CAS HI 38190

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 2174
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen

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Where did the 'sit-in" movement begin?
A) Montgomery, Alabama
B) Little Rock, Arkansas
C) Washington, D.C.
D) Topeka, Kansas
E) Greensboro, North Carolina
Which of the following was critical to life in the suburbs?
A) jobs close to the home sites
B) efficient public transportation
C) the automobile
D) American school systems
E) air conditioning
Belief in a national bank, high tariffs, and federally financed internal improvements best
describes the policies of which party in the 1830s?
A) Democrats
B) Republicans
C) Masons
D) Whigs
E) Federalists
In 1861, Lincoln declared martial law and suspended the _________ in the area
between Philadelphia and Washington.
A) Constitution
B) writ of habeas corpus
C) right to bear arms
D) freedom of speech protections
E) right to vote
What stimulated the western cattle industry?
A) court decisions that allowed livestock to be transported across state lines
B) the discovery of precious metals that made money available for investment in
C) railroads and a population increase in the eastern United States
D) a decline in the amount of beef imported to the United States
E) dietary changes in the eastern United States
Georgia was founded as a refuge for ________.
A) religious dissenters
B) the poor of London
C) Native Americans
D) former slaves
E) French exiles
How were religion and foreign policy related in the late nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries in the United States?
A) Many U.S. foreign ministers were religious leaders, using their diplomatic posts for
missionary access.
B) Many religious leaders believed that the United States was blessed with riches that
should be shared with the world's poor, making foreign policy mainly about charity.
C) Many religious leaders believed that the United States belonged to Christians, and
they should be content and not seek more riches throughout the world.
D) Many religious leaders believed that Americans should bring Christianity to the rest
of the world, so they advocated imperialist foreign policies.
E) Many religious leaders followed the "conversion by sword" example of Europe in
the Middle Ages, so they advocated military coups.
In the election of 1804, Thomas Jefferson defeated ________.
A) John Quincy Adams
B) Aaron Burr
C) Charles Pinckney
D) John Randolph
E) Alexander Hamilton
What was the goal of Britain's Orders in Council?
A) peace with France
B) an alliance with the U.S.
C) the end of the Napoleonic wars
D) British control of trade with the continent of Europe
E) forcing war with France
Lincoln's opponent from the Democratic Party in the presidential election of 1864 was
A) Jefferson Davis
B) Stephen Douglas
C) John Bell
D) Ulysses S. Grant
E) George McClellan
What effect did the Vietnam War have on future U.S. foreign policy?
A) It caused America to pursue a more active containment policy.
B) It caused America to abandon its policy of containment.
C) It caused America to return to an isolationist policy abroad.
D) It caused America to refuse to cooperate with Asian nations for a decade.
E) It embarrassed America into abandoning international efforts for a decade.
What was one result of the election of 1892?
A) It brought mixed results for the Populists.
B) It provided the Populists with a regional platform.
C) It saw many voters switching to the Populist Party.
D) It had little effect on national issues.
E) It led to more than a million votes for Leonidas Polk.
How does Jackson's interpretation of the 'spoils system" compare to that of earlier
A) He condemned it in theory and practice.
B) Jackson condemned Jefferson for using the system, but himself continued its use.
C) Jackson had been an outspoken opponent of the practice, but used it when in office.
D) Jackson spoke of the system as democratic in principle.
E) Jackson rejected the system, believing it maintained inherited privilege.
Most of the emotional impact of Uncle Tom's Cabin came from what?
A) its portrayal of Southerners as greedy, immoral barbarians
B) its portrayal of northern abolitionists as heroic defenders of morality
C) its evidence that slaves were just as evil as the slave owners
D) its portrayal of slavery as a necessary evil that needed to be preserved
E) its portrayal of slavery as a threat to the family and the cult of domesticity
Which region was NOT considered part of the eighteenth-century Spanish borderlands?
A) California
B) New Mexico
C) Colorado
D) Texas
E) Florida
What did the Scopes trial reveal about religious tensions during the 1920s?
A) It displayed the divide between science and fundamentalism.
B) It demonstrated a suspicion of the Roman Catholic Church.
C) It was a pivotal moment in the heated debate over abortion.
D) It highlighted differences between Christianity and Judaism.
E) It alienated those who believed in the separation of church and state.
How did President Johnson antagonize Republicans in Congress?
A) He called for an extension of the Freedmen's Bureau.
B) He supported a civil rights bill to guarantee equality for African Americans.
C) He urged confiscation and redistribution of southern land.
D) He vetoed bills with strong Republican support.
E) He insisted on support for the Fourteenth Amendment as a condition of readmission.
Which of the following was NOT a way that the Red Scare influenced American
A) Fears of radical elements within American society led to a restriction of civil
liberties as authorities sought to contain the perceived threat.
B) There was an increased sense of fear as radicals committed violent acts such as the
bombing of Attorney General Palmer's home in 1919.
C) The negative response to the Red Scare contributed to a rise in membership of the
Communist Party across the United States.
D) The Red Scare led to heightened antagonism toward foreigners and the widespread
deportation of certain groups of immigrants.
E) In certain cases, such as the Sacco and Vanzetti murder trial, the justice system was
