CAS BI 835 Quiz

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 737
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) variations in hair color reflect differences in the pigment produced by
a) keratinocytes.
b) melanocytes.
c) dermal papillae.
d) soft keratin.
e) carotene cells.
2) isotopes of an element differ in the number of
a) protons in the nucleus.
b) electrons in the nucleus.
c) neutrons in the nucleus.
d) electron clouds.
e) electrons in energy shells.
3) the corticospinal system is often referred to as the
a) red nucleus.
b) reticular formation.
c) spinothalamic tracts.
d) pyramidal system.
e) medullary centers.
4) mary accidentally ate poison mushrooms that contain muscarine. what symptoms
would you expect to observe?
a) diarrhea
b) salivation
c) very low heart rate
d) sweating
e) all of the answers are correct.
5) which statement is true regarding calcium in bone matrix?
a) calcium is found in crystals called hydroxyapatite.
b) calcium is secreted by osteoblasts into the matrix.
c) once deposited, calcium cannot be removed from bone.
d) calcium provides flexibility to the bone matrix.
e) calcium is the organic part of the matrix.
6) which of the following movements would you associate with chewing food?
a) elevation
b) abduction
c) flexion
d) pronation
e) circumduction
7) unpaired sympathetic ganglia are called ________ ganglia.
8) the muscle that inserts on the iliotibial tract and gluteal tuberosity of the femur is the
a) tensor fasciae latae.
b) piriformis.
c) gluteus minimus.
d) gluteus medius.
e) gluteus maximus.
figure 14-2 cranial nerves
what is the function of the nerve labeled "5"?
a) movement of the tongue
b) facial expression
c) vision
d) taste
e) visceral sensation and motor control
10) all of the following are true of steroid hormones, except that they
a) are produced by the suprarenal medulla.
b) are derived from cholesterol.
c) are produced by reproductive glands.
d) bind to receptors within the cell.
e) are lipids.
figure 29-2 fetus at 10 weeks
identify the structure labeled "3"
a) umbilical cord
b) placenta
c) decidua basalis
d) decidua capsularis
e) yolk sac
12) the exocrine portion of the pancreas is composed of
a) islets of langerhans.
b) pancreatic crypts.
c) pancreatic acini.
d) pancreatic lobules.
e) triads.
13) the temporoparietalis muscle acts to
a) move the external ear.
b) purse the lips.
c) depress the lip.
d) draw the corner of the mouth back and up.
e) close the eye.
14) the enzyme that digests starch into disaccharides and trisaccharides is ________.
15) the ________ is the area monitored by a single receptor cell.
16) in the condition known as ________ the partial pressure of oxygen in the tissues is
17) an infection and inflammation of the aggregated lymphatic nodules in the pharynx
is termed ________.
18) the epithelium that lines the body cavities is known as ________.
19) a change in the conditions in the synaptic terminal can influence the soma as a
result of ________ axoplasmic transport.
20) the movement of the forearm while twisting a doorknob is ________ and ________
21) what happens during protein catabolism? how is this related to nitrogen balance?
22) impotence is defined as an inability to achieve or maintain an ________.
23) people who lack the enzyme ________ often experience gi upset after consuming
milk and other dairy products.

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