CCJ 45394

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1325
subject Authors Larry J. Siegel

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Computer worms are similar to viruses except that they use computer networks or the
Internet to do what?
a. 'swat" or 'shoplist" merchandise
b. "rip" or "crack" security codes
c. crash websites
d. self-replicate
Errors in cognition and information processing have been used to explain the behavior
of child abusers. What distorted thinking pattern/perception is expressed by child
a. Abusers perceive children as wanting to engage in sexual activity.
b. Abusers perceive that sexual activity does not cause harm and may be beneficial to
the child.
c. Abusers perceive they are entitled to have sex with whomever they want.
d. Abusers express all these thinking patterns/perceptions.
According to Felson's research on the development of the divergent metropolis, why did
crime increase from 1960 to 1990?
a. due to economic constraints that resulted in fewer police officers on the streets
b. due to a demographic bulge of young males in the suburban population
c. due to structural changes in American society
d. due to the increasing existence of malls
Criminologists use ________ methods to study the nature, extent, cause, and control of
criminal behavior.
a. economic
b. scientific
c. sociological
d. psychological
Who or what is the victim in crimes of influence peddling?
a. the organization
b. the customers of an organization
c. entry-level employees
d. the stockholders of an organization
The crime that requires offensive touching, such as slapping, hitting, or punching a
victim is:
a. battery
b. assault
c. road rage
d. aggravated assault
Deviant behavior:
a. violates the legal code
b. is considered a felony
c. is mala in se
d. departs from social norms
Agnew's General Strain Theory indicates that criminality is the direct result of ___ that
come in the wake of destructive social relationships.
a. inadequate social controls
b. reactions formations
c. negative affective states
d. blocked social means
Which goal of political criminals which to overthrow the existing government and
replace it with one that holds their views?
a. revolution
b. pseudo-conviction
c. conviction
d. revolution
According to __________, punishment has the potential to discourage all individuals in
the population from committing crime.
a. specific deterrence
b. general deterrence
c. diffusion of benefits
d. crime displacement
If a juvenile experiences the death of a parent, which type of strain did the youth
experience according to general strain theory?
a. achievement of positively valued goals
b. disjunction of expectations and achievements
c. removal of positively valued stimuli
d. presentation of negative stimuli
Athens links violence to early experiences with child abuse. Which is the proper
ordering of how antisocial careers develop under this link?
a. brutalization process, virulency stage, violent performances
b. violent performances, brutalization process, virulency stage
c. virulency stage, violent performances, brutalization process
d. brutalization process, violent performances, virulency stage
What theory, developed by Gottfredson and Hirschi considers the criminal offender and
the criminal act as separate concepts?
a. human nature theory
b. age-graded theory
c. interactional theory
d. general theory of crime
According to Freud which part of the brain is involved in instant gratification?
a. id
b. superego
c. ego
d. super id
A buyer and seller of stolen merchandise is known as a:
a. snitch
b. booster
c. cannon
d. fence
Sutherland's concept of professional theft has two critical dimensions. First, thieves
engage in limited types of crime. The second requirement is the:
a. exclusive use of wits, front, and talking ability
b. exclusive use of professional fences and local banking institutions
c. exclusive use of professional fences and offshore banking institutions
d. exclusive use of observation, media reports, and internet information
Whose name do we associate with the prominent social learning theory of differential
a. Matza
b. Sykes
c. Burgess
d. Sutherland
As defined by routine activities theory, a large number of teenagers would be classified
as _________ _________.
A large portion of auto thieves steal cars to use in other crimes, such as robberies and
Cyber crime is a new breed of offenses that involves the theft and/or destruction of
information, resources, or funds utilizing computers, computer networks, and the
Left-realists do not view police as inherently evil tools of capitalism but they do wish,
however, that police would:
a. reduce their use of force
b. increase their sensitivity to the public
c. be more responsive to community needs
d. All are wishes that left-realists have for police.
Commercial cyber spies target upcoming bids, customer lists, product designs, software
source code, voice mail messages, and confidential e-mail messages.
Some political criminals are motivated by altruism or their convictions.
White collar offenders who claim that everyone commits crime reflect the _________
or _________ view of causation.
File sharing is a type of illegal copyright infringement that allows users to download
music and other copyrighted materials without paying royalties to the copyright holder.
According to reintegrative shaming, shaming that is stigmatizing has a strong and
effective deterrent effect.
Gunnar Myrdal described a worldwide _________ that was cut off from society, its
members lacking the education and skills needed to be effectively in demand in modern
Most self-report surveys focus on juvenile delinquency and youth crime.
Identify the patterns of behavior and symptoms of ADHD and discuss how ADHD is
associated with crime.
There are three major types of Internet securities fraud: market manipulation, fraudulent
offerings of securities, and _________ _________.
Bullies have children who bully others, and these 'second-generation bullies" grow up
to become fathers of children who also become bullies.
The Minneapolis domestic violence study showed that arresting offenders was an
ineffective means of reducing recidivism.
What are the important themes and concepts that critical criminologists devote their
attention to today?

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