CCJ 43293

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 2045
subject Authors Joycelyn M. Pollock

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If any of these examples were arranged specifically to observe Officer Jones to see how
he would react to an opportunity for misconduct, the activity would be an example of a:
a. graft check.
b. corruption review.
c. random integrity test.
d. targeted integrity test.
You attempted to convince the jury that the presence of the fingerprints did not mean
anything " it was his bat, after all, and he had used it in a softball game recently. You
argued that the detectives investigating the murder suspected your client right away
because he was the victim's ex-boyfriend, and accordingly, they automatically
interpreted any evidence in a way that agreed with their suspicion. This is an example
a. cognitive dissonance
b. selective information processing
c. noble-cause
d. harmless error
Immanuel Kant is most associated with which ethical system?
a. Utilitarianism
b. ethics of care
c. ethics of virtue
d. ethical formalism
According to the text, behavioral decisions that can be judged under ethical standards
involve four elements. Which of the following is one of these elements?
a. the judge must be present in order to judge the act in question
b. value systems are universal
c. coerced actions may be judged
d. behavior must stem from free will in order to be judged under ethical standards
Your department discovered a local resident meeting with a suspected intelligence
officer from a foreign nation operating in your city. Your department is planning a joint
operation with the FBI to investigate, and it is decided that a wiretap would be
appropriate. Because the resident is a U.S. citizen, the wiretap must be approved by:
a. the Supreme Court
b. the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
c. the Federal Circuit Court with jurisdiction over your city
d. no court approval is needed, as long as the FBI is officially part of the investigation
The Protect America Act was passed in 2007, allowing the government:
a. to interrogate anyone without counsel present anyone suspected of being linked to a
terrorist group
b. to wiretap, without a warrant, anyone suspected of being linked to a terrorist group
c. to detain indefinitely anyone suspected of being linked to a terrorist group
d. to arrest anyone suspected of being linked to a terrorist group
During Kohlberg's __________________level, the person approaches a moral issue
motivated purely by personal interests.
a. pre-conventional
b. post-conventional
c. un-conventional
d. conventional
If the country's population is relatively homogenous, defining morality and deviance
will be easier for the new lawmakers. A common or collective conscience, in which
each individual's moral beliefs are indistinguishable from the whole is known as:
a. organic solidarity
b. mechanical solidarity
c. Marxism
d. Division of labor
According to the text, disciplinary committees investigate a practicing attorney:
a. only when a complaint is lodged against him or her
b. on a regularly basis, usually every fiscal year
c. every time they need to renew their license to practice
d. only when it involves a capital case
The idea that an offender must suffer in order to achieve salvation is associated with the
_____________ punishment rationale.
a. Retribution
b. Treatment
c. Incapacitation
d. deterrence
Which of the following statements about developmental theories is false?
a. Developmental theories propose that individuals mature physically, cognitively, and
b. Developmental theories argue that individuals have normal growth phases in areas
such as morality and emotional maturity.
c. Jean Piaget and Lawrence Kohlberg are well-known developmental theorists.
d. Kohlberg's moral stages of development consist of two levels of moral reasoning,
with three stages in each level.
Which ethical system is used to support preventing crime using deterrence,
incapacitation, and/or treatment?
a. Ethical Formalism
b. Ethics of Care
c. Rawlsian Ethics
d. Utilitarianism
According to South, some of the ethical problems with informants include all except:
a. engaging in love affairs with informants
b. overestimates of veracity
c. being used by informants
d. informant being killed
Neyroud and Beckley describe the police standards of the United Kingdom as reflecting
an emphasis on:
a. law and order
b. retribution
c. human rights
d. punishment
Wright offers seven principles as a guide for how administrators and supervisors should
treat employees. Which of the following is not one of these seven principles?
a. fair treatment
b. due process
c. safety
d. good benefits
The suspect does file a complaint with Internal Affairs, and Ted is questioned about the
incident. Ted tells the investigator that he observed nothing out of the ordinary: when he
arrived at the scene the suspect was in custody and Roland was reading him his rights.
This is an example of:
a. the blue curtain of secrecy
b. discretion
c. persuasion
d. "dilemma of duty"
The __________ rule specifies that treatment professionals do have legal duties to third
persons if they have cause to reasonably believe that one of their clients is going to
harm that person.
a. Tarosoff
b. Souryal
c. Glaser
d. Watergate
The idea that most people have similar beliefs, values, and goals and that societal laws
reflect the majority view is most consistent with:
a. the pluralist paradigm
