CCJ 20578

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 23
subject Words 3384
subject Authors Anniken Davenport

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Corpus delicti is a term referring to the facts that show that a crime has been
Controlled substances have no valid medical uses.
The Sex Offender Registry is an ex post facto law.
Bribery is the crime of giving something of value to a public official with the intention
of influencing their actions.
Self defense is a justification that rests upon the belief that innocent people have the
right to protect themselves and their property from crime.
The consent once removed doctrine means that a resident who revokes consent to be
searched may evict the police, and any evidence they obtained cannot be used against
the resident.
A driver's blood alcohol level must surpass the legal limit to be convicted of drunk
driving per se.
The Common Law definition of assault does not include infliction of physical harm.
Adults can use the consent defense to forcible fondling charges even when the victim is
a child.
When an attorney moves to exclude a potential juror as part of his/her allotted
peremptory challenges, there need not be any cause for eliminating that person.
However, an attorney is not permitted to exclude any juror based on race or gender
State and local law enforcement agencies take the lead in drug investigations in High
Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas or HIDTAs.
"Use Immunity" is a limited form of immunity in which the person's testimony cannot
be used as evidence against them.
Oral sex can never be rape.
Courts cannot compel a person to produce a DNA sample.
A change of venue is when a jury from another jurisdiction is brought in to decide the
The Fourth Amendment provides protection against unreasonable searches and seizures,
as a way to protect citizens from overzealous law enforcement officers and judges eager
to secure criminal convictions.
All gambling games are games of skill.
A man raped at gunpoint would be a rape victim under the Common Law definition of
One form of perjury is the giving of false testimony in any government proceeding.
Historically, French control over the lives of the people in the American colonies led to
the establishment of Constitutional prohibitions against "unreasonable searches and
seizures" and the arrest of citizens except "upon probable cause."
Sedition is the only crime specifically defined in the Constitution.
People designated as "enemy combatants' cannot appeal that designation in U.S. courts.
Under the 21st Amendment, only the federal government can prosecute public
drunkenness laws.
Dangerous drugs are classified as controlled substances.
The fact that a person was wrongfully threatened and the threat was immediate and
could not be escaped is one condition of the duress defense.
Under current laws, vagrancy is the crime of being homeless.
Duress is a defense to escape.
The literal meaning of voir dire is "to speak the truth."
Forensic accounting can be used in arson cases.
A mugging is an example of a robbery.
Treason charges are made often.
Prostitution is defined as engaging in sexual intercourse or other sexual activity for pay.
The unintentional killing of a human being by a person engaged in doing some
unlawful act not amounting to a felony, or in doing some lawful act in a manner tending
to cause death or great bodily injury is called:
A) involuntary manslaughter.
B) voluntary homicide.
C) unintentional manslaughter.
D) involuntary homicide.
E) intentional murder.
Which of the following meet the UCR's definition of sexual assault with an object
(prior to 2013)?
A) A broomstick inserted into the victim's vagina against her will.
B) A sex toy inserted in the victim's mouth while sleeping.
C) A photoshopped image of a sex toy inserted into the victim's vagina.
D) An ice cube inserted into the victim's belly button against her will.
E) All of the above
When a jury is considering whether to sentence a defendant to execution, they must
consider circumstances that may make the crime less severe. What are such
circumstances called?
A) reducing circumstances
B) mitigating circumstances
C) aggravating circumstances
D) lessening circumstances
E) explanatory circumstances
In a rape case, prosecutors must prove:
A) that a sex act took place.
B) that the sex act took place by force or threat of force.
C) the victim did not or could not consent to the act.
D) the victim did not enjoy the act.
E) A, B, and C.
Which is NOT true of the guilty but mentally ill rule?
A) The defendant, while mentally ill, will serve his sentence in a treatment facility.
B) The defendant will be released from custody when he or she is no longer "insane."
C) The defendant, when he recovers from whatever mental illness he suffers from, will
serve the rest of his sentence in a prison.
D) The defendant, although mentally ill, will serve his sentence in a regular prison.
E) None of the above are true.
If a potential juror cannot be impartial because he/she knows about the case, knows the
defendant's family, knows the victim, or any other people involved in the case, has
already made a decision about the defendant's guilt or innocence, or admits to prejudice,
he/she can be excluded from the jury. This exclusion is called a:
A) Challenge for Cause.
B) Challenge for Good Reason.
C) Preventative Challenge.
D) Peremptory Challenge.
E) Unlimited Challenge.
