CAS BI 886

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 851
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) the largest cartilage of the larynx is the ________ cartilage.
a) thyroid
b) cricoid
c) cuneiform
d) arytenoid
e) epiglottic
2) brunner glands are characteristic of the
a) stomach.
b) duodenum.
c) jejunum.
d) ileum.
e) colon.
3) which of the following descriptions best matches the term otoliths?
a) move up and down when the stapes moves back and forth
b) transmit movement of the tympanic membrane to the inner ear
c) bending these produces receptor potential in hair cells
d) tiny weights necessary for the static sense of equilibrium
e) seal the oval window
4) coronary veins empty into the
a) left atrium.
b) left ventricle.
c) right atrium.
d) right ventricle.
e) conus arteriosus.
figure 26-2 the nephron
what physiological process occurs at the structure labeled "1"?
a) reabsorption
b) excretion
c) secretion
d) filtration
e) micturition
6) non-specific immunity, such as phagocytosis, is a function of which blood cells?
a) basophils and eosinophils
b) neutrophils, eosinophils, and monocytes
c) lymphocytes and monocytes
d) platelets
e) lymphocytes
7) tissues that provide strength and support for areas subjected to stresses from many
directions are
a) tendons.
b) ligaments.
c) dense irregular connective tissues.
d) reticular tissues.
e) areolar tissue.
8) which embryonic germ layer forms connective tissues such as bone and cartilage?
a) epiderm
b) trophoderm
c) ectoderm
d) mesooderm
e) endoderm
9) stimulation of nociceptive receptors within the trigeminal nerve might produce a
perception of
a) intensely sweet.
b) intensely sour.
c) quite salty.
d) peppery hot.
e) decidedly bitter.
10) which of these anatomical sequences is correct?
a) tympanumincusmalleusstapesoval windowround window
b) tympanumincusmalleusstapesround windowoval window
c) tympanummalleusincusstapesoval windowround window
d) tympanumincusstapesmalleusoval windowround window
e) tympanummalleusincusstapesround windowoval window
11) the hormone oxytocin
a) promotes uterine contractions.
b) is responsible for milk expression from the mammary glands.
c) triggers prostate gland contraction.
d) is produced in the hypothalamus.
e) all of the answers are correct.
12) some rat poisons contain a toxin that blocks the liver's ability to utilize vitamin k.
animals that consume this poison would die of
a) anemia.
b) acidosis.
c) hemorrhage.
d) thrombocytopenia.
e) starvation.
13) which of the following descriptions best matches the term nephron loop (loop of
a) relies on countercurrent multiplication
b) creates high interstitial nacl concentration
c) enables production of hypertonic urine
d) site of obligatory water reabsorption.
e) all of the answers are correct.
14) the muscle(s) that adduct(s) the humerus is/are the
a) coracobrachialis.
b) deltoid.
c) trapezius.
d) latissimus dorsi.
e) coracobrachialis and latissimus dorsi.
15) decreased blood flow to a muscle could result in all of the following, except
a) muscle fatigue.
b) an oxygen debt.
c) an increase in intracellular glycogen.
d) a shift to anaerobic glycolysis.
e) an increase in intracellular lactic acid.
figure 26-2 the nephron
where does countercurrent multiplication occur?
a) 6
b) 5
c) 4
d) 3
e) 2
17) a patient develops a tumor of a cranial nerve that leads to difficulty in speaking
from a loss of tongue movement. which cranial nerve is affected?
a) glossopharyngeal
b) hypoglossal
c) vagus
d) spinal accessory
e) trigeminal
18) substrate molecules bind to enzymes at the ________ sites.
a) amino
b) active
c) carboxyl
d) reactant
e) neutral
19) the blood vessel that carries blood to the arm and shoulder is the ________.
20) the olfactory receptors are highly modified ________.
21) in mitral valve prolapse, the cusps of the mitral valve are pushed into the ________
22) in glomerulonephritis, the normal filtration barrier is damaged and becomes far
more permeable to plasma proteins, such as albumin along with other solutes. how
would that affect glomerular filtration?
23) accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity as a result of liver or kidney disease,
malnutrition, or heart failure is known as ________.
24) a ________ occurs when articulating surfaces are forced out of position.

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