CAS BI 827

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 952
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) which of the following is a known effect of thyroid hormone on peripheral tissues?
a) increased oxygen consumption
b) increased heart rate
c) increased sensitivity to adrenergic stimulation
d) increased body temperature
e) all of the answers are correct.
figure 14-1 the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid
identify the structure labeled "10"
a) arbor vitae
b) central canal
c) corpus callosum
d) pons
e) diencephalon
figure 29-2 fetus at 10 weeks
identify the structure labeled "6"
a) umbilical cord
b) placenta
c) decidua basalis
d) amnion
e) decidua parietalis
4) the flexor reflex
a) prevents a muscle from overstretching.
b) prevents a muscle from generating damaging tension.
c) moves a limb away from a painful stimulus.
d) usually depends on cranial neurons.
e) is an example of a monosynaptic reflex.
5) the ________ delivers urine to a minor calyx.
a) nephron loop (loop of henle)
b) distal convoluted tubule
c) papillary duct
d) renal corpuscle
e) ureter
6) epidermal growth factor exerts which of these effects on the epidermis?
a) promotes cell division
b) stimulates keratin synthesis
c) accelerates tissue repair
d) speeds up glandular function
e) all of the answers are correct.
7) a person who consumes large amounts of sodium bicarbonate ("baking soda") to
settle an upset stomach risks
a) respiratory acidosis.
b) respiratory alkalosis.
c) metabolic acidosis.
d) metabolic alkalosis.
8) pain is to ________ as cold is to ________.
a) nociceptors; thermoreceptors
b) baroreceptors; chemoreceptors
c) baroreceptors; nociceptors
d) chemoreceptors; nociceptors
e) baroreceptors; thermoreceptors
9) the stage in a cell's life cycle in which the cell performs its normal functions and
prepares for division is called
a) prophase.
b) metaphase.
c) interphase.
d) telophase.
e) anaphase.
10) the clavicle articulates with the
a) coracoid process and the humerus.
b) glenoid cavity and scapular spine.
c) acromial and coracoid processes.
d) manubrium and xiphoid process.
e) acromial process and the manubrium.
11) before an olfactory receptor can detect an odorant, it has to
a) contact a specialized olfactory cell.
b) bind to receptors in olfactory cilia.
c) gate open ion channels.
d) respond to applied pressure.
e) be transported to the olfactory bulbs.
12) the c shape of the tracheal cartilages is important because
a) large masses of food can pass through the esophagus during swallowing.
b) large masses of air can pass through the trachea.
c) it facilitates turning of the head.
d) the bronchi are also c-shaped.
e) it permits the trachea to pinch shut prior to sneezing.
13) the vertebral column contains ________ thoracic vertebrae.
a) 4
b) 5
c) 7
d) 12
e) 31
14) the process by which molecules such as glucose are moved into cells along their
concentration gradient with the help of membrane-bound carrier proteins is called
a) osmosis.
b) facilitated diffusion.
c) active transport.
d) endocytosis.
e) exocytosis.
15) which of the following is not an effect of ultraviolet radiation?
a) increased activity by melanocytes
b) production of cholecalciferol within epidermal cells
c) wrinkles
d) chromosomal damage in germinative cells or melanocytes
e) vitiligo
16) all of the following are true of neurons, except that
a) when mature, they lose the ability to divide.
b) they conduct a nervous impulse.
c) they are composed of a soma and axon.
d) they are a very specialized form of connective tissue.
e) they are separated from one another by synapses.
17) cerebrospinal fluid flows within the
a) filum terminale.
b) subarachnoid space.
c) dura mater.
d) pia mater.
e) arachnoid mater.
18) when the semilunar valves close, the av valves then
a) close.
b) open.
c) make the third heart sound.
d) contract.
e) prolapse.
19) contraction of the cremaster muscles
a) tenses the scrotal sac.
b) pulls the testes closer to the body cavity.
c) propels sperm through the urethra.
d) moves sperm through the ductus deferens.
e) tenses the scrotal sac and pulls the testes closer to the body cavity.
20) during the recovery period the body's need for oxygen is increased because
a) muscle cells are producing energy anaerobically.
b) the individual is panting.
c) additional oxygen is required to restore energy reserves consumed during exercise.
d) the liver requires more oxygen to produce lactic acid.
e) the muscles are not producing atp.
21) in water, phospholipids tend to form tiny droplets with hydrophobic tails buried
inside called ________.
22) the ________ nervous system provides involuntary regulation of smooth muscle,
cardiac muscle, and glandular activity.
23) a ________ allele will always be expressed regardless of what the other allele
happens to be.
24) the anterior lobe of the pituitary is also known as the ________.
25) the three structural components of a nucleotide are a pentose, a phosphate group,
and a _______ base.
26) descending tracts in the spinal cord relay ________ information.
27) the ________ chromosomes determine gender.

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