When you rent a beach house to a tenant for a week, you give that tenant:
A) fee simple ownership rights.
B) privacy rights.
C) leasehold rights.
D) tenants by the entireties rights if they rent the entire property.
E) tenants-in-common rights since they temporarily hold ownership rights in common
with you.
Knowingly providing false testimony to a grand jury would be what type of perjury?
A) Section 1621 perjury.
B) Section 1623 perjury.
C) Subornation of perjury.
D) Both A and B.
E) all of the above
In response to a grand jury's actions, the defense can:
A) move to quash the indictment.
B) move for a change of venue.
C) move for a change of venire.
D) move to sever.
E) move to recuse.
Which is an example of a status crime?
A) Being in the country on a student visa
B) Being in the country after having entered illegally
C) Being homeless
D) Carrying a deadly virus
E) none of the above
The Critical Legal Studies School of jurisprudence believes:
A) law is shaped by logic.
B) laws are based on standards of what is and is not correct.
C) legal rules are unnecessary.
D) laws reflect an effort to perpetuate oppression and social inequalities.
E) law is a combination of social transactions.
Under the subjective standard for entrapment, the question to be answered is:
A) Was a crime committed?
B) Was the defendant predisposed to commit the crime?
C) Would an innocent person be induced to commit the crime by the officer's acts?
D) Would a reasonable person be induced to commit the crime by the officer's acts?
E) Did the government agent commit the crime first?
Every state in America has the common law as the basis for its legal system except:
A) Pennsylvania
B) Hawaii
C) Louisiana
D) Alaska
E) California
Law is:
A) a set of rules governing behavior.
B) a set of punishments for those who break society's rules.
C) a set of universal rules that apply to every society in every era.
D) A and C.
E) A and B.
Under the Model Penal Code, rape is a male having intercourse with a woman other
than his wife if:
A) he compels her to submit by force or by threat of imminent death, serious bodily
injury, extreme pain, or kidnapping, to be inflicted on anyone.
B) he has substantially impaired her power to appraise or control her conduct by
administering or employing without her knowledge drugs, intoxicants, or other means
for the purpose of preventing resistance.
C) the female is unconscious.
D) the female is less than ten years old.
E) all of the above
Which of the following is/are true concerning probable cause?
A) It is the standard of proof needed to arrest someone, pull over a vehicle, or get a
search warrant.
B) It is more than a suspicion, but less than what is needed to convict.
C) It is the same standard as beyond a reasonable doubt.
D) A, B, and C
E) A and B only
Bringing jurors from other locations into the court, to reduce the number of local jury
members who may have heard information about the case before the trial, is called:
A) change of venue.
B) change of jury options.
C) change of location.
D) change of venire.
E) change of pants.
A) is a contraction of science center or another name for a crime lab.
B) is a necessary element to prove when the offender knew the law was being broken.
C) must be proved to establish mens rea.
D) only a wrongful act must occur.
E) A, B and D are all correct.
Examples of omissions that may be crimes include: (Choose all that apply.)
A) a parent who does not provide needed medical care for a minor child so that the
child dies as a result of the lack of medical care.
B) a doctor who does not stop at the scene of an accident to help an injured motorist.
C) a motorist who does not stop and wait for help to arrive when he hits a woman
crossing the street.
D) a doctor on duty in the ER who does not attempt to save the life of an ER patient
because he knows the patient is a criminal.
E) All of the above.
The traditional definition of rape was:
A) sexual intercourse with an underage female.
B) sexual intercourse with anyone other than your wife.
C) forced sexual intercourse with a woman other than your wife.
D) forced sexual intercourse with anyone.
E) none of the above
Child molestation is:
A) the same as child abuse.
B) a form of child abuse
C) sexual acts or activities between and a child and an adult.
D) not a crime if the child consents.
E) B and C
Which law requires that jurors for both grand and petit juries are selected at random
from a fair cross-section of the community?
A) The Federal Jury Selection and Service Act of 1968
B) The Federal Voir Dire Act of 2004
C) Amendment Number 5 to The Federal Statute of Criminal Law of 1968
D) The California Criminal Code on Jury Selection and Service
E) The International Treaty of Grand and Petit Juries of 1943
Which of the following may an attorney NOT do in a closing statement?
