CAS HI 88290

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 1821
subject Authors John A. Garraty, Mark C. Carnes

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What pitted John C. Calhoun against Andrew Jackson from the beginning?
A) He resented Jackson's stance on slavery.
B) He disliked Jackson's elitist mannerisms.
C) He coveted the presidency and was hoping to succeed Jackson sooner rather than
D) Jackson was known to have had an affair with one of John C. Calhoun's own
Which of the following reactions occurred during the early stages of the Iranian hostage
A) There was a remarkable emotional response and sense of unity in America.
B) Carter refused to employ economic pressure on the Iranian government.
C) The American public and most foreign observers disapproved of Carter's restraint.
D) The American public was bitterly divided over America's role in Iran and how to
respond to the hostage crisis.
Although he had almost no formal training, Winslow Homer is considered a master
because of his __________.
A) portrayal of American slums
B) magnificent oils depicting classical subjects
C) non-representational explorations of shape and color
D) brilliant watercolors
Catholic immigrants from Germany and Ireland often __________.
A) participated in the Second Great Awakening
B) supported the American Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions
C) objected to demands for prohibition of all alcohol
D) became leaders in the temperance movement
According to German educator Johann Friedrich Herbart, good teaching called for
which of the following?
A) only facts and a birch rod
B) psychological insight and imagination
C) complete control of the child's environment
D) strict discipline and rote learning
What was the political impact of the Thirteenth Amendment?
A) It crippled the political power of Southern whites.
B) It led to vindictive legislation aimed at former slaveholders.
C) It triggered a massive outmigration from the South to the Northeast.
D) It raised the proportional congressional representation of former slave states.
On April 9, 1865, Robert E. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia to Ulysses
S. Grant at __________.
A) Lynchburg
B) Gettysburg
C) Richmond
D) Appomattox Court House
The first giant corporations, capitalized in the hundreds of millions of dollars, were
which of the following?
A) oil refineries
B) steel corporations
C) telegraph and telephone systems
D) interregional railroad systems
What measure established governments for the western territories?
A) Land Ordinance of 1785
B) Treaty of Paris, 1783
C) Proclamation of 1763
D) Northwest Ordinance of 1787
What was the 1768 document that criticized the Townshend Acts as infringements on
the natural and constitutional rights of the colonists?
A) Declaration of Rights and Grievances
B) Virginia "Resolves"
C) Massachusetts "Circular Letter"
D) Olive Branch Petition
Which new profession did educated, middle-class women dominate in the late
nineteenth century?
A) home economics
B) journalism
C) nursing
D) college teaching
"You have got what is worth more than a thousand Wilmot ProvisosYou have nature on
your side." This statement is a defense of the Compromise of 1850 by whom?
A) Daniel Webster
B) Henry Clay
C) Millard Fillmore
D) Zachary Taylor
What happened to Wilson's New Freedom once he was president?
A) The differences between the New Freedom and the New Nationalism tended to
disappear in practice.
B) Wilson insisted upon enacting it in a rigid and doctrinaire way.
C) Wilson was so poor a politician that he was unable to persuade Congress to pass any
legislation he wanted.
D) The differences between the New Freedom and the New Nationalism became more
What was an important factor in encouraging the growth of the women's rights
A) female abolitionists' recognition that, like African Americans, they were born into a
caste system
B) the successful women's rights movement in England
C) an increasing number of professional opportunities for college-educated women
D) recognition that the discrimination they faced was much like what a foreigner would
Under the Treaty of Paris (1763) ending the French and Indian War, __________.
A) Great Britain retained all the conquests that it had made of French and Spanish
B) France retained Canada but lost the sugar islands of Guadaloupe and Martinique
C) France lost all possessions on the mainland of North America
D) England lost all its possessions in the Western Hemisphere except for North America
Why did the Supreme Court declare the National Industrial Recovery Act
unconstitutional in the case of Schechter v. United States in 1935?
A) The measure delegated too much legislative power to code authorities.
B) The Schechter Corporation should have been regulated since it engaged in interstate
C) The regulation of the poultry industry was traditionally a state's right.
D) The NIRA violated the Schechter Corporation's freedom of contract.
What did Horace Greeley and the Liberal Republicans embrace in 1872?
A) laissez-faire liberalism
B) social conservatism.
C) civil rights and social justice
D) protectionism and Hamiltonian economic plans
