CAS BI 78468

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 19
subject Words 2411
subject Authors Cecie Starr, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr, Ralph Taggart

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Archaeans are similar to bacteria in all of the following ways EXCEPT
a. size.
b. shape.
c. plasma membrane composition.
d. absence of a nucleus.
e. mode of cellular division.
Most of the carbon now present in the earth's atmosphere will eventually end up in what
two reservoirs?
a. plants and animals
b. plants and decomposers
c. plants and soil
d. plants and oceans
e. plants and fossil fuels
The goal of eugenics is to
a. selectively engineer and change normal human traits into what some perceive to be
more desirable characteristics.
b. eliminate genetic disorders.
c. produce genetically identical humans.
d. eliminate genes for abnormal behavior.
e. accomplish all of these.
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. the production and secretion of milk
b. sloughing off of endometrium stops permanently
c. induced dislodging and removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus
d. an abortion that occurs spontaneously
e. the burrowing of the blastocyst into the uterine lining
f. the release of an egg from the ovary
g. the release of seminal fluid from the male reproductive tract
h. a 100-percent-effective method of preventing conception
i. a highly unreliable form of birth control
j. the periodic elimination of the uterine lining
k. characterized by involuntary muscle contractions, release of tension, and warmth
l. sexual intercourse
m. sperm and egg cannot meet because a section of oviduct is missing
n. cutting and tying of vasa deferentia
Choose the one most appropriate response for each.
a. cytoplasm apportioned between the two daughter cells
b. final phase of mitosis; daughter nuclei re-form
c. two sister chromatids are joined here
d. chromosomes condense and mitotic spindle begins to form
e. chromosomes line up at spindle equator
f. sister chromatids separate, move to opposite spindle poles
g. about 25 nm in diameter; form mitotic spindle
h. half of a chromosome in prophase
i. in pairs in some eukaryotic cells; move to poles during spindle formation
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. a condensed X chromosome
b. protein that combines with DNA all along its length
c. attaches or detaches from operator to regulate transcription
d. portion of the operon that binds RNA polymerase
e. gene capable of inducing cancerous transformations
f. genes controlling the development of the body plan
g. the mutated form is associated with breast cancer
h. binding sites on DNA where certain regulatory proteins increase transcription rates
Osteoclasts function in bone remodeling to
a. free mineral ions.
b. stimulate blood cell formation.
c. accelerate bone repair.
d. lay down a bony matrix.
e. do all of these.
Hominins are characterized by
a. further expansion and elaboration of the brain.
b. bipedalism.
c. omnivorous feeding behavior.
d. further expansion and elaboration of the brain and bipedalism.
e. further expansion and elaboration of the brain, bipedalism, and omnivorous feeding
The region(s) where hormonal adjustment to solute and volume levels occur(s) is(are)
indicated by
a. A.
b. B.
c. C.
d. D.
e. C and D.
If you were to penetrate through the epidermal layer of a root, you would next
encounter the
a. xylem.
b. endodermis.
c. cortex.
d. phloem.
e. pericycle.
There are three alleles controlling the ABO blood types. IA and IB are codominant
genes so that the combination IAIB produces the AB blood type. The third allele, IO, is
recessive to the other two alleles. Indicate which of these parents could produce the
given child:
Which of the following statements is false concerning X chromosome inactivation?
a. It is an accident of evolution.
b. It is an example of dosage compensation.
c. It is a gene control mechanism.
d. Normal development of female embryos depends on it.
e. It does not occur in males.
The root tip is indicated by
a. A.
b. B.
c. C.
d. D.
e. E.
Medulla oblongata
Choose the most appropriate answer.
a. integrates body position, motions, balance
b. in cnidarians; based on reflex pathways devoted to swimming and feeding
c. messages from here arouse the brain and maintain wakefulness
d. the cortical region that coordinates muscles required for speech
e. all parts of nerve cells outside the brain and spinal cord
f. acetylