CCJ 29065

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 2137
subject Authors Joycelyn M. Pollock

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In Walsh's theory of the evolution of justice, "grudgers" emerged as a response to
When the to trial, Ted maintains his story on the witness stand. This is known
informally as:
a. a blue screen
b. discretion under oath
c. "dilemma of duty"
d. "testilying"
The rights-based approach would be consistent with recognizing human rights, and the
crime control approach would be consistent with:
a. noble cause corruption
b. expansion of governmental powers
c. reduction of civil liberties
d. all of these are correct
Legal moralism refers to:
a. laws that protect children against their parents
b. laws that protect societal morals
c. laws that protect individual from hurting themselves
d. laws that guarantee the rights of the father
Which of the following is an example of an ethical dilemma?
a. racial profiling
b. decriminalizing soft drugs
c. the Patriot Act
d. a judge reinstating a death sentence in a case
According to McCarthy, an anti-corruption policy for correctional managers should
include all of the following except:
a. improved working conditions
b. providing good role models in the form of supervisors and administrators
c. reduced opportunities for corruption
d. regular lie-detector tests
The argument by some that there must be secrecy concerning interrogation tactics so
they can be more effective is referred to as the:
a. "doctrine of necessity"
b. "doctrine of the weak"
c. "doctrine of the insurgents"
d. "doctrine of tolerance"
Assume the new chief sets up a D.A.R.E. program with the local schools, orders 25% of
his patrol officers to switch to foot patrol, and sets up a citizen's advisory board. These
actions would be consistent with:
a. A zero tolerance" policy
b. An intelligence-based strategy
c. Predictive policing
d. Community policing
In the end, the court rejects your case. The court's decision is consistent with the
concept of ______________________ which allows prison administration latitude to
establish policy as it sees fit.
a. Reciprocity
b. institutional autonomy
c. due deference
d. retribution
Which of the following is a main difference between probation officers and parole
a. Parole officers are paid less.
b. Parole officers are more highly educated.
c. Parole officers generally supervise an older population.
d. Parole officers are more service-oriented.
According to Souryal's typology, which type of probation and parole officers may need
to examine his or her use of authority?
a. punitive law enforcer
b. bureaucratic paper pusher
c. welfare/therapeutic worker
d. passive time server
Faith-based programs are:
a. unconstitutional
b. constitutional only if no state money is used
c. shown to have reduced recidivism
d. only allowed if they are Christian in nature
In ______________________, the Supreme Court held that it did not violate the
defendant's Sixth Amendment right to counsel for the attorney to refuse to help the
defendant commit perjury.
a. Bartley v. Montana
b. Brown v. Mississippi
c. Miranda v. Connecticut
d. Nix v. Whiteside
According to Beccaria's and Bentham's utilitarian rationale, punishment should be
based on:
a. the character of the victim
b. the concept of mercy
c. the seriousness of the crime
d. the social status of the perpetrator
In __________________________ the U.S. Supreme Court held that the government
may not indefinitely detain even illegal immigrants without some due process.
a. Hamdi v. Rumsfeld
b. Rasul v. Bush
c. Clark v. Martinez
d. Hamdan v. Rumsfeld
Which is not considered a moral virtue?
a. Thriftiness
b. Industriousness
c. Love
d. Honesty
Your client tells you that there really was a weapon, and that the police missed it at the
crime scene. According to the ABA's Model Rules of Professional Conduct, your duty
is to:
a. report the information to the prosecution
b. call your defendant to the witness stand and let him decide for himself whether he
will reveal the fact that there was a weapon
c. maintain the confidentiality of your communications with your client
d. the Model Rules do not address this situation
The continuum-of-force approach allows the officer to.
a. overwhelm the suspect with force to deter resistance.
b. employ increasing levels of force in direct response to escalating resistance of the
c. call for assistance from additional officers if a suspect is unruly.
d. remain at a safe distance from a violent suspect until backup arrives.
The judge rejects your motion to prevent the weapon from being used in the trial. She
agreed that technically the warrant did not specifically include the area of the woodpile,
but feels that the minor violation was not worth taking the chance that the prosecutor
might end up losing the case. In her view, society is better served by allowing the
weapon to be used as evidence than it would be if the defendant is allowed to go free.
This decision represents which ethical belief?
a. Utilitarianism
b. Ethical formalism
c. Legal paternalism
d. Universality
Strict constructionists argue that the Constitution:
a. should be implemented as written
b. should be abolished altogether
c. is meant to be a living document
d. is meant to be all-inclusive
Social learning theory was developed by:
a. Albert Bandura
b. Jean Piaget
c. Erik Erikson
d. B. F. Skinner
The Latin term associated with "an eye for an eye" is lex salica.
