CAS HI 23994

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 2056
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, T. H. Breen

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Which statement best characterizes how the increase in immigration changed the U.S.
economy in the mid-1800s?
a. Immigration hindered economic growth because immigrants came in such large
numbers that there were not enough resources for everyone.
b. Immigration slowed down the Industrial Revolution because immigrants launched
frequent and effective labor protests.
c. Immigration boosted the economy because immigrants provided much of the capital
that was needed for infrastructure and entrepreneurship.
d. Immigration boosted the economy by providing the skilled labor that was desperately
needed in the labor force.
e. Immigration accelerated the Industrial Revolution by providing a large pool of cheap
factory labor.
What was the general impression of Ulysses S. Grant by the public?
a. He served as a dynamic and forceful president.
b. He took strong actions to protect southern Republicans.
c. He gained wide support among Democrats.
d. He could not resolve the problems of the times.
e. He was always considered above reproach.
How were families affected by changes sweeping American society in the 1920s?
a. Generally, childhood and adolescence became shorter periods because families
needed to send children to work at a younger age.
b. Casual sex and the consumption of alcohol declined among youth during the 1920s.
c. The "youth movement" of the 1920s championed traditional family values, such as
respect for one's parents.
d. Church attendance increased in urban areas due to the availability of a wider variety
of options.
e. The average American family decreased in size due to the availability of more
effective birth control methods.
How did the Roosevelt administration finally deal with the problem of agricultural
a. It used strategies that aided small farming operations more than large farming
b. The Agricultural Adjustment Administration convinced farmers to stop destroying
their crops.
c. It found new international markets for surplus American crops.
d. It set production limits for leading crops and paid farmers subsidies.
e. It increased demand by giving away surplus foods to the starving urban poor.
If an American became ill in the 1870s, __________.
a. hospital insurance would cover the cost of the illness
b. home care would be the common form of treatment
c. there was little help from the medical profession
d. recent medical discoveries would guarantee recovery
e. he or she would probably die
In what way did Theodore Roosevelt embody pragmatism?
a. In breaking the trusts, he demonstrated that he believed in natural laws instead of
b. In deciding to run for office a second time (for his third term as president), he
demonstrated a belief in the absolute truth of his right to the presidency.
c. In his brokering an agreement between coal miners and owners, he showed that he
could pick manageable problems and work to solve them.
d. In his conservation of wilderness in America, he demonstrated his belief in divine
laws, meaning that God had given America the land to take care of.
e. In his unequal treatment of African Americans, he demonstrated the pragmatic ability
to be "tough-minded" in a world with no easy answers.
Slaves usually named their children after __________, which illustrated the importance
of __________ for African Americans.
a. their masters; the master-slave relationship
b. characters in folk tales; African culture
c. family members and ancestors; kinship
d. activists in the abolitionist movement; political involvement
e. famous figures; history and pop culture
The most famous disclosure of espionage activities in the U.S. government in the late
1940s involved the case of __________.
a. Alger Hiss
b. Richard Nixon
c. George C. Marshall
d. Thomas E. Dewey
e. Henry A. Wallace
Which parliamentary act prohibited colonial settlement west of the Appalachian
a. Navigation Act of 1772
b. Proclamation of 1763
c. Stamp Act of 1765
d. Townshend Acts of 1767
e. Settlement Act of 1765
The Sherman Antitrust Act __________.
a. was vague and at the mercy of the courts
b. had little effect on antitrust policy
c. was only concerned with regulating railroads
d. did not have criminal penalties for violators
e. was used aggressively by the Justice Department
How did the growing trend of professional associations help the general population in
the early years of the twentieth century?
a. Higher standards enforced by associations protected the general population from
fraud and malpractice.
b. It became easier to become a professional; all one had to do was buy into an
association, so more of the general population could become professionals.
c. Associations ensured that people from any class could become professionals if they
had the proper education and training.
d. Associations made the cost of professional services cheaper and easier to access for
the general population.
e. Associations made professionals more plentiful and, therefore, easier for the general
population to find.
In the presidential election of 1856, the Republican Party's platform endorsed
a. popular sovereignty in the territories
b. prohibiting slavery in the territories
c. Fillmore, who opposed Buchanan
d. secession from the United States
e. Buchanan, who opposed Fillmore
The Cult of Domesticity primarily affected the lives of __________.
a. relatively affluent women
b. middle-class men
c. working-class women
d. African American women
e. recent immigrants
Why did Spain agree to the terms of the Pinckney Treaty?
a. It mistook Jay's Treaty for an Anglo-American alliance.
b. It needed the additional sources of revenue.
c. It needed protection on its southwest borders.
d. The United States threatened direct military action.
