CAS HI 65077

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 2418
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, T. H. Breen

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Despite the New Deal, __________ were the country's most impoverished citizens.
a. African Americans
b. Asian Americans
c. Native Americans
d. Mexican Americans
e. "Okies" and "Arkies"
What was one negative effect of industrialization in the United States in the nineteenth
a. People did not want to live in cities any longer.
b. Most immigrants were not allowed to work at the new industrial jobs.
c. Labor disputes led to the formation of labor unions.
d. There was a greater need for consumer goods than ever before.
e. There was now a growing disparity in income between the rich and poor.
The National Labor Relations (Wagner) Act __________.
a. guaranteed that all workers would be paid a nationally established minimum wage
b. granted workers the right to organize and collectively bargain
c. gave management the right to forbid the "closed shop"
d. gave the president power to end strikes that threatened the nation's welfare
e. did not help workers who were not already unionized
What was the initial goal of the Montgomery bus boycott?
a. to challenge the legality of segregated seating
b. to create a semi-segregated seating arrangement on a first-come, first-served basis
c. to challenge the racial discrimination in the hiring of bus drivers
d. to make the bus fares equal for white and black passengers
e. to bring more bus routes to African American neighborhoods
The lives of Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson provide strong evidence that
a. Puritans seldom disagreed on matters of theology
b. Massachusetts Bay officials insisted on freedom of religious thought and expression
c. Massachusetts Bay faced difficulties in creating the perfect society in America
d. Massachusetts Bay Colony sent preachers to frontiers as missionaries to the Indians
e. most Puritans had wanted to break away from the Church of England
The majority of immigrants became __________.
a. yeoman farmers
b. small business owners
c. wage workers in factories
d. skilled craftsmen
e. prospectors
Why did the Era of Good Feeling end?
a. The United States could not sustain continued economic growth; financial institutions
began to crumble.
b. Nonpartisan cooperation could not be sustained through disagreements over how
government should be involved in social and economic changes.
c. The United States could not maintain peaceful relations with European countries
intent on continuing colonial rule in Latin America.
d. Poor road transportation made it difficult to unite the West with the East of the
United States, causing poor communication and political divisions.
e. The Supreme Court's focus on protection of individual liberty produced political,
social, and economic inequalities that greatly weakened the nation.
Why did most first state constitutions include a bill of rights?
a. to remind future rulers of the exact limits of their authority
b. to establish that only white male landowners had rights
c. to create a stronger central federal government
d. to prevent a stronger central federal government
e. because the federal Constitution included a bill of rights
Which of the following acts stated Parliament's belief in its own sovereignty?
a. Townshend Acts
b. Declaratory Act
c. Coercive Acts
d. Stamp Act
e. Sovereignty Act
How was the Spanish-American War ironic for African Americans?
a. Most of the people African American soldiers fought against in Cuba had the same
African heritage.
b. African Americans were not permitted to fight in the Cuban conflict but were allowed
to fight in the Philippines.
c. African Americans were not permitted to fight in Cuba and could only work as cooks,
medics, and servants to white soldiers.
d. The United States was fighting to give Cubans freedom, yet they were annexing
Hawaii and the Philippines, essentially denying them freedom.
e. The United States were fighting to give Cubans freedom, yet they denied freedom to
African Americans.
Why did many northerners lose interest in fighting for equal rights for blacks by the
a. They believed that blacks already had achieved equal rights in much of the country.
b. They felt that their support was only hurting and not helping blacks gain rights.
c. They were intimidated by blacks in the South and did not want to encourage
d. They felt that southern whites should be active in the cause instead.
e. They had grown tired of the issue, and many believed in white superiority.
As chief justice of the Supreme Court, John Marshall __________.
a. promoted the growth of state sovereignty
b. supported the attainment of political and social equality
c. emphasized the primacy of property and property rights
d. abandoned his Federalist sympathies
e. began the tradition of wearing four gold stripes on the sleeves of his robes
A dominant issue in the western Great Plains was control of __________.
a. gold and silver mines
b. grazing rights
c. water
d. the land
e. the routes of the great cattle drives
How does this statement from Monroe's inaugural address demonstrate American
hypocrisy: "Their citizens individually have been happy and the nation prosperous"?
a. Few people were truly happy in the United States during the first few decades of the
nineteenth century.
b. The nation was prosperous only because it exploited immigrants and weaker North
American neighbors.
c. Only those who were citizens (white males) were able to be happy and prosperous;
Native Americans, African Americans, and women were denied these opportunities.
d. Monroe was addressing politicians, the only truly happy citizens of the United States,
and the only people allowed to contribute to its prosperity.
e. From the moment of his inaugural address, Monroe's policies undermined individual
citizens' happiness and the nation's ability to prosper greatly.
How did African Americans end up paying the heaviest price for the sectional reunion
after Reconstruction?
a. African Americans lost an enormous amount of wealth and property during
Reconstruction and by the end were reduced to poverty.
b. Congress made no efforts to address the rights of African Americans in their attempts
to repair the damaged South during Reconstruction.
c. Although African Americans saw signs of equal rights at the start of Reconstruction,
once it ended many of these rights were not enforceable.
d. Many laws were passed by Congress during Reconstruction that deliberately
restricted the rights of newly freed slaves.
e. African Americans who left the South for the North after the Civil War found that
their rights there were slowly being restricted as Reconstruction progressed.
How did the Deep South respond to court-ordered desegregation?
a. by taking action to end discrimination in schools
b. with grudging acceptance of the decisions
c. with apathy and passive acceptance
d. with massive and widespread resistance
e. with violence and threats to once again secede from the Union
Why was the Republican-controlled Congress of 1890 notable?
a. It was unable to assert federal authority.
b. Its legislation shaped the future policy of the nation.
c. It was overwhelmingly reelected.
d. It gained support of the Democrats.
e. It spent frugally in an effort to build up the U.S. Treasury.
What effect did the formation of NATO have on the Cold War?
a. It changed the Cold War into a full-scale military confrontation.
b. It intensified Russian fears of the West and escalated the Cold War.
c. It had no effect on the Cold War.
d. It decreased Russian fears of the West and lessened the intensity of the Cold War.
e. It dissolved the tensions between Russia and the United States and ended the Cold
How did international diplomacy hinder England's early entry into New World
a. The English were reluctant to enter the New World because colonization threatened
their alliance with Spain.
b. The English were reluctant to enter the New World because colonization threatened
their alliance with France.
c. The English were reluctant to enter the New World because colonization would force
Spain to ally itself with Portugal and France.
d. The English were reluctant to enter the New World because they did not want to
cause problems with the Pope.
e. The English were reluctant to enter the New World because colonization threatened
their trading agreements with the Dutch.
John Scopes was tried for __________.
a. sending package bombs through the mail during the Red Scare
b. evading the draft during World War I
c. shouting "fire" in a crowded theater
d. teaching the theory of evolution in a Tennessee high school
e. abducting and murdering the infant son of Charles Lindbergh
The antimissile system based on the use of lasers and particle beams to destroy
incoming missiles from outer space was called __________.
a. IED
d. SDI
How are the Quasi-War and the XYZ Affair related?
a. The XYZ Affair was the most significant "battle" in the Quasi-War between the
United States and France.
b. The XYZ Affair led to the Quasi-War between the United States and France.
c. They XYZ Affair and the Quasi-War are both examples of European countries
mistreating the United States.
d. The XYZ Affair ended the Quasi-War between the United States and France.
e. The XYZ Affair was a disagreement between England and the United States, whereas
the Quasi-War was a disagreement between France and the United States.
The individual largely responsible for developing the "trail drive" was __________.
a. William Hickok
b. Joseph G. McCoy
c. Charles Goodnight
d. Henry Comstock
e. Hank Chisolm
Unlike the Knights of Labor, the American Federation of Labor __________.
a. believed workers would rise in stature
b. organized skilled and unskilled workers
c. emphasized economic goals for workers
d. organized a majority of the workers
e. hoped all workers could eventually become self-employed
In the 1850s, government policy toward the Plains tribes was to __________.
a. exterminate them
b. define boundaries for each tribe and sign treaties with them
c. give each Native American "40 acres and a mule" for farming
d. provoke intertribal warfare
e. ignore them and hope they would eventually die out
According to historian Frederick Merk, the United States decided not to annex all of
Mexico after its victory in the Mexican"American War due to __________.
a. the military's inability capture Mexico City
b. the administration's respect for Mexican culture and autonomy
c. the general public's focus on Canada rather than Mexico
d. the American government's inability to govern over a wide area
e. a combination of racism and anti-colonialism
The Missouri Compromise of 1820 involved __________.
a. the criteria that no more slave states could be created south of the northern boundary
of Missouri
b. Missouri being admitted as a slave state on condition that slavery be phased out over
a period of time
c. Maine splitting off from Massachusetts and being admitted as a free state
d. northern and southern congressmen splitting along partisan lines on the issue
e. adroit political maneuvering by John Calhoun, who got the compromise through the
What was one downside to this period of rapid economic growth?
a. Many traditional industries, such as agriculture, went into a period of decline.
b. Industry was frequently interrupted by crippling labor strikes.
c. The overall standard of living of Americans declined at this time.
d. Unemployment rates skyrocketed due to the advent of mass production.
e. It wsa difficult to differentiate between urban culture and rural American values.
At the time of the Civil War, __________.
a. almost all southerners owned at least one slave
b. most white southerners owned three or more slaves
c. there were few slaves in the fields, but most white households had a house slave
d. one-quarter of white southerners owned slaves
e. one-half of white southerners owned slaves
Anne Hutchinson's skillful self-defense at her trial before the magistrates of
Massachusetts Bay was ruined by __________.
a. her affinity for the dictum of works
b. her claim of personal revelation
c. her reliance on the Scriptures
d. her rejection of free grace
e. the fact that she was female
The Plains tribes were __________.
a. sedentary and pacific
b. fishermen and farmers
c. nomadic and warlike
d. practitioners of human sacrifice
e. builders of great cities
What was the main motivation that brought so many Scots-Irish to America in the
a. They came to practice Catholicism freely, something they could not do in Ireland.
b. They came in search of freedom and prosperity, two things they lacked in Ireland.
c. They came to work as indentured servants in the New World.
d. Their main goal was to form new Presbyterian congregations in America.
e. They came to earn money in America and planned to return to Scotland.
How was Washington's election to the presidency different from that of every president
a. He was unanimously elected by the electoral college.
b. He was elected by the public, as there was no electoral college yet.
c. He was not "elected" but rather appointed by Congress.
d. He is the only army general to have become president.
e. He is the only president who was not born on American soil.
Where did the showdown in Asia occur between the United States and the Soviet
a. China
b. Japan
c. Thailand
d. Korea
e. Cambodia

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