CAS HI 78511

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1503
subject Authors Carl Abbott, David Goldfield, Jo Ann E. Argersinger, Peter H. Argersinger, Virginia DeJohn Anderson, William M. Barney

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The 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago was dubbed the __________.
A) Eighth Wonder of the World
B) White City
C) City on a Hill
D) Windy City
In 1923, __________ banned textbooks based on Darwinian theory.
A) Ohio
B) Georgia
C) Tennessee
D) Oklahoma
"Downtown" districts tended to include __________.
A) mass-production factories
B) ethnic neighborhoods for new immigrants
C) retail shops and financial institutions
D) middle-class dwellings
Which of the following nations refused to approve the Versailles treaty?
A) the United States
B) Germany
C) France
D) Great Britain
Many farmers of the Great Plains turned to growing wheat because __________.
A) the market for corn and cotton no longer existed
B) farmers in the East had a monopoly on all other products
C) it was more resistant to drought than corn
D) the government subsidized small farmers' efforts to grow it
Examples of jobs in the information economy include which of the following?
A) hospital orderlies
B) secretaries
C) creators of advertising
D) construction workers
General Sherman's Field Order No. 15 gave hope to blacks because it __________.
A) set aside plots of southern land for distribution
B) guaranteed all ex-slaves the right to a free education
C) established voting rights for black males in the South
D) indicated that segregation was unconstitutional
The appointment of __________ as secretary of the interior was controversial,
particularly because of his sympathy to the Sagebrush Rebellion.
A) James Lee Witt
B) James Watt
C) David Stockman
D) George Bush
Which of the following was true about the Cuban constitution written after the
Spanish-American War?
A) It rejected US influence.
B) It granted universal manhood suffrage.
C) It was drafted independently.
D) It relied on Leonard Wood.
After the Civil War, farmers from the South __________.
A) grew more cotton, but made less money
B) grew more food crops and less cotton
C) paid low prices for fertilizer and farm tools
D) enjoyed an increase in cotton prices
Which group suffered from the most prejudice in mining towns?
A) native-born whites
B) Irish-Americans
C) German Americans
D) Chinese Americans
In the South during the Reconstruction, African Americans were an influential voice in
A) implementing the reforms of the Republican Party
B) opposing the Tenure of Office Act
C) achieving universal desegregation of public schools
D) the restructured Democratic Party
A major difference between Theodore Roosevelt and the presidents of the Gilded Era
was __________.
A) Roosevelt was much more aggressive in his use of presidential power.
B) Roosevelt did not feel that labor-management relations were a vital issue.
C) Roosevelt distanced himself from the growing influence of the press.
D) Roosevelt was a Republican and they were Democrats.
Harry Truman's economic package was known as the __________.
A) Fair Deal
B) New Frontier
C) Great Society
D) New World Order
Effects of the Vietnam War included the __________.
A) erosion of the nation's confidence in its government
B) obliteration of communism in Asia
C) surrender of the Viet Cong
D) growth of support for further wars to halt nationalist movements
In 1952 alone, there were __________ new cases of polio.
A) 70,000
B) 58,000
C) 43,000
D) 38,000
The main reason behind Harry Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb was
A) American scientists wished to see if the bomb would actually work
B) U.S. intelligence knew that Japan was close to developing its own atomic bomb
C) Josef Stalin urged the United States to use the weapon to quickly end the war
D) American officials believed the Japanese would fight up to the point of annihilation
A turning point on the Eastern Front came when __________.
A) the Americans defeated the Japanese navy at the Battle of Midway
B) Allied forces defeated the Germans at El Alamein
C) the Soviet Union forced a German surrender after the Battle of Stalingrad
D) FDR sent two million troops to the aid of the battered Soviet Union
The September 11 terrorist attacks are often compared to __________.
A) Hitler's proposed takeover of Europe
B) the WWII bombings in Great Britain
C) Vietnam
D) the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
Dwight Eisenhower did which of the following during his two-term presidency?
A) agree to dismantle successful New Deal programs
B) downsize the American military while avoiding war
C) place more emphasis on domestic reforms than foreign affairs
D) delegate authority through a "hidden-hand" presidential style
Which statement about the Sand Creek Massacre is true?
A) The brutal attack included the killing of women and children.
B) Many white Westerners expressed outrage over the killings.
C) The fighting began when Indians attacked a mining town.
D) The Cheyenne were killed because they were war-like.
How did the war improve labor relations?
A) strikes were outlawed during the war
B) war contracts ensured fair working conditions and wages
C) the smaller labor force drove wages up
D) the female labor force during the war was willing to tolerate low wages and long
Communities such as El Paso, Texas, and San Diego, California are examples of
A) cities that enforce strict nativist policies
B) cities with a policy of resistance against new immigration
C) the existence of a cross-border economy
D) a one-party political system
Around the turn of the twentieth century, wages in the South __________.
A) were higher than those in the North
B) were about the same as those in the North
C) were lower than those in the North
D) could not be adequately measured
Although the Fort Laramie Treaty created several years of peace, eventually
__________ violated the treaty terms
A) the Sioux
B) the Northern Pacific Railroad
C) U.S. troops
D) Mormon pioneers
In the two decades following reconstruction, what was the impact of the United States
Supreme Court's decisions on African Americans?
A) They essentially found that the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments did not apply
to blacks.
B) They continued to champion the rights of blacks.
C) They took away the right to vote from all but property-owning freed blacks.
D) They sent mixed messages about the rights of black citizens.
Farming in the West __________.
A) had very similar conditions to the family farm of the East
B) failed to become a major aspect of local economies
C) was stimulated by the fact that most settlers received their land for free
D) required a much larger scale of farming to achieve success
Which description is the best portrayal of the Southern Farmers' Alliance?
A) a political party that challenged Redeemer Democrats in the 1880s
B) a consensus group that promoted the urbanization of the South
C) an organization founded in traditional southern values and cooperative ventures
D) a political lobbying group that influenced and changed federal farming policies
Which statement about fundamentalists is true?
A) They never get involved in politics.
B) They represent a large segment of the Roman Catholic Church.
C) They are never part of a larger evangelical denomination.
D) They believe there is one literal interpretation of the Bible.
Woodrow Wilson sought to reform banking primarily through the __________.
A) Keating-Owen Act
B) Smith-Lever Tariff Act
C) Federal Reserve Act
D) Federal Trade Commission
Which statement about cotton in the late 1800s of the New South is true?
A) It could not be used as collateral on loans.
B) Growing even more cotton would have bolstered sagging prices.
C) Fewer numbers of southern farmers began to cultivate cotton.
D) Many farmers chose growing cotton over diversification.
__________ immigrants began immigrating to the United States in the late 1880s
because of land shortages more serious than those in Europe.
A) Japanese
B) Chinese
C) Mexican
D) African
In the early 1930s, Hitler established a(n) __________ form of government in
A) democratic
B) autocratic
C) fascist
D) socialist

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