e. It thought America and France had agreed to take Spain's North American land.
Which of the following famous men had the greatest influence on the philosophy of
Martin Luther King, Jr?
a. George Washington
b. Napoleon Bonaparte
c. Fidel Castro
d. Niccolo Machiavelli
e. Mahatma Gandhi
The Confederate Constitution __________.
a. allowed the Atlantic slave trade to be reopened
b. abolished the three-fifths clause in determining congressional representation
c. prohibited free states from joining the new Confederacy
d. allowed the government to impose protective tariffs
e. required the government to protect slavery in the states and the territories
The Sand Creek massacre of 1864 was led by __________.
a. William J. Fetterman
b. George Custer
c. William Sherman
d. John Chivington
e. Joseph Smith
Crucial to the growth of the automobile industry in the 1920s was __________.
a. new buyer financing techniques
b. new and increased marketing
c. the long life of the new automobile
d. the new method of financing the industry
e. greater disposable income
Why were those in mainstream society troubled by the influx of new immigrants in the
a. They feared that immigrants would try to assimilate into American society.
b. They worried that they would not be able to do their jobs as well anymore.
c. They feared that the government would give immigrants equal rights.
d. They felt that too many immigrants would take up land in the West.
e. They worried that the new immigrants could not be assimilated.
What was the main focus of the Nixon presidency?
a. foreign policy
b. civil rights
c. economics
d. education
e. strengthening the military
How did the advent of mass production change the lives of Americans in the early
twentieth century?
a. As a result, Americans attained the highest standard of living in the world.
b. It resulted in an increase in racial harmony among U.S. workers.
c. Due to the mechanization of production, unemployment rates plummeted.
d. The farmers of rural America benefited due to increased demand for produce.
e. Due to the availability of cheap goods, poverty went into decline.
The Committee on Public Information __________.
a. had little influence on public perceptions
b. exerted a positive influence on the public
c. called for understanding from the American people
d. launched a vitriolic campaign against Germany
e. was always careful to avoid emotional appeals
The reform movement in New England began as a(n) __________.
a. effort to defend Calvinism against Enlightenment ideas
b. attempt to maintain the status quo in religion
c. result of the actions of social radicals in religion
d. outgrowth of deism
e. rejection of Catholicism
In 1860, the main source of livelihood for individuals and the biggest contributor to the
gross national product was __________.
a. ranching
b. gold mining
c. farming
d. the textile industry
e. the transportation industry
Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon pushed for __________.
a. lower tax rates for everyone
b. lower personal taxes for the rich
c. higher corporation taxes
d. higher taxes for the rich
e. the abolition of the income tax
Most southern whites __________.
a. owned at least one slave
b. were non-slaveholding yeoman farmers
c. were poor people who sympathized with the slaves
d. owned at least five slaves
e. favored abolishing slavery
How did George H. W. Bush respond to the 1989 repression of protestors in Tiananmen
a. He threatened to send troops to protect the protestors.
b. He severed all diplomatic ties with the Chinese government.
c. He did not react publicly, but began secretly aiding Chinese resistance groups.
d. He denounced the violence but maintained a working relationship with China.
e. He was personally outraged but did nothing in response.
How did new methods of production affect workers in the first years of the twentieth
a. They were large-scale and mechanized, which made workers almost part of the
machinery, endangered, and bored.
b. They relied heavily on keeping workers satisfied, which led to safety, wage, and
workweek reforms.
c. They depended on the workers' willingness to work, which led to incentives, benefits,
and human resource departments.
d. They depended almost totally on automation, eliminating low-skilled jobs and
creating high unemployment in this sector.
e. They emphasized a unique product that would be better than the one before,
increasing pressure on workers and materialism in consumers.
The Portuguese explored West Africa __________.
a. to convert natives to Christianity
b. as tests of their new navigational technology
c. to establish colonies in Africa before Spain and England
d. searching for slaves and gold
e. and established military forts along the coastland
How did Joseph McCarthy develop such power over his fellow senators?
a. He physically threatened them.
b. He blackmailed them.
c. He instilled fear in them.
d. He bribed them with campaign contributions.
e. He was wildly popular with both the president and the people.
Which of the following lists industrial developments in proper chronological order?
a. the completion of the first transcontinental railroad, formation of the first trust,
formation of U.S. Steel Corporation
b. the formation of U.S. Steel Corporation, formation of the first trust, completion of the
first transcontinental railroad
c. the formation of the first trust, completion of the first transcontinental railroad,
formation of U.S. Steel Corporation
d. the formation of the first trust, formation of U.S. Steel Corporation, completion of the
first transcontinental railroad
e. the formation of U.S. Steel Corporation, completion of the first transcontinental
railroad, the formation of the first trust
When the House voted on the Wilmot Proviso, the vote was split along __________.
a. party lines
b. sectional lines
c. religious lines
d. socioeconomic lines
e. gender lines

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