CAS HI 14188

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 1668
subject Authors Mark Sutton

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The most important social unit in the NW Coast was the __________.
a. moiety
b. nuclear family
c. clan
d. lineage
The environment of the Plateau region is __________.
a. arctic with year-round snowcover and/or permafrost
b. mild, experiencing much coastal rainfall
c. mountainous and dominated by evergreen forests
d. dry and arid, consisting mostly of flat, open plains
North America may be divided into six geographic areas that include___________.
a. Iceland
b. the Riverine and Foothills
c. the Pacific coast
d. no deserts
Maple candy, an Ottawa favorite, __________.
a. was a popular trade item obtained from the Europeans
b. was an indigenous food cultivated from family-owned trees
c. was used in liquid form and mixed with berries
d. was fermented to become alcohol
For the Western Woods Cree __________.
a. the basic social unit was the nuclear family
b. kinship was reckoned bilaterally
c. labor was divided by sex
d. all of the above
The Archaic Period (c. 10,000 BP to Contact) in California is characterized by
a. large Pleistocene animals available for hunters
b. a colder, wetter climate
c. adoption of corn agriculture from Mexico
d. a more generalized hunting and gathering subsistence economy
Seeking a vision to get a spiritual helper could involve which of the following among
Plains Indians?
a. fasting
b. prayer
c. body mutilation
d. all of these
e. None of these
To be "hopi," a Hopi was expected to be __________.
a. aggressive
b. self-centered
c. non-cooperative
d. self-effacing
A Cree canoe __________.
a. was made with hollowed out cypress trees
b. weighted about twenty pounds and often capsized
c. used birch and birchbark
d. was used all year round
Geronimo is well-known for having been __________.
a. an Apache leader who fought against the Mexican and American governments
b. one of the only native ethnographers to do research on his own people in the 19th
c. the Navajo shaman who started the Ghost Dance revitalization movement
d. a fake informant that Carlos Castaneda invented and published about in the 1960s
The low estimates for pre-contact Native American populations by Europeans
a. were quite accurate
b. justified European occupation
c. explain today's small population
d. made Europeans more sympathetic
The Chumash __________.
a. were politically organized into a chiefdom
b. had craft specialists
c. were frequently engaged in warfare
d. all of the above
e. a and b
Today the Quebec Inuit __________.
a. have a high educational level
b. are an aging population with a low birth rate
c. hunt with snowmobiles and motorboats
d. have never been given any land for themselves
What must an Arctic hunter be sure to do?
a. keep the best meat for himself
b. teach his wife how to cook the meat
c. show respect to the prey animal's soul
d. d. give the dogs only the liver
European and Euroamerican contact in the Great Basin __________.
a. occurred early but did not have as much impact as in other culture areas
b. occurred later and resulted in Natives' land loss and death by disease
c. resulted in no formal treaties with the U.S.
d. resulted in bitter, prolonged fighting
The most popular large mammals hunted in the Great Basin were __________.
a. bear and elk
b. bison and caribou
c. deer, mountain and pronghorn sheep
d. all of the above
A major land dispute has been taking place for decade between which two
Southwestern groups?
a. Rarmuri and Tejano
b. Apache and Comanche
c. Patayan and Hohokam
d. Navajo and Hopi
Pan-Indianism __________.
a. has partly resulted from a total rejection of tribal identity
b. has helped politically but has encouraged the concept of the "generic Indian"
c. has been detrimental to urban Indians
d. all of the above
The three primary social divisions of the Aleut are high status, ______, and slaves.
a. shamans
b. hunters
c. women
d. commoners
Cree children __________.
a. were strictly disciplined
b. were born with the mother in a kneeling position
c. were responsible for tending household crops and livestock
d. all of the above
According to Sutton, when a highest Natchez class person dies, their lower class spouse
is obligated to __________.
a. bring special flowers to the funeral
b. remain unmarried forever
c. sing a death song at the funeral
d. die with the higher class person
NW Coast marriages __________.
a. were arranged for economic or political reasons
b. might be arranged so a man could obtain rights to songs or dances
c. tried to keep rank within the family
d. all of the above
Duality among the Hopi was reflected in the ________ cycle (s).
a. life and death
b. annual ceremonial
c. daily
d. all of the above
The Great Basin environment includes __________.
a. two deserts
b. little water and no rivers
c. much variation
d. All of the above
e. a and c
Native Americans used tobacco __________.
a. primarily for ceremonies
b. mainly for recreation
c. because European settlers gave it to them
d. but they never cultivated the plant
The Dutch, the French, and the Russians were primarily interested in __________.
a. the fur trade
b. converting Indians to Christianity
c. gaining land to farm
d. building settlements
The Archaic Mogollon people __________.
a. were probably ancestors of the Navajo
b. disappeared around 2000 BP
c. lived in pithouses, then pueblo-style homes
d. lived in the desert flatlands
Great Basin people ate __________.
a. waterfowl, rabbits, and hares
b. insects such as ants, crickets, and grasshoppers
c. trout and salmon
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
Anthropology __________.
a. seeks to gain understanding of other cultures.
b. Has a history of considering women's perspectives, and historically included many
female anthropologists
c. Is more interested in studying Old World cultures than New World cultures
d. Is concerned with advancing native cultures into modern society
Which of the following does NOT describe the typical Arctic family?
a. nuclear c. arranged marriages
b. children valued
c. arranged marriages
d. divorces difficult
The Navajo believed __________.
a. in Earth People and Sky People
b. in Holy People who are always good and helpful when prayed to properly
c. only Changing Woman was dependable and trustworthy
d. in Spider Woman, who taught them about poisons
A particularly popular symbol in Pawnee traditional art is __________.
a. the ocean
b. the four sacred mountains
c. the wolf
d. the river
e. the star
Large groups of Indians who settled near trading posts found their lives impacted by
a. better health benefits
b. increased domestic violence
c. longer life expectancy
d. pressure from the trader to produce more crafts
The English came to the New World because they wanted to settle the land. T/F
The primary family unit of the Kwakwaka"wakw was the lineage. T/F
The Kwakiutl practiced extensive agriculture.
The Archaic Period is best known for the introduction of true agriculture.
Sitting Bull, a famous Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux war chief, was not present at the Battle
of Little Big Horn and died peacefully in his sleep on a reservation.
Plateau people were highly mobile and practiced a seasonal round.
Indians were used by both sides in the French/Indian War
None of the European powers encouraged the slave trade.
A major distinguishing feature of the California culture area is __________.
hunting pronghorn sheep
simplistic material culture
the general lack of interest in fishing
acorn exploitation
Navajo social and political organization was dominated by a strong patriarchy that rules
families and clans.
In the Southeast culture area, Indian towns existed but were not well organized and
were totally independent of each other. T/F
Among the Western Woods Cree childless widows sometimes joined hunting parties.
The 1830 Indian Removal Act resulted in recognition of Indian rights and sovereignty
The concept of Unilinear Cultural Evolution, classifying people by labels of savage,
barbaric, and civilized, was not accepted by most anthropologists.
The major religious events in California included the Kuksu cult, Toloache, and World
Renewal. T/F
Women could not gain material wealth among Plains Indians.

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