CCJ 43066

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 1980
subject Authors Joycelyn M. Pollock

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What form of prevention is aimed at people other than the offender?
a. general deterrence
b. specific deterrence
c. selective incapacitation
d. general incapacitation
By telling the recruits that they will be "eliminating" victims (as opposed to "killing,"
"blowing up," "gunning down," etc), the leader is using which method of cognitive
a. euphemistic labeling
b. cognitive dissonance
c. advantageous comparison
d. displacement of responsibility
The "__________________ complex" provides jobs and profits to legions of companies
and people around the country.
a. for-profit
b. Wal-prison-mart
c. prison-industrial
d. correctional sector
In May 2010, Arizona passed a controversial law requiring police officers in the state
a. ask for proof of citizenship or residency from everyone they stopped
b. ask for proof of citizenship or residency from all motorists
c. ask for proof of citizenship or residency if there was reasonable suspicion that the
person was an illegal immigrant
d. ask for proof of citizenship or residency if the person looked Hispanic
Which theory of distributive justice starts with the basic premise of equality?
a. Libertarian
b. Utilitarian
c. Egalitarian
d. Marxist
The concepts of mechanical solidarity and organic solidarity are most closely associated
with the work of:
a. Karl Marx
b. Emile Durkheim
c. Cesare Beccaria
d. Jeremy Bentham
A survey of police chiefs found that they recommend that ethics training should focus
on __________________ rather than rules.
a. shared values and problem solving
b. legal requirements for each position
c. reviewing and updating the organization's Code of Ethics
d. defining basic terms for new recruits
Ted chooses not to report his partner. He arrived at this decision by deciding that the
greater good is served by preserving the rapist's conviction, rather than risk losing it due
to an excessive force complaint. Ted does believe that Roland acted improperly, but
decides that the community is better off if the rapist is incarcerated than if a complaint
is pursued against an otherwise excellent officer. Ted's decision is consistent with:
a. utilitarianism
b. ethical formalism
c. ethics of care
d. zero tolerance
By allowing his personal views to result in unequal treatment of members of the public,
Officer Smith is in violation of his:
a. professional ethics.
b. normative ethics.
c. superogative duty.
d. imperfect duty.
Cohen and Feldberg proposed five ethical standards that can be derived from the social
contract between society and the individuals. Which of the following is not one of these
a. Teamwork
b. Objectivity
c. Equality
d. Fair access
The crime lab examiner who matched the fingerprints to the defendant is an important
witness. The fingerprints represent a significant part of your case. According to the
"Daubert standard," you will be required to:
a. demonstrate the witness' knowledge, skill, and training that qualify him as an expert
in his field
b. show that the expert witness personally supervised the collection of the fingerprints
at the scene
c. certify that the witness is not being paid or compensated in any way for his testimony
d. obtain the defense's agreement to allow him to utilize visual aids as part of his
___________________________ is an approach to corrective justice that focuses on
meeting the needs of offenders as well as victims.
a. Distributive justice
b. Restorative justice
c. Civil justice
d. Utilitarian justice
Without a strong moral and ethical code, correctional officers may find themselves
drifting into:
a. egoistic pragmatism
b. relativistic pragmatism
c. egoistic utilitarianism
d. egoistic relativism
Mackie describes three specific types of retribution. Which of the following is one of
these three types?
a. permissive retribution
b. limited retribution
c. capital retribution
d. psychological retribution
The law enforcement approach first implemented when William Bratton was police
chief in New York City in the 1990s is called:
a. community policing
b. 'safe for tourists" zone
c. zero-tolerance policy
d. blue wall of integrity
Assume that the waitress at the diner was new, and did not know about Officer Jones'
arrangement with the owner. She brought a check for the food and coffee, and Officer
Jones grudgingly paid. Because the choice of the diner was motivated by Officer Jones'
desire for a free meal, ____________ would consider his actions immoral even though
he paid.
a. universality
b. ethical formalism
c. utilitarianism
d. teleological ethics
Which of the following is not a valid exception to the exclusionary rule?
a. good faith
b. judicial discretion
c. inevitable discovery
d. public safety
Pinker refers to the incorrect belief that the body is separate from the mind as:
a. the "blank slate"
b. "moral imagination"
c. the "ghost in the machine"
d. the "noble savage"
According to Souryal's typology, the type of probation or parole officer who has a
tendency to use illegal threats and violate the due-process protections of his/her clients,
is called the:
a. punitive law enforcer
b. bureaucratic paper pusher
c. welfare/therapeutic practitioner
d. passive time observer