According to Packer, which of the following is one of the principles under which the
due process model operates?
a. efficiency is a top priority
b. there is a presumption of guilt
c. protection of process is as important as protection of innocents
d. emphasis is on speed and finality
A panel of judges reviewed 2100 cases in California and, in about a quarter of the cases,
a. instances of prosecutorial misconduct
b. instance of judges accepting bribes
c. improper reporting of case details by local news media
d. the 'speedy trial" requirements were not being met
Souryal refers to illegitimate acts done for personal gain as:
a. acts of malfeasance
b. acts of nonfeasance
c. acts of misfeasance
d. acts of feasance
By obtaining the facts and then using objective reasoning to most effectively reach a
decision, the judge is exhibiting:
a. wholesight
b. critical thinking
c. legal discretion
d. a value system
If the new chief issues orders requiring patrol officers to issue citations or make arrests
for any observed infraction, no matter how minor, this would be consistent with:
a. A zero tolerance" policy
b. An intelligence-based strategy
c. Predictive policing
d. Community policing
_____________________ postulates that what is good for one's survival and personal
happiness is moral.
a. Altruism
b. Narcissism
c. Egoism
d. Philanthropy
Which of the following statements is false?
a. The ethics of care is consistent with a Marxist theory of justice since both emphasize
b. Utilitarian theories try to maximize societal good, thus some balance of need and
merit would be necessary to provide the incentive to produce.
c. Ethical formalism is concerned solely with rights, thus, issues of societal good may
not be as important.
d. Rawls's theory is solely Kantian because it demands a basic level of individual rights.
"National security letters" are letters issued by the _____________ to access private
information without a warrant.
a. CIA
b. FBI
d. NSA
Superogatories have to do with:
a. duties
b. virtues
c. laws
d. meta-ethics
In ______________________, the Supreme Court ruled that defendants had no
constitutional right to DNA evidence.
a. District Attorney v. Osborne
b. Garcetti v. Ceballos
c. Purkett v. Elem
d. Batson v. Martinez
The offender explains to the victim that he didn't consider that there was a person who
suffered as a result of his vandalism; to him, it was "just a building," and "the company"
would fix whatever damage he did. This statement indicates which belief?
a. denial of victim
b. denial of harm
c. denial of responsibility
d. "trickle-down"
Who of the following is not associated with developmental theories?
a. Kohlberg
b. Bentham
c. Gilligan
d. Piaget
In __________________ the U.S. Supreme Court dealt with a case involving a inmate
who had been forced to sit in a chair while two officers hit him in the head and chest
area, with a lieutenant looking on.
a. Diaz v. Martinez
b. Gomez v. Glenn
c. Hamdin v. Grouch
d. Hudson v. McMillian
Most behaviors that might be judged as ethical or unethical for criminal justice
professionals fall into four major categories. Which of the following does not represents
one of these four categories?
a. theft
b. malfeasance
c. harassment
d. marital infidelity
Aristotle's concept of moderation, in which one should not err toward excess or
deficiency, is called:
a. the principle of eudaimonia
b. the principle of the golden mean
c. the principle of moral latitude
d. the principle of the moral exemplar
The fact that the suspect had a prior history of committing the same crime would be
considered significant in the subjective test for entrapment.
________________ theories start with the basic premise of equal treatment or equal
shares for all.
Substantive justice involves the determination of just deserts.
European law enforcement seems to be more committed to a rights-based policing
model even though they have been dealing with terrorism longer than the U.S.
It is permissible (and efficient) for the same attorney to represent two defendants
charged with the same crime.
What are the two interests treatment staff have to balance? Give examples of some
ethical concerns of treatment personnel.
Answer:answer not provided
The term ____________________holds that the only thing truly good is a good will,
and what is good is that which conforms to the categorical imperative ethical system.
List and discuss some management practices that have been found to contribute to an
ethical workplace.
Answer:answer not provided
Describe the CO subculture.
Answer:answer not provided
Kohlberg's seventh stage of moral development centers on the concept of agape.
"Hostile work environment" has to do with the unions objecting to management
treatment of officers.
Support or criticize the use of private corrections and give your reasons.
Answer:answer not provided
The brain releases oxytocin in settings where there are feelings of anger or fear.
The Supreme Court held that the test used for whether or not force was excessive
should be "___________________."
Police are required to divulge the name of the informant on affidavits for search
warrants unless there is evidence that revealing the informant's identity would be
In Clark v. Martinez, the Supreme Court held that the United States could not
indefinitely hold illegal aliens without some form of due process.
The primary distinction between ethical issues and ethical dilemmas is that issues are
broad and dilemmas are specific.

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