CAS BI 79048

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 1720
subject Authors Cecie Starr, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr, Ralph Taggart

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The following questions refer to the figure above illustrating logistic growth.
The initial carrying capacity of an environment is indicated by
a. A.
b. B.
c. C.
d. D.
e. E.
The following phrases refer to the eukaryotic cell cycle. Select the single BEST choice
for each phrase.
a. G2
b. mitosis
c. S
d. G1
e. cytokinesis
Period of nuclear division
Pouches in the gut wall developed into ____ in fishes that are ancestral to land
a. heart chambers
b. the notochord
c. lobes of the liver
d. lungs
e. vocal cords
Choose the one most appropriate response for each.
a. cytoplasm apportioned between the two daughter cells
b. final phase of mitosis; daughter nuclei re-form
c. two sister chromatids are joined here
d. chromosomes condense and mitotic spindle begins to form
e. chromosomes line up at spindle equator
f. sister chromatids separate, move to opposite spindle poles
g. about 25 nm in diameter; form mitotic spindle
h. half of a chromosome in prophase
i. in pairs in some eukaryotic cells; move to poles during spindle formation
Choose the most appropriate letter.
a. contain DNA, but may be too small to be alive
b. simple transitional forms between early organic compounds and the first living cells
c. red alga resident of hot springs
d. first organisms with the noncyclic pathway of photosynthesis
e. source of the heat-resistant enzyme used in PCR
f. offered support for endosymbiosis
g. dome-shaped fossil remains of photoautotrophic bacteria (some nonfossil structures
also form).
h. protist with photosynthetic organelles that resemble cyanobacteria
i. earliest known organism that can be assigned to a modern group
The level of organization where factors such as sunlight, rainfall, and temperature come
into play is the
a. digestive system.
b. the flow of energy and recycling of nitrogen in a given area.
c. plants producing oxygen in the Amazon basin is consumed by giraffes on the
d. glucose.
e. clown fish, sharks, and coral living together at the Great Barrier reef.
To answer the following questions refer to the four items listed below.
a. cDNA
b. restriction enzyme
c. reverse transcriptase
d. gene library
This is an enzyme used to produce cDNA.
The lymphoid organs include all EXCEPT the
a. spleen.
b. stomach.
c. thymus.
d. tonsils and adenoids.
e. appendix.
Excitatory postsynaptic potential
Even though there may be more than one correct letter response to some numbered
items, discriminate and "juggle" so that you have the one BEST response for each.
a. cells that nurture and support neurons
b. a hyperpolarizing event
c. a neuron cannot propagate an action potential at this time
d. Acetylcholine or GABA
e. interneuron in brain or spinal cord
f. establishes basis of resting membrane potential
g. sheathed muscle cells that contain receptors
h. input
i. integrator cell between sensory and motor
j. modified dendrite of a sensory neuron
k. a depolarizing event
l. output
m. muscle or gland
n. produced by a Schwann cell
o. cluster of cell bodies outside the CNS
Which of the following is true of AIDS?
a. It is equivalent to HIV.
b. It is highly contagious.
c. There is no cure for those afflicted.
d. It is caused by a bacterium.
e. It can be prevented by vaccination.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) disrupts muscle contraction by
a. binding actin.
b. blocking myofibril.
c. killing motor neurons.
d. weakening myofilaments.
e. none of these.
The ozone layer is valuable because it blocks:
a. heat.
b. UV radiation.
c. radio waves.
d. asteroids.
e. all of these.
The pea plant was an excellent choice for Mendel's experiments because
a. true-breeding varieties were available.
b. the plant can self-fertilize.
c. it can be cross-fertilized.
d. true-breeding varieties were available, and it can be cross-fertilized.
e. true-breeding varieties were available, the plant can self-fertilize, and it can be
Use the figure above to answer the following questions. The graphs illustrate diversity
patterns for ants (A) and breeding birds (B).
Graph A shows that ant species richness
a. peaks at the equator.
b. drops by 50 percent at 30 degrees north latitude.
c. is less than 50 at 60 degrees north latitude.
d. is somewhat greater at 30 degrees north latitude than at 30 degrees south latitude.
e. includes all of these.
Which of the following includes all the others?
a. actin
b. myofibril
c. myosin
d. myofilament
e. muscle fiber
The relationship between strands of RNA and DNA is
