CAS BI 813 Quiz 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 464
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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The blood vessel that supplies blood to the head and neck is the ________ artery.
A) brachiocephalic
B) vertebral
C) subclavian
D) common carotid
E) cervical
Two hormones that have additive effects are called
A) antagonists.
B) agonists.
C) resistors.
D) synergists.
E) adjuvants.
Spermatids mature into spermatozoa by the process of
A) spermiogenesis.
B) meiosis II.
C) spermatogenesis.
D) cytokinesis.
E) meiosis I.
The protein that regulates muscle contraction by controlling the availability of active
sites on actin is called
A) actin.
B) titin.
C) myosin.
D) tropomyosin.
E) nebulin.
Uterine contractions that are irregular and brief that occur toward the end of gestation
are called
A) parturition.
B) expulsion.
C) true labor.
D) false labor.
E) dilation.
A fracture at the ankle involving both lower leg bones is often called a ________
A) compression
B) Pott's
C) displaced
D) greenstick
E) Colles
Identify the structure labeled "4."
Figure 14-1 The Circulation of Cerebrospinal Fluid
A) cerebral aqueduct
B) lateral ventricle
C) lateral aperture
D) 4th ventricle
E) choroid plexus
The ________ typically consists of five or six flattened membranous discs called
A) centrioles
B) rough endoplasmic reticulum
C) Golgi apparatus
D) smooth endoplasmic reticulum
E) mitochondria
Which muscle is named for either shape or size?
A) pectoralis major
B) latissimus dorsi
C) deltoid
D) vastus lateralis
E) All of the above are named for shape or size.
The two pubic bones join medially at the
A) pubic tuberosity.
B) superior ramus.
C) inferior ramus.
D) pubic tubercle.
E) pubic symphysis.
The lower part of the large intestine including the rectum receives blood from the
A) celiac trunk.
B) inferior mesenteric artery.
C) internal iliac artery.
D) abdominal aorta.
E) external iliac artery.
The ________ are small blood vessels that nourish tissue components in the wall of
large arteries and veins.
A) tunica capillaria
B) perfusion capillaries
C) vasa vasorum
D) vascular capillaries
E) cortical vessels
The ________ are fingerlike projections that capture the freshly ovulated ovum.
A) gubernaculum
B) fimbrae
C) infundibulum
D) uterine horn
E) uterine tunnel
CD8 markers are to ________ T cells as CD4 markers are to ________ T cells.
A) suppressor; cytoxic
B) cytoxic; helper
C) helper; suppressor
D) NK; cytoxic
E) plasma; NK

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