b. the conflict paradigm
c. the consensus paradigm
d. the repressive paradigm
You draft recommendations to improve the hiring process. You advise the chief that one
particular category of recruits was more likely to be terminated during probation.
Which group is this?
a. Female recruits
b. Recruits with only a high-school diploma
c. Recruits with military experience
d. Recruits under the age of 22.
When challenged, Sheriff Johnson explained that the goal of protecting society by
interdicting illegal drugs outweighs the inconvenience suffered by innocent people who
may be stopped and harassed. This explanation represents which ethical system?
a. Utilitarianism
b. Universalism
c. Ethics of care
d. Ethical formalism
Which of the following individuals viewed the criminal as rational and as having free
a. Kelsey Kauffman
b. Cesare Beccaria
c. Jeremy von Hirsch
d. John Braithwaite
Instead of the above scenario, the new leadership re-writes the rules so that the ethnic
minorities in the country no longer have the right to vote. They also remove any
restrictions against discriminatory practices, which will allow employers and landlords
to refuse jobs and housing to members of minorities. This scenario describes:
a. the conflict paradigm
b. the consensus paradigm
c. the pluralist paradigm
d. the Marxist paradigm
An applied ethics approach presumes that individuals generally prefer to do:
a. what they are told to do.
b. what is right.
c. what is personally most beneficial.
d. what is most convenient.
It occurs to you that the victim will not be able to testify if the trial takes place quickly,
due to his injuries. Accordingly, you do not agree to waive your client's 'speedy trial"
rights. This action would indicate your view that you are serving as your client's:
a. legal agent
b. moral agent
c. confidant
d. paternal guide
Persuasion is defined as:
a. the right to inherent in a role to use any means to overcome resistance
b. the use of signs, symbols, words, and arguments to induce compliance
c. the use of force and coercion to get one's way
d. the unquestionable entitlement to be obeyed that comes from fulfilling a specific role
The neighbor who tore away the screening hesitated at first because he was of the belief
that it was wrong to destroy another's property. At the same time, he also was of the
belief that he should rescue the dog. These conflicting beliefs constituted a(n):
a. "contradiction of values."
b. superogatory.
c. ethical dilemma.
d. legal contradiction.
In which of the following whistle-blowing incidents was General Taguba involved?
a. The "Quantico Circuit"
b. "Abu Ghraib"
c. The exposure of secret prisons in the Pentagon
d. Taguba was not involved in any of these events
The Tucker Telephone was associated with a prison in:
a. Texas
b. Arkansas
c. California
d. Mississippi
According to the text, the rationale for punishment and corrections comes from:
a. religious tradition
b. the Supreme Court
c. English common law
d. the social contract
By relating his ethical principles to this specific issue, the judge is providing an
example of:
a. meta-ethics
b. normative ethics
c. applied ethics
d. universal ethics
These pre-trial activities are part of the process of:
a. substantive justice
b. procedural justice
c. ethics of care
d. peacemaking justice
Medical personnel sometimes adopt the ____________________ philosophy of
corrections and deprive inmates of services because of a belief that they don"t deserve
a. "penal harm"
b. "green wall"
c. "correctional brick wall"
d. "penal oath"
Even when there is evidence indicating innocence, juries have shown a willingness to
convict based on false ____________.
Correctional programs have been shown to improve morality scores among offender
Review egoism and identify its relationship to natural law.
Answer:answer not provided
The law enforcement approach whereby small violations and ordinances are enforced to
the maximum with the expectation that this will reduce more serious crime is called the
________________________ policy.
________________ have several characteristics; among them are the facts that they are
the source of moral beliefs and that they are the underlying premises upon which we
base our judgments.
The FISA court was in response to government operations that spied on citizens in the
A type of sexual harassment where sexual innuendos or joking makes the workplace so
uncomfortable that the employee perceives it as harmful is referred to as
Compare and contrast substantive justice and procedural justice. Give an example of
Answer:answer not provided
Harris defined ethical systems as a systematic ordering of __________________.
Thirteen convictions in death penalty cases in Illinois were later overturned when
evidence indicated that the convicted might be innocent or, at the very least, did not
receive due process.
The frequency of use--of--force events varied by region, with the highest in the
Legal paternalism is consistent with the ethical system of ethics of care.
Exploring with one's heart as well as one's mind is known as "wholesight."
______________ have the power to define behavior as illegal and, therefore,
Ethical ____________________are broad social questions, often concerning the
government's social control mechanisms and the impact on those governed.
Under the retributive system, the reason we punish is for the greater good of society.

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