a. antagonistic.
b. opposite.
c. complementary.
d. an exact duplicate.
e. unrelated.
An organ is made up of
a. a single type of tissue.
b. glandular tissue.
c. 2 or more tissues working together to perform a specific task.
d. muscle tissue that has differentiated from stem cells.
e. none of these.
Respond to the following statements with reference to the types of connective tissue
listed below.
a. loose connective tissue
b. dense connective tissue
c. adipose
d. cartilage
e. blood
This tissue provides nourishment to each of the other connective tissues.
Which of the following is formed last in the transfer of solar energy?
a. H+
b. excited electrons
c. ATP
d. O2
Respond to the following statements in reference to the five regions of the vertebrate
brain listed below.
a. cerebrum
b. hypothalamus
c. pons
d. cerebellum
e. medulla oblongata
This region contains the reflex centers involved in respiration.
Chromosomes and genes are replicated during
a. anaphase.
b. metaphase.
c. interphase.
d. prophase.
e. telophase.
The digestion of fats occurs mostly in the
a. stomach.
b. pancreas.
c. small intestine.
d. lymph vascular system.
e. liver.
Which of the following is made from tree bark?
a. cinnamon.
b. cocaine.
c. syrup.
d. hemp.
e. saffron.
Respond to the following statements with reference to the five vitamins listed below.
a. Vitamin B1
b. Vitamin B2
c. Niacin
d. Vitamin B6
e. Vitamin B12
A deficiency of this vitamin causes pernicious anemia and neurological disorders and is
a coenzyme important in synthesizing DNA.
All EXCEPT which of the following are monocots?
a. orchids
b. wheat
c. maple
d. grass
e. palms
Which statement about the geologic time scale is incorrect?
a. Mammals originated early in the Mesozoic era.
b. Adaptive radiation of flowering plants, insects, and birds took place during the
Mesozoic era.
c. Mass extinction of the dinosaurs occurred about 65 million years ago.
d. Reptiles originated during the Paleozoic era.
e. Eukaryotes originated during the Proterozoic eon.
Bipedal behavior and a skeleton adapted for bipedalism were not weeded out by natural
selection because they
a. improved stability during locomotion.
b. enabled the forelimbs to efficiently manipulate the environment.
c. accelerated the development of binocular vision.
d. improved stability during locomotion and enabled the forelimbs to efficiently
manipulate the environment.
e. improved stability during locomotion, enabled the forelimbs to efficiently manipulate
the environment, and accelerated the development of binocular vision.
Which of the following indicators of global warming has (have) occurred?
a. increase in the temperature of the lower atmosphere
b. rise in sea level
c. global surface temperatures are increasing at a faster rate
d. melting of glaciers
e. all of these
In amphibians, the gray crescent appears
a. after the egg matures.
b. after fertilization.
c. during blastula formation.
d. following gastrulation.
e. as a result of tissue specialization.
In conifers, the time between pollination and fertilization is
a. just a few hours.
b. about a day.
c. about a month.
d. about six months.
e. a year or more.
Respond to the following statements with reference to the four glands or structures of
the mammalian gastrointestinal tract listed below.
a. salivary glands
b. stomach mucosa
c. intestinal mucosa
d. pancreas
The enzyme pepsin is produced there.
Phylogeny can be used for:
a. medical applications.
b. cladistics.
c. wildlife management.
d. all of these.
e. none of these
a. does not contain introns.
b. is produced from mRNA.
c. production utilizes reverse transcriptase.
d. begins as a hybrid molecule with an mRNA.
e. fits all of these descriptions.
Choose the one best answer for each numbered item.
a. visible marker of the site where an amphibian's body axis will be established and
where gastrulation will begin
b. the formation of two or three embryonic tissue layers
c. the fusion of male and female nuclei
d. the entire body divides transversely; each half grows and regenerates the missing part
e. selective gene expression results in different cell types
f. subdividing of the zygote by mitosis; no growth occurs
g. region of zygote that has less yolk and is pigmented
h. an embryonic stage of development that has three primary tissue layers before
organogenesis begins
i. the formation of organs
j. one body part develops in response to signals from an adjacent part
k. the growth, shaping, and spatial coordination of tissues and organs so that a
predefined pattern of the whole organism results
l. occurs in the formation of the human hand

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