The president's veto power and the impeachment power of Congress are both examples
of __________.
A) substantive due process
B) executive privilege
C) procedural due process
D) checks and balances
Spain's northern frontier of New Mexico and Texas was characterized by which of the
A) powerful missions that instilled nomadic tribes with deeply Catholic beliefs
B) complete domination of Plains Indians by Spain's military outposts
C) a total and effective enslavement of the Indians
D) powerful Comanche resistance to the Spanish aided by their use of horses and guns
What was the relationship between competition and monopoly in American industry
during the post"Civil War era?
A) inflation combined with fierce competition to cause expansion to lead to
B) deflation combined with fierce competition to cause expansion to lead to decreased
C) inflation combined with an absence of competition to cause expansion to lead to a
decreasing concentration
D) deflation combined with fierce competition to cause expansion to lead to
As part of the New Freedom, the Clayton Antitrust Act prohibited both price
discrimination, which encouraged monopolies, and __________, created to control
A) interlocking directorates
B) stock option issues
C) unregulated bond issues
D) holding companies
Mexico's main grievance with the United States was over which of the following?
A) large debts the United States owed Mexico
B) invasion of California by Frmont
C) intrigues of John Slidell
D) annexation of Texas
In his first budget, President Clinton presented a controversial proposal to do which of
the following?
A) increase Social Security taxes by 10 percent over two years
B) reduce the federal deficit by raising taxes and reducing spending
C) follow the model of "Reaganomics" by cutting taxes sharply
D) cut the Pentagon's budget by 25 percent
What were members of the peace societies in the North often called?
A) Tories
B) Copperheads
C) Water Moccasins
D) Rattlesnakes
Who was the author of the tract Common Sense, which boldly called for complete
independence and attacked not only King George III but also the idea of monarchy
A) John Adams
B) Thomas Jefferson
C) George Washington
D) Thomas Paine
Who led the western expedition that explored the northwestern area of the Louisiana
Purchase from 1804"1806?
A) Zebulon Pike
B) Daniel Boone
C) Thomas Freeman
D) Meriwether Lewis
The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 did which of the following?
A) authorized the president to seek court injunctions to prevent strikes that endangered
the national interest
B) effectively made it a crime to be a member of the Communist Party
C) gave the AFL-CIO the sole authority to negotiate labor contracts
D) established the open shop policy against unions nationwide
Which diplomat's article "The Sources of Soviet Conduct" shaped America's
containment policy?
A) John Foster Dulles
B) George C. Marshall
C) Dean Acheson
D) George F. Kennan
The accomplishments of the corn-growing Anasazi and Hohokam Indians become clear
if we consider which of the following?
A) the size of their urban populations
B) the range of trade networks they established into the eastern woodlands
C) the military technologies they developed
D) they environmental challenges they overcame
Under the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the United States __________.
A) promised to respect Mexican sovereignty in the future
B) gained Texas and Oklahoma
C) agreed to continue Mexico's prohibition of slavery in the Southwest
D) gained New Mexico and Upper California
The election of 1824 was waged on mainly personal grounds because the __________.
A) Democrats were trying to destroy their political opponents
B) previous party system had collapsed
C) newspapers encouraged a mudslinging, negative campaign
D) Whigs were out to win at any price
Which of the following was an argument for Reagan's tax policy ("Reaganomics")?
A) The federal government should create jobs to decrease unemployment and increase
B) Tax rates for the wealthy should be significantly increased because they have the
largest discretionary income.
C) Reduced taxes would increase investments and in turn stimulate production, jobs,
and prosperity.
D) Increased taxes would reduce the federal deficit, lowering interest rates and cutting
What principle drove Americans to weaken executive offices and strengthen
representative institutions like the assembly?
A) All men have the potential to become tyrants.
B) The British constitution stood in conflict with human rights.
C) Women were equal citizens in every respect except for suffrage.
D) Without public support, the press could not serve its role as the fourth branch of
What was the weakest element in the economy during the 1920s?
A) retailing
B) petroleum
C) steel
D) agriculture
By 2014, President Obama faced which of the following serious foreign policy
A) a new right-wing government in France
B) the steady demise of South Africa into an authoritarian state
C) Russia's land-grab of the Ukraine
D) an unfriendly coalition of Southern American nations

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