CAS CS 32692

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 592
subject Authors Abbey Deitel, Harvey Deitel, Paul Deitel

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Toast method makeText receives as arguments the Context on which the Toast is
displayed, the message to display and the ________. Toast method show displays the
SensorManager's GRAVITY_EARTH constant represents ________.
Appolicious, Appstorm and Phandroid are all examples of ________.
(True/False) A SeekBaroften called a slider in other GUI technologiesrepresents an
integer in the range 0"10 by default and allows the user to select a number in that range
by moving the SeekBar's thumb.
Lengthy data access should not be done in the UI thread; otherwise, the app will display
an ________ (ANR) dialog, typically after five seconds of preventing the user from
interacting with the app.
Method onOptionsItemSelected uses the selected MenuItem's ________ to determine
which one was selected.
The Android Asset Studio provides a tool for creating app ________.
A ________ layout arranges GUI components relative- to one another or relative to the
layout itself; for example, you can specify that a GUI component should appear below
another GUI component and centered horizontally within the layout.
When a View needs to be redrawn, its onDraw method is called. The first argument is
the Bitmap to draw, the next two arguments are the x-y coordinates where the upper-left
corner of the Bitmap should be placed on the View and the last argument is the
________ object that specifies the drawing characteristics.
Why should color resources be defined in XML?
Method ________ is called by the system when the configuration of the device changes
during the app's executionfor example, when the user rotates the device or slides out a
keyboard on a device with a hard keyboard. This method can be used to save state
information that you"d like to restore when the app's onCreate method is called as part
of the configuration change.
If localized resources are not provided for a given locale, Android uses the app's default
resourcesthat is, those in the res folder's ________ subfolder.
Why would you provide an empty body for a method?
Each EditText specifies the Input Type and IME Options properties. For devices that
display a soft keyboard, the Input Type specifies ________ when the user touches the
corresponding EditText.
Method onProgressChanged is called when the position of a SeekBar's ________
Layout files like activity_main.xml (in the project's res/layout folder) are considered
app resources and are stored in the project's ________ folder. Within that folder are
subfolders for different resource types.
Resource subfolder names that begin with anim contain XML files that define
________, which can change an object's transparency, size, position and rotation over

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