CAS HI 73862

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 17
subject Words 3165
subject Authors Carl Abbott, David Goldfield, Jo Ann E. Argersinger, Peter H. Argersinger, Virginia DeJohn Anderson, William M. Barney

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In Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957, __________.
A) Martin Luther King gave his famous "I Have a Dream Speech"
B) Rosa Parks refused to follow the rules of segregated public transportation
C) the Southern Christian Leadership Conference was created
D) federal troops ensured the safety of black students from angry white mobs
Between 1876 and 1900, voter turnout in presidential elections averaged __________
percent of eligible voters.
A) 25
B) 50
C) 75
D) 80
The Social Security Act __________.
A) originally provided free health care for retired citizens
B) showed the inability of FDR to create a consensus between opposing interests
C) was exactly like health and retirement plans in European nations
D) established federal responsibility in providing social welfare
What was the purpose of the Declaration of London?
A) to protect nations who were neutral in military conflicts
B) to protect soldiers taken as prisoners of war
C) to protect the British navy's presence in the Mediterranean
D) to protect English citizens who lived in Turkey and Bulgaria
What was the purpose of the Federal Radio Commission?
A) to ensure public ownership of the radio airwaves
B) to regulate obscenity on the radio
C) to purchase and manage government-run radio stations
D) to monitor the production and sale of phonograph and home radios
Why were New York, New Jersey, Ohio, and Indiana key states in national elections?
A) Those states possessed 75 percent of the nation's electoral votes.
B) The Republican Party garnered 80 percent of the votes in those states.
C) Those states were evenly contested between the Democrats and Republicans.
D) All members of the Supreme Court came from one of those four states.
A turning point in the Pullman strike occurred when __________.
A) President Cleveland ordered federal troops to enforce a court order against the strike
B) commitment to the strike did not spread outside of the company town
C) Pullman offered a large increase in pay
D) Eugene Debs withdrew his support for the strike
Germany's Sussex Pledge specifically required __________ to obey international laws
regarding war.
A) Austria
B) Britain
C) France
D) Russia
Which of the following was an effect of the War Industries Board's success?
A) the rallying of progressives behind the virtues of commerce
B) antitrust laws were more stringently followed
C) big business recognized the advantages of government economic planning
D) a leveling of profits among America's largest and smallest industries
In the South, between 1870 and 1900, urban-area populations __________.
A) grew relatively quickly
B) grew very slowly
C) shrank slowly
D) shrank dramatically
Which of the following regions had the largest number of fast-growing metropolitan
areas between 1990 and 2000?
A) Southwest
B) Northeast
C) Midwest
D) Pacific Northwest
The Liberal Republicans of the early 1870s __________.
A) splintered their party and weakened Reconstruction policies
B) strengthened the national dominance of the Republican Party
C) called for more radical democratic reforms in the South
D) rejected ideas that espoused the 'scientific" superiority of whites
An effect of the rise of corporations in America was __________.
A) a decrease in the amount of long-term planning by leaders of companies
B) that shareholders were held personally responsible for corporate debts
C) a stimulation of capital investment and technological advances
D) an increase in the number of owners who became middle-management leaders as
American policy toward Israel and the Palestinians includes which of the following?
A) secure borders for Palestine
B) no independent Palestinian state
C) the coexistence of Israel and Palestine
D) the creation of a Palestinian state in southern Lebanon
The Bonus Army __________.
A) was dispersed by troops under the command of General Douglas MacArthur
B) was treated civilly by President Hoover
C) gained their main objective through a law pushed through Congress by progressive
D) left Washington after promises of immediate relief from president-elect Roosevelt
A particularly harmful part of Father Charles Coughlin's criticism of the New Deal was
A) Coughlin's attacks on both major political parties
B) Coughlin's claim that FDR was not using his presidential powers widely enough
C) Coughlin's calls for a nationwide move toward socialism
D) Coughlin's combined message of religion with anti-Semitism
Cultural conservatives have aggressively backed efforts to __________.
A) protect the environment
B) provide further social relief programs
C) secularize public education
D) prevent states from protecting homosexuals' rights
How did the American victory in the Spanish-American War impact European policies?
A) European nations started to take the United States into account in crafting their
foreign policies.
B) European nations became resentful of the United States' strong military.
C) Britain formed an alliance with France against the United States.
D) Germany rejected the idea of forming a European alliance and sought to develop its
connection with the United States.