A) frame the evidence in the most favorable light
B) use the evidence to tell a story
C) point out inconsistencies in the other side's version of events
D) introduce new evidence
E) remind the jury of favorable evidence
Which of the following is true concerning video surveillance?
a. It is legal because individuals have no reasonable expectation of privacy in public
b. Police may only turn on video camera if they have a reasonable expectation that a
crime will occur.
c. Police must get a warrant in all cases to obtain privately-owned surveillance tape
from ATMs or private security systems.
d. Video surveillance evidence may only be presented in court if every person in the
video gives consent.
e. Video surveillance does nothing to deter crime.
A sentence of five to ten years with the defendant not being eligible for parole during
the first five years is an example of:
A) indeterminate sentencing.
B) indefinite sentencing.
C) definite sentencing.
D) consecutive sentencing.
E) concurrent sentencing.
Which of the following statements are true about marijuana?
A) Some states have decriminalized marijuana for recreational use.
B) Children who smoke marijuana at an early age are more likely to suffer from
Attention Deficit Disorder.
C) Marijuana is illegal because of the "munchies' side effect, which encourages obesity.
D) Some states allow medical marijuana use for glaucoma and other specific ailments.
E) A and D only.
A eighteen year-old boy is dating a fifteen year-old girl and they are sexually active. He
is more than three years older than she is. Under what set of state laws would the boy be
committing strict liability forcible sodomy?
A) Age of consent 14, age difference 4 years.
B) Age of consent 16, age difference 2 years.
C) Age of consent 17, age difference 4 years
D) Age of consent 14, age difference 3 years
E) All of the above
Which of the following scenarios constitutes forcible fondling?
A) An adult sexually touching a young boy's penis.
B) A male supervisor groping a female employee's breasts against her will.
C) A male supervisor groping a male employee's buttocks against his will.
D) A female adult groping young boy's genitals against his will.
E) All of the above
Living Wills are:
A) documents allowing individuals to give away assets while still alive in order to
avoid inheritance taxes.
B) documents allowing individuals to give away assets prior to entering a nursing home
so they can qualify for Medicare subsidies.
C) document where an individual sets forth directions regarding medical treatment to be
given if the individual becomes unable to participate in decisions regarding health care.
D) A and B.
E) None of the above.
Which is true of rape shield laws?
A) Have been on the books for 200 years
B) Provide that the defense can inquire into recent sexual history to explain the
presence of physical evidence such as semen
C) Provide that the defense cannot inquire about the victim's prior sexual contact with
the defendant
D) Provide that at no time can the defense bring up the victim's past sexual conduct
E) all of the above
Which of the following is an example of a Bill of Attainder?
A) Bed linens sold within the United States must first be inspected by storeowners for
purity of the materials.
B) Members of the KKK shall not be permitted to purchase bed linens at any store.
C) No store shall sell bed linens to customers on Saturdays or Sundays.
D) A store shall charge the same price for the same bed linens, regardless of who the
customer might be.
E) There shall be no protest events held within twenty feet of the entrance of any store
that sells bed linens.
Which of the following statements are true about the impeachment process?
A) Federal judges are appointed for life and cannot be removed from office.
B) Federal judges may be removed from office after being convicted of high crimes or
C) Impeachment charges are brought in the House of Representatives.
D) Impeachment trials take place in the Senate
E) B, C, and D are all true.
If a person commits an act with the intent of causing a particular criminal result, the
person is said to have general intent.
An attack where the perpetrator intends to inflict severe bodily injury on the victim is
A defendant who argues the victim agreed to have sex is using the ________ defense.
According to the Supreme Court, states cannot ban individuals from purchasing guns
for ______________.
A government's power to enforce a law is called its _________ power.
Jack was diagnosed with a serious mental illness as a teen and has been taking powerful
anti-psychotic drugs for five years. When his prescription coverage was cancelled at
work, he stopped taking the drugs. He then went on a rampage, killing two elderly
women. He was arrested and charged with capital murder. What possible defense does
he have available and what would you have to show to make a case?
Vicarious liability refers to the concept that a person can be responsible for another's
A limited form of immunity where the person's testimony cannot be used as evidence
against him or her is ___________________.
What provisions in the United States Constitution require trial by jury in criminal
When the Supreme Court decides to hear a case it grants a writ of certiorari.
A jury that cannot reach a verdict is said to be ___________________.
To avoid having the statute of limitations expire on some sexual assault cases, some
states allow prosecutors to file charges against a __________.
Most state judges are elected.
Knowingly and willingly providing classified information to a foreign government to
the detriment of the United States is _____________.
Documents granting a private citizen the power to seize the subjects of a foreign state
are ______________ .

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