CAS HI 17585

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 2215
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen

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Why did the new colonists of Georgia demand slaves?
A) Farmers were given so many acres of land that they felt they could not farm
efficiently without slaves.
B) The main crop of Georgiatobaccocould be cultivated only with slave labor.
C) The colonists felt that since they had no voice in government, they needed a class of
people even lower on the social rung than they were.
D) The English settlers in Georgia were used to having slaves and demanded that they
could not get along without them.
E) The colonists believed that they could compete economically with South Carolina
only if they were allowed to have slaves.
The Federalist was a series of essays written by ________.
A) Washington and Adams
B) Thomas Jefferson
C) Madison, Hamilton, and Jay
D) Randolph and Franklin
E) Samuel Chase
Why did some people in the 1890s, and even today, consider late nineteenth-century
American foreign policy to be an "aberration"?
A) As a democratic republic founded on the idea of freedom, the United States had no
right to deny independence to other countries by annexation.
B) The United States had never previously expanded its territory so rapidly.
C) The United States had once been a small country of just thirteen states, so expanding
to new lands and creating new states was considered an aberration.
D) As a democratic republic founded on the idea of freedom, the United States had the
obligation to seek the same rights for countries around the world.
E) As a former colony, the United States understood the challenges of gaining
independence and could better assist new nations than Europe could.
What theme ran through almost all cultural expression of the 1820s"1840s?
A) peace
B) prosperity
C) expansion
D) morality
E) democracy
The men largely responsible for Spain's conquest of the New World were known as
A) conquistadores
B) coureurs de bois
C) "Sea Dogs"
D) pirates
E) encomenderos
The company to become the first billion-dollar company was ________.
A) Thomson Steel Works
B) Standard Oil
C) Westinghouse
D) U.S. Steel
E) American Telephone and Telegraph
How did the Hartford Convention lead to the downfall of the Federalists?
A) The Hartford Federalists sent their resolutions to Washington just after the victorious
Battle of New Orleans, making them look unpatriotic and selfish.
B) The Federalists who met in Hartford passed radical resolutions that the rest of the
country would never agree to, making the Federalists look foolish.
C) The Republicans who met in Hartford called for secession.
D) The Hartford Republicans passed resolutions that led to peaceful trade negotiations
with Europe, making the War Hawk Federalists look bad.
E) Only northern Federalists attended the convention; southern Federalists disagreed
with the Hartford resolutions, fracturing and weakening the party.
Where did the United States and the Soviet Union face their first Cold War
A) China
B) Japan
C) Vietnam
D) Korea
E) Cambodia
All of the following influenced the growth of American industry in the 1830s and 1840s
EXCEPT ________.
A) the transition to a factory setting
B) the development of mass production
C) the discovery of oil in Pennsylvania
D) the invention of mechanical tools
E) advances in the transportation industry
In what way was the experience of the Spanish-American War ironic for
African-American soldiers?
A) Most of the people that African-American soldiers fought against in Cuba had the
same African heritage.
B) African Americans were not permitted to fight in the Cuban conflict but were
allowed to fight in the Philippines.
C) African Americans were not permitted to fight in Cuba and could only work as
cooks, medics, and servants to white soldiers.
D) The United States was finally recognizing the freedom and humanity of African
Americans, while invading Cuba.
E) The United States were fighting to give Cubans freedom, yet they denied many
freedoms to African Americans.
Why did Hoover have greater appeal than Smith in the election of 1928?
A) As a big-city politician, Hoover appealed to the immigrant population that was larger
than the "nativist" population.
B) As a Protestant and someone who stood for traditional American values, Hoover
appealed to a larger majority of Americans.
C) Hoover was a self-made man who embodied the American belief in freedom of
opportunity and upward mobility.
D) Hoover had fought valiantly during World War I, whereas Smith was known to be a
"draft dodger."
E) Prior to the presidential race of 1928, Smith had never been involved in politics and
had little experience.
Why had Washington's political alliance shifted by the end of his presidency?
A) Disillusioned by political factions, he created his own political party.
B) He regretted supporting England in the war, and began to support France.
C) He regretted supporting France in the war, and began to support England.
D) He shifted from neutrality to a closer alliance with the Federalists.
E) He shifted from neutrality to a closer alliance with the Republicans.
In 2002, the Bush administration insisted Iraq was hiding ________.
A) terrorists
B) weapons of mass destruction
C) stolen U.S. documents
D) American diplomats
E) religious leaders
The Emancipation Proclamation freed ________.
A) all slaves throughout the United States
B) only slaves in the loyal border states
C) only slaves in the western territories
D) only slaves in the Confederate-controlled areas
E) only children born in the future to those who were then slaves
What was the main source of tension between black and white abolitionists?
A) Black abolitionists thought that white abolitionists were too radical.
B) White abolitionists thought that black abolitionists were too radical.
C) White abolitionists protested that they did not have a fair share of influence and
leadership positions in the movement.
D) Black abolitionists protested that they did not have a fair share of influence and
leadership positions in the movement.
E) White abolitionists did not want to end slavery immediately, whereas black
abolitionists did.
