack.
Functions such as push and pop that are required to implement a stack are not
inherently available to C++ programmers.
At any given time, a server is either free or busy.
Traversing a graph is different than traversing a binary tree.
The algorithms to implement the operations search, insert, and remove are the same for
sorted and unsorted lists.
An iterator works like a pointer.
Operations such as search, insert, and delete require a linked list to be sorted.

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