According to a Justice Department study that tracked 272,111 released inmates in 15
states, which of the following statements is false?
a. men are more likely than women to recidivate
b. blacks are more likely to recidivate than whites
c. young people are more likely to recidivate than older offenders
d. offenders with the highest recidivism rates are more likely to include rapists
Operation Greylord took place in the 1980s and involved:
a. corrupt "expert" witnesses
b. corrupt judges and attorneys
c. treatment staff misconduct
d. correctional misconduct
Which aspect of penalties found in sentencing circles emphasize the individual's
responsibility to the victim and society?
a. community service
b. apology
c. shaming
d. restitution
Kohlberg advanced the possibility of a seventh stage described as a:
a. "enlightened" stage involving law-and-order orientation
b. 'soft" stage of ethical awareness with an orientation of cosmic or religious thinking
c. "universal" stage where the child becomes aware of and is concerned with others'
d. "final" stage where the individual performs conventionally determined good behavior
to be considered a good person
Let's assume that the driver turned out to be an undercover police officer who was
engaged in surveillance. Jones intended at first to write a citation. However, when he
found out the driver was an officer, he decided to let him go, so that the undercover
officer would not have attention drawn to him while Jones wrote the citation. Jones
decided that letting the officer go would best serve the greater good. This would be
consistent with:
a. universality
b. professional courtesy
c. utilitarianism
d. deontology
Excessive use of force, rape and sexual harassment, theft and destruction of personal
property are all examples of which of the following types of prison abuse identified by
a. malicious or purposeful abuse
b. negligent abuse
c. systemic or budgetary abuse
d. intentional sexual abuse
If the chief invests in new technologies such as GIS mapping software and data analysis
tools, in order to better deploy police resources, this would be known as:
a. A zero tolerance" policy
b. An intelligence-based strategy
c. Predictive policing
d. Community policing
Barker and Carter proposed that police abuse of authority comes in all of the following
areas except:
a. physical abuse
b. psychological abuse
c. legal abuse
d. sexual abuse
A positive retribution:
a. demands that one who is guilty ought to be punished
b. allows that one who is guilty may be punished
c. dictates that one who is not guilty must not be punished for a crime
d. does not allow for atonement
The type of justice that seeks to achieve the greatest good for all is called:
a. utilitarian justice
b. restorative justice
c. compensatory justice
d. egalitarian justice
_________ basic formula for punishment provides that the utility of punishment to
society (by deterring crime) outweighs the negative of the punishment itself.
a. Kauffman's
b. Bentham's
c. Mackie's
d. Rawls's
Shermer believes that morality is a product of?
a. Learning
b. Reasoning
c. Evolution
d. Negative reinforcement
The pursuit of Saddam Hussein caused many civilian casualties among the Iraqi people.
The civilian casualties were not intended; in fact, great care was taken to keep the
civilian casualties to a minimum. According to the ___________________, then, the act
of toppling Hussein was considered a good act.
a. categorical imperative
b. Dirty Harry dilemma
c. natural law
d. principle of double effect
Describe the importance of judicial independence but, also, explain why judicial
oversight is necessary.
Answer:answer not provided
_________________________ refers to laws that protect individuals from hurting
Determinate sentencing is consistent with the just deserts model of justice.
An exchange of a guilty plea for reduced charge or sentence is called a
Durkheim's concept of collective conscience is referred to as
Making decisions by examining a problem with both one's head and one's heart is
known as _________________.
Both the American Correctional Association's Code of Ethics and the Law Enforcement
Code of Ethics prohibit exploiting one's professional authority for personal gain.
The term used to describe a utilitarian principle wherein justification for bad means
comes from the good end result is ______________________.
Moral culpability is assigned to all human beings since we all have the ability to decide
what is good or bad.
List and discuss Barker and Carter's types of abuse.
Answer:answer not provided
The practice of reciprocity is supported by formal correctional ethics.
In order to find gratuities ethical, __________________ would indicate that we must be
comfortable with a universal law allowing all businesses to give all police officers
certain favors or gratuities
____________________ refers to a non-exclusive love and acceptance of everyone.
"Situational ethics" is an example of an absolutist ethical system.
Each of the Criminal Justice subsystems examined in this book have in common the
presence of authority, power, ___________, and force.
The term ___________________ was used by Ruiz and Bono to describe the situation
wherein officers are frequently offered gratuities.

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