The decision in the Plessy v.Ferguson case __________.
A) placed segregation at the forefront of national political debate
B) led to the enactment of institutional segregation in both the North and the South
C) had little actual effect on legislative actions in the South
D) was issued with the unanimous support of the Court
Malcolm X was assassinated by rivals within the Black Muslims after he __________.
A) began to consider limited acceptance of white culture
B) advocated a bloody race war
C) refused to run for president
D) announced he would not make a pilgrimage to Mecca
Which of the following industries never recovered from the 1921 depression?
A) steel
B) agriculture
C) textile
D) meatpacking
In which of the following years was the percentage of working women to all women the
A) 1950
B) 1965
C) 1975
D) 1990
One trend of the period 1946"1950 was __________.
A) further segregation in professional sports
B) a growth of power for organized labor
C) a declining fear in the threat of communism
D) a significant increase in the number of babies being born
__________ is considered one of popular culture's best takes on the problems of
blue-collar America.
A) Roseanne
B) Everybody Loves Raymond
C) Seinfeld
D) Yes, Dear
America supported Japan in the Russo-Japanese War because __________.
A) the American military relied on Japanese technology
B) Russia had approved of open door policies in China
C) pro-Japanese sentiment was strong in California
D) Russia had obstructed open trade in Manchuria
Joseph McCoy made an important decision when he __________.
A) decided to counterattack Sioux forces near Wounded Knee, South Dakota
B) invested large amounts of capital to mine ore in Colorado
C) established a northern shipping point for cattle in Abilene, Kansas
D) sponsored passage of the Dawes Act
In Chicago, on Memorial Day in 1937, __________.
A) police fired on strikers and their families, killing 10 people
B) Huey Long was assassinated as he gave a speech
C) the Socialist Party nominated Norman Thomas for president
D) FDR gave the most aggressive pro-labor speech of his career
Which of the following best describes Herbert Hoover?
A) He was hostile toward organized labor.
B) He was hostile toward women's issues.
C) He was hostile toward racial segregation.
D) He was hostile toward big business.
In 1964, Barry Goldwater __________.
A) lost a close election to Lyndon Johnson
B) called for aggressive confrontation with communism
C) represented the moderate wing of the Republican Party
D) was the governor of Arizona
In the latter part of the nineteenth century, the two main imperialist powers were
A) Britain and the United States
B) France and the United States
C) Britain and France
D) Britain and Germany
The workplace of the late 1800s included which of the following conditions?
A) large forces of skilled laborers
B) short hours
C) increased mechanization
D) a safe and healthy environment
What was the most significant difference between the Treaty of Versailles and Wilson's
Fourteen Points?
A) the creation of the League of Nations
B) its willingness to redraw European borders
C) its commitment to ending secret alliances
D) the reparations imposed on Germany
The 1962 Baker v.Carr decision required that legislative seats be apportioned
A) on a population basis
B) as state legislatures saw fit
C) by geographic area
D) in such a way as to increase racial diversity in legislatures
What factors contributed to the rise of modern popular culture in the 1920s? What
examples revealed the emerging importance of celebrities in American culture?
Compare and contrast the ideas of reform expressed by two of the three following
presidents: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson.
What factors accounted for the quick appeal, and then the sudden fall, of the Populist
Party in the South?
Many historians believe that the election of 1912 revealed a desire by voters for a
continuance of moderate reforms. What evidence supports this thesis? Did voters get
what they wanted?
How did the economic prosperity of the 1950s and early 1960s shape social and
political life in the United States?
Choose two New Deal relief programs and describe them. What were they designed to
Compare and contrast the foreign policies of two of the following four presidents:
William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson.
Choose three of the following groups and analyze their changing roles in American
society after 1965: older people, organized labor, women, religious conservatives,
blue-collar workers, and educated suburbanites.
Respond to the following statement: "The 1920s was a decade in which the forces of
modernization came into conflict with the forces of traditionalism."
Analyze three examples of issues in American life that have been a point of contention
between progressives and conservatives: abortion, homosexual rights, and sexuality.
What evidence reveals the brutal nature of the war in the Pacific? What factors
contributed to President Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb? Of those factors,
which one do you think was most influential in his mind?
Compare and contrast the lives of women in the working class of the industrial
Northeast with the lives of pioneer women of the Great Plains. If you had to choose,
which life would you have preferred?

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