CAS HI 67698

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1613
subject Authors John A. Garraty, Mark C. Carnes

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The Homestead Strike __________.
A) pitted private police against steelworkers near Pittsburgh
B) involved rail yard workers west of Chicago
C) illustrated the working-class consciousness of Midwestern farmers
D) marked the beginning of the end for the Knights of Labor
During the 1820s, Americans' per capita consumption of alcoholic beverages
A) decreased dramatically with the religious revivals of the Second Great Awakening
B) increased to the highest point ever in the American experience
C) decreased because of the high prices of corn and rye whiskey
D) increased, but to a rate only half as high as that for present-day Americans
During the 1920s, the __________ industry had the single most important impact on the
nation's booming economy.
A) housing
B) steel
C) automobile
D) motion picture
Which of the following was one important aspect of the way Hoover dealt with the
A) his overeagerness to use federal resources when state and local agencies complained
they did not have enough resources
B) his rejection of laissez-faire economics
C) his refusal to allow federal funds to be used for direct relief for individuals
D) his willingness to force people to act in the public interest
In 1957, President Eisenhower sent troops to protect black high school students in
A) Oxford, Mississippi
B) Selma, Alabama
C) Topeka, Kansas
D) Little Rock, Arkansas
What was General George A. Custer's greatest mistake at Little Bighorn?
A) He did not provide his men with sufficient ammunition.
B) He grossly underestimated the number of Indians.
C) He delayed the attack until nightfall.
D) He refused to rest his horses before the attack.
What was the most significant change in the new state governments?
A) elimination of the office of governor in most states
B) general rejection of the British system as a model
C) elimination of property qualifications for voting and office holding
D) removal of outside control, making them more responsive to public opinion
In the late 1800s secondary education __________.
A) was not yet available
B) became widely available to the masses
C) was available mostly only to Northerners
D) was accessible to those with special abilities or from well-off families
In Gibbons v. Ogden (1824), the Supreme Court and Justice Marshall __________.
A) exempted the Bank of the United States from taxation by the states
B) upheld the contract which gave Ogden his monopoly on ferry service
C) defined commerce in a very broad sense
D) ruled in favor of the good of the whole community over that of a particular company
Under the First Reconstruction Act of March 1867, the former states of the Confederacy
(excluding Tennessee) were __________.
A) allowed to elect members to the Senate, but not to the House
B) required to confiscate large plantations in the former Confederacy and divide the
land among the former slaves
C) readmitted to the Union after each ratified the Thirteenth Amendment
D) divided into five military districts
Which statement about the Morrill Act land-grant university system is true?
A) It specialized in graduate education.
B) It was coeducational from the start.
C) It opened its doors only to women students.
D) It received almost no assistance from the federal government.
Which two railroads joined in 1869 to form the first transcontinental railroad?
A) the Great Northern and the Northern Pacific
B) the Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy and the New York Central
C) the Kansas Pacific and the Chesapeake and Ohio
D) the Central Pacific and the Union Pacific
Which of the following best summarizes the reasons for the demise of so many of the
first settlers of Jamestown?
A) They died from ignorance and folly.
B) They lacked immunity to malaria.
C) They could not have anticipated the lack of food in the Chesapeake.
D) The presence of hostile natives took them by surprise.
When it came to nonwhites, white progressives tended to be which of the following?
A) firm defenders of their civil rights
B) strongly prejudiced against them
C) advocates of special job and welfare programs for them
D) indifferent and unconcerned about them
Criticisms of immigrants as "longhaired, wild-eyed, bad-smelling, atheistic, reckless
foreign wretches" and as "Europe's human and inhuman rubbish" were characteristic of
A) internationalists
B) German-Americans
C) nativists
D) birds of passage
The __________ was an early nineteenth century development that addressed the
problems of locating sufficient capital, transporting raw materials to factories and
products to consumers, and supervising large numbers of workers.
A) Lowell System
B) industrial revolution
C) market revolution
D) Waltham System
In 1943, young Hispanics wearing zoot suits were attacked by __________ in Los
A) blacks
B) rioting sailors
C) white youth
D) Japanese Americans
Harper's, Century, and Atlantic Monthly were all magazines specializing in
A) cheap, romantic fiction
B) illustrations of current events
C) colored reproductions of artistic masterpieces
D) serious, conservative articles
What did President Hoover believed of direct economic aid to farmers?
A) It should have been included as part of a global plan of economic recovery.
B) It was necessary to ease the agricultural depression of the 1920s.
C) It should be opposed as a matter of principle.
D) It was compatible with traditional ideals of individualism.
After the Spanish-American War, heated debates raged over the imperialism of
annexing which of the following?
A) Cuba
B) the Philippine Islands
C) Puerto Rico
D) the Dominican Republic
In the first few months of Barack Obama's presidency, __________.
A) the economy made a remarkable recovery
B) he was consumed with the financial crisis
C) he removed all U.S. troops from Iraq
D) he removed all U.S. troops from Afghanistan
Which industry benefitted particularly from the Napoleonic Wars?
A) the cotton trade
B) road construction
C) shipbuilding
D) the import business
During the late 1800s, which legislative body was known as a "rich man's club"?
A) New York State Assembly
B) City Council of New York
C) House of Representatives
D) Senate
The leadership of the Knights of Labor would have felt perfectly at home with the labor
organizations of which of the following?
A) the New Deal era
B) the Progressive era
C) the Jacksonian era
D) the American Revolution
After 1970, the American criminal justice system was characterized by which of the
A) a decrease in the average length of sentences served by prisoners
B) the elimination of the death penalty in almost all states
C) a dramatic increase in the prison population
D) the phasing out of mandatory sentencing
Why was there no general trend toward the unionization of labor between 1820 and the
Civil War?
A) The Panic of 1837 dealt the movement a severe blow.
B) The competition of southern slavery undermined the labor movement.
C) Chronic unemployment and lack of development prevented the prosperity of
industry and labor.
D) American businesses responded to labor organizations by moving their factories to
the far West.
The "Paxton Boys" revolt in Pennsylvania __________.
A) revealed western dissatisfaction with England
B) was led by German tradesmen
C) revealed western dissatisfaction with the state assembly
D) was led by Benjamin Franklin
Which of the following technologies separated the life experiences of boomers from
those of millennials?
A) the ATM
C) jet planes
D) the cargo container
What was the primary result of the 1906 Hepburn Act?
A) It prohibited child labor in goods sold in interstate commerce.
B) It made the Federal Food and Drug Administration more powerful and active.
C) It preserved millions of wilderness acres in the West.
D) It made the Interstate Commerce Commission more effective.
Alexander Hamilton advocated a "loose" interpretation of the __________ clause to
support the creation of a national bank.
A) due diligence
B) due process
C) necessary and proper
D) privilege s and immunities
The purpose of the Junto founded by Benjamin Franklin can best be described as
A) preparing the colonies for national independence
B) getting the colonies ready for a war against France and its Indian allies
C) hatching plans for deposing colonial governors
D) giving colonists a forum to discuss natural philosophy
The Mayflower Compact was an early example of the idea that __________.
A) a society should be based on a set of rules chosen by its members
B) a colony should treat the Native Americans honestly and fairly
C) the colonists needed to have a financial stake in their success
D) toleration of all religions is a foundation of American society

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