compromised and justice did not prevail.
Negotiations between the states and Spain were opened as a result of what event?
A) Spain closed the Mississippi to U.S. citizens in 1784.
B) The U.S. failed to make good its obligations from the Revolutionary War.
C) The Spanish government was seriously weakened following the French Revolution.
D) Gold was discovered in California.
E) France and Britain declared war on Spain.
How did city governments become more like businesses during the early 1900s?
A) They became more corrupt, working for the wealthy and crushing the masses with
unfair housing, tax, and employment laws.
B) They became more supportive of the masses, creating health, housing, and
employment programs to help the poor.
C) They became balanced by competitive political parties and special interest groups,
just as big businesses were balanced by unions versus management.
D) They created systems of managers supported by experts, stressing continuity,
efficiency, and results.
E) They became embroiled in bureaucracy and regulations and could not function
properly as a result.
How did life improve for African Americans over the last few decades of the twentieth
century and the first decade of the twenty-first century?
A) The average income for African-American families increased to match that of white
B) The average educational level of African Americans increased.
C) The incarceration level of African Americans dropped below the national average.
D) The poverty rate among African Americans dropped below the national average.
E) Homicide was no longer the leading cause of death among young black males.
How did the advent of mass production change the lives of many Americans in the early
twentieth century?
A) Americans attained the highest standard of living in the world.
B) There was an increase in racial harmony among U.S. workers.
C) Unemployment rates plummeted due to the mechanization of production.
D) The farmers of rural America benefited due to increased demand for produce.
E) Poverty went into decline due to the availability of cheap goods.
The ________ exemplified the flowering of African-American culture in the 1920s.
A) growth of the NAACP
B) flapper era
C) Harlem Renaissance
D) expatriate community
E) "Garveyites"
How did hotels symbolize the American spirit in the 1820s"1840s?
A) Like democracy, they were open to all men, but closed to women; they also showed
how easily people moved around physically, socially, economically, and politically.
B) Hotels reflected the cultural changesparticularly the blurring of class distinctionsthat
accompanied the extension of the franchise in the period.
C) Hotels were often sites of debauchery and illicit behaviors, showing that Americans
had become morally bankrupt.
D) Hotels were expensive demonstrating the entrepreneurial power of the American
E) Hotels were large, cavernous places, not the cozy warm places that old-fashioned
inns were; they symbolized the size of America geographically, economically, and
Which event marked the end of the military phase of the war?
A) the capture of New York City by French forces
B) Burgoyne's surrender at Saratoga
C) the British evacuation of Boston
D) Cornwallis's surrender at Yorktown
E) the destruction of a British army at the Battle of New Orleans
Why did the delegates at the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention vow to secrecy
during the proceedings?
A) to keep their competition (Antifederalists) in the dark
B) so that James Madison could wield limitless power
C) to avoid the spread of rumors
D) to avoid a civil war between the North and the South
E) so that there would be a balance of power between state and federal governments
Which of the following linked religious values to the practice of government?
A) colonial newspapers
B) the Great Awakening
C) theories of the Earl of Bute
D) ideas from the Commonwealthman
E) the works of John Locke
Who was the leading financier in the United States in the early 1900s?
A) Jane Addams
B) Upton Sinclair
C) J. P. Morgan
D) Samuel Gompers
E) Henry Ford
In what ways was American democracy an illusion in the 1820s"1840s?
A) Although all white men began life with equal opportunities, women and African and
Native Americans did not.
B) Despite the impression that people had equal opportunities, distinctions of class and
education persisted.
C) Not only were women and African and Native Americans excluded, but economic
inequality was growing.
D) Only land owners could vote, and as there were so few land owners in the United
States, suffrage was not universal even among white men.
E) U.S. foreign policy in Latin America showed that the democracy Americans enjoyed
was not the same system they supported for their neighbors.
Historian Herbert G. Gutman noted that industrialization transformed the "culture of
work." Which of the following best explains this?
A) Industrialization dramatically increased leisure time.
B) Workers eagerly adopted new technology because it made their work easier.
C) The new technology required difficult and even demeaning changes to work
D) Low pay led to frequent worker resistance, especially 'sit-down" strikes.
E) Many workers were able to rise from the bottom to the top of the social classes.
George III believed ________.
A) Parliament should run the empire
B) the monarch should take an active role in government
C) the monarch should be a figurehead
D) qualified men should run the government
E) the monarch should consider parliamentary opinion when making decisions
Why did voting decline during the progressive era?
A) Pessimism marked the progressive era, and people did not bother voting as a result.
B) Women made up most of the population and their disfranchisement affected turnout.
C) Voters focused on social reforms rather than on politics in the progressive era.
D) Most of the population was concerned with moral reform rather than political
E) People relied on interest groups to bring about change, and did not feel a need to

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