Which of these popular forms of entertainment drew on the immigrant experience?
A) jazz
B) listening to records
C) vaudeville
D) ragtime
E) moving pictures
What did Republican leaders agree to do in order to ensure the election of Rutherford
A) offer lucrative positions to members of the electoral commission
B) end federal support for southern radical regimes
C) continue federal support for southern radical regimes
D) support fraudulent elections with federal troops
E) split control of southern state governments with Democrats
How did city governments become more like businesses during the early 1900s?
A) They became more corrupt, working for the wealthy and crushing the masses with
unfair housing, tax, and employment laws.
B) They became more supportive of the masses, creating health, housing, and
employment programs to help the poor.
C) They became balanced by competitive political parties and special interest groups,
just as big businesses were balanced by unions versus management.
D) They created systems of managers supported by experts, stressing continuity,
efficiency, and results.
E) They became embroiled in bureaucracy and regulations and could not function
properly as a result.
What was the motivation for German Lutherans to come to the middle colonies in the
later 1700s?
A) Their primary goal was to improve their lives materially.
B) They wanted to escape the war that was going on between Germany and France.
C) They were seeking political freedom.
D) They were seeking religious freedom.
E) Their primary goal was to convert more people to Lutheranism in the colonies.
Which one of the following states was NOT part of the Confederacy?
A) Missouri
B) North Carolina
C) Texas
D) Tennessee
E) Florida
During the Civil War, about ________ African Americans served in the Union Army.
A) 10,000
B) 100,000
C) 200,000
D) 500,000
E) 1,000,000
As president, William McKinley ________.
A) was an activist
B) did not get along with Congress
C) was perceived as a reactionary
D) decreased federal power while in office
E) maintained an isolated administration
What could be said about the railroad industry by the end of the 1850s?
A) Railroads were struggling to remain active due to heavy financial losses.
B) Business was booming and railroads had transformed the economy.
C) Railroads had been largely replaced by canal transportation.
D) The railroad industry was still in its infancy.
E) The railroad industry was crippled by scandals and corruption.
How did the XYZ Affair affect U.S. politics?
A) Adams declared war on France.
B) France suffered diplomatic humiliation at the hands of the U.S.
C) Hamilton resisted the idea of a strong army.
D) Adams and Jefferson reached a political impasse.
E) High Federalists used the tensions it created as an excuse for military expansion.
The Contract with America did NOT include ________.
A) universal health care coverage
B) a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution
C) term limits for members of Congress
D) a line-item veto for the president
E) a middle-class tax cut
What was the meaning of the phrase "regeneration before Reconstruction"?
A) restructuring southern society before readmission to the union
B) funding the rehabilitation of those areas in the South damaged during the war
C) transforming southern society, including land reform, before readmission
D) repudiating the debts owed by the former Confederate states to the Union
E) suspending military rule in the South until elections could take place
The majority of slaves worked ________.
A) in industry
B) as skilled tradesmen
C) as house servants
D) as field workers
E) in restaurants, hotels, and saloons
During the 1890s, writers who rejected romanticism often wrote ________.
A) stories depicting everyday life in regional settings
B) grand epic stories in which the hero always defeated the villain
C) disparaging tales about ethnic groups, perpetuating anti-immigrant feelings
D) political pamphlets championing their candidate
E) allegorical stories that used many examples from the Bible
Where did the creole language, Gullah, endure longest?
A) Maryland
B) North Carolina
C) Louisiana
D) Virginia
E) the Sea Islands
How did agencies created during the Hundred Days affect the Great Depression?
A) They attempted to relieve the suffering of Americans by giving
government-subsidized loans at very low rates.
B) Agencies such as the Tennessee Valley Authority and the Civilian Conservation
Corps succeeded in getting most of the unemployed back to work.
C) Their main effect was to end economic stagnation by getting many people back to
work on government projects.
D) They strengthened all the failing banks of the country, restoring Americans'
confidence in banking.
E) They did little to affect the Great Depression, but they were perceived to be effective
by the public.
James G. Blaine's greatest diplomatic success was ________.
A) the purchase of Alaska
B) securing home rule for Canada
C) settling the Alabama claims with Britain
D) paving the way for the Pan-American Union
E) averting a war with Britain over Venezuela
What was considered the main function of the family unit in the nineteenth century?
A) to establish a good name for the family
B) to maintain the family's reputation
C) to contribute to the economy
D) to defend family members against outsiders
E) to raise children
What did the United States do in the early 1980s that caused the Soviet Union to break
off disarmament negotiations in Geneva?
A) It revealed plans to develop the Strategic Defense Initiative.
B) It placed missiles in Great Britain and Germany.
C) It sent American troops into Afghanistan.
D) It opened up diplomatic relations with China.
E) It forcibly broke the Saudi Arabian oil embargo.
The Chesapeake Affair of 1807 ________.
A) violated American sovereignty
B) forced the French to rescind the Berlin Decree
C) damaged the British navy
D) had little effect on Anglo-American relations
E) influenced the Americans to support the French
When the United States and the Dutch East Indies banned trade with Japan, the
Japanese lost their source of _______, which eventually led them to attack the United
A) oil
B) flour
C) steel
D) rubber
E) ammunition

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