CAS BI 81617

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 1889
subject Authors Cecie Starr, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr, Ralph Taggart

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Friedrich Miescher is credited with
a. proposing DNA as the hereditary material.
b. determining that proteins are the physical basis of inheritance.
c. defining the laws of inheritance.
d. discovering DNA.
e. determining that proteins are composed of unlimited combinations of twenty amino
glomerular filtration
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. do not maintain the same body temperature at all times; are capable of internal heat
b. heat energy is released to the air when liquid water converts to gaseous form
c. bulk flow of protein-free plasma from capillaries into Bowman's capsule
d. animals with more or less constant body temperature
e. emission of heat from body surface when environmental temperature is lower than
the body temperature
f. movement of ions from peritubular capillaries into nephron tubules
g. loss of too much body heat
h. heat next to the body's surface undergoes mass transport by air or water currents
i. active and passive transport of solutes from peritubular capillaries into the glomerular
j. a long, slender, tubular unit in the vertebrate kidney that forms urine
k. body temperatures rise and fall with environmental changes
l. secreted by adrenal glands; influences sodium reabsorption
m. passive transport of water; active and passive transport of solutes out of the nephron
into peritubular capillaries
n. heat energy is transferred from high to low temperature regions due to collisions
between adjacent molecules
o. released from the posterior lobe of the pituitary in response to hypothalamic signals
p. toxic substances are extracted from blood circulating in cellophane tubes suspended
in a warm-water bath
q. erection of hairs and feathers by smooth muscles in the skin
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. the production and secretion of milk
b. sloughing off of endometrium stops permanently
c. induced dislodging and removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus
d. an abortion that occurs spontaneously
e. the burrowing of the blastocyst into the uterine lining
f. the release of an egg from the ovary
g. the release of seminal fluid from the male reproductive tract
h. a 100-percent-effective method of preventing conception
i. a highly unreliable form of birth control
j. the periodic elimination of the uterine lining
k. characterized by involuntary muscle contractions, release of tension, and warmth
l. sexual intercourse
m. sperm and egg cannot meet because a section of oviduct is missing
n. cutting and tying of vasa deferentia
The following phrases refer to the eukaryotic cell cycle. Select the single BEST choice
for each phrase.
a. G2
b. mitosis
c. S
d. G1
e. cytokinesis
Event that forms two daughter cytoplasmic masses
A high concentration of H+ in the thylakoid compartment provides potential energy for
the ____ by____.
a. breakdown of water; oxidation
b. production of ATP; ATP synthesis
c. reduction of NADP+; an electron transfer chain
d. production of sugars; the light-independent reactions
e. production of O2; photolysis
In the fall of 2006, which of the following pollinators started declining due to several
a. butterflies
b. moths
c. honeybees
d. mosquitoes
e. night feeding bats
The following questions refer to the figure above.
Which of the photographs in the above figure represents the bryophyte?
a. moss
b. fern
c. conifer
d. monocot
e. all of these
The following questions refer to the figure above.
The figure illustrates
a. a pyramid of energy.
b. a pyramid of biomass.
c. a grazing food web.
d. a detrital food web.
e. the recycling of energy in an ecosystem.
Nucleic acid hybridization is the pairing between
a. cDNA and DNA.
b. mRNA and cDNA.
c. mRNA and DNA.
d. mRNA and tRNA.
e. DNA or RNA from more than one source.
Which of the following statements is false?
a. About 300 species of turtles currently exist.
b. Turtles do not have teeth.
c. Turtle shells are enlarged in marine forms.
d. Turtles must return to land to lay eggs.
e. Most sea turtle species are highly endangered.
The following are basic building blocks of biopolymers. Match the building blocks with
the statements below.
a. amino acid
b. glucose
c. glycerol
d. fatty acid
e. nucleotide
The basic unit of RNA
Hydrogen bonding is strongest between
a. adenine and guanine.
b. uracil and thymine.
c. guanine and uracil.
d. adenine and thymine.
e. cytocine and guanine.
Homeostasis is ultimately regulated by:
a. the brain.
b. the endocrine glands.
c. the oil glands.
d. the exocrine glands.
e. the circulatory system.
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. rate of forward reaction about equals rate of reverse reaction
b. coenzyme that diffuses freely through the cytoplasm
c. attachment of a phosphate group by a high-energy bond
d. an excess of end-product molecules alters the shape of the first enzyme in the
pathway and shuts off that metabolic pathway
e. part of an enzyme that binds to the substrate
f. by binding a regulatory molecule, it changes the activity of a metabolic pathway
g. affects rates of chemical reactions
h. universal energy currency
i. assists in the detoxification of ethanol
j. a measure of the degree of energy change after a concentrated form of energy has
been dispersed
Choose the most appropriate response.
a. have rhizoids, cuticle, and protected embryo sporophyte
b. one cotyledon
c. non-seed-bearing, heart-shaped gametophytes; spore-bearing leaves with sori
d. Lycopodium; cone-bearing sporophyte; free-living gametophyte
e. only one species left
f. cypress and redwood; heterosporous; mostly evergreen
g. confined to tropics or warm, temperate zones; resemble squat cone-bearing palm
h. two cotyledons
i. Equisetum; homosporous; rhizomes present; aerial stems jointed; scouring rushes
j. have coevolved with pollinating vectors
Which of the following statements is TRUE?
a. Each new cell receives half of the number of chromosomes in the original cell.
b. Each new cell receives copies of all the original chromosomes.
c. If the original number of chromosomes was 46, each new cell will have 23.
d. The sister chromosomes are not identical due to breakages in the DNA.
e. All chromosomes are duplicated except the sex chromosomes.
A broad land or ocean region defined by climate, geography, and producers is called
a. an ecoregion.
b. a hot spot.
c. a realm.
d. a habitat island.
e. the biosphere.
The stages of mitosis plus interphase are listed below. Select the correct phase for each
of the following statements.
a. interphase
b. prophase
c. metaphase
d. anaphase
e. telophase
Centromeres break apart as the separated sister chromatids begin to move to opposite
Carbohydrates converted to ____ are ____ in plants.
a. cellulose; stored
b. starch; stored
c. starch; transported
d. fats; stored
e. glucose; transported
The methanogenic archaeans are ____ that pull electrons from ____.
a. chemoautotrophs; oxygen
b. chemoheterotrophs; carbon dioxide
c. chemoautotrophs; water
d. chemoheterotrophs; methane
e. chemoautotrophs; hydrogen gas
Which is not true of the fossils found on the island of Flores?
a. They are shorter than modern humans.
b. They have very small brains.
c. They are 200 000 years old.
d. They have a heavy brow ridge.
e. They are small.
Chromatids are
a. attached at the centriole.
b. a pair of chromosomes, one from the mother and one from the father.
c. attached at their centromeres.
d. identical until crossing over occurs.
e. attached at their centromeres and are identical until crossing over occurs.
The letter "D" in the above figure represents
a. a kidney.
b. a urethra.
c. a urinary bladder.
d. a ureter.
e. water.
A great adaptive radiation of mammals began about ____ million years ago.
a. 25
b. 65
c. 95
d. 125
e. 165
A decrease in cortisol triggers a negative feedback loop and causes release of
a. adrenocorticotropin.
b. cortisol.
c. corticotropin releasing hormone.
d. insulin.
e. thyroxine.
White matter
Choose the most appropriate answer.
a. integrates body position, motions, balance
b. in cnidarians; based on reflex pathways devoted to swimming and feeding
c. messages from here arouse the brain and maintain wakefulness
d. the cortical region that coordinates muscles required for speech
e. all parts of nerve cells outside the brain and spinal cord
f. acetylcholine is an example
g. reflex control center for breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure
h. axons of the central nervous system that are sheathed with fatty myelin
i. at top of the brainstem bordering the cerebral hemispheres; influences learning and
emotional behavior
j. motor neurons that are divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions
k. membrane coverings over brain spinal cord
l. contains the tectum; receives and integrates sensory information that is largely sent on
to the forebrain for further neural processing
m. connects right and left cerebral hemispheres
n. group of nerve cell bodies that form an integrative center
o. contains centers concerned with body temperature regulation and with salt and water
The requirement of cold weather before a particular plant process occurs (e.g.,
germination) is known as
a. the biological clock.
b. vernalization.
c. photoperiodism.
d. biennial life cycle.
e. biorhythm.
Somatic cell nuclear transfer is a type of
a. embryo cloning.
b. adult cloning.
c. therapeutic cloning.
d. artificial twinning.
e. stem cell cloning.
Balanced polymorphism is a type of
a. disruptive selection.
b. sexual selection.
c. directional selection.
d. stabilizing selection.
e. any of these.
Following a gene duplication event involving only five loci, how many chromosomes
will a human female have?
a. 12
b. 23
c. 24
d. 46
e. 47
The above figure is of a wolf behavior which tells others
a. to prepare for a fight.
b. that the wolf is subordinate and won't be a threat.
c. that it wants to mate.
d. that it wants to play.
e. none of these.
____ are long-chain fatty acids attached to long-chain alcohols.
a. Triglycerides
b. Phospholipids
c. Sterols
d. Waxes
e. Most neutral fats
Which of the following is NOT a feature of trypanosomes?
a. anaerobic respiration
b. single, large mitochondrion
c. cause widespread and serious infections of humans and cattle in the tropics
d. life cycle involves an intermediate, blood-sucking insect host
e. causative agents of Chagas disease and African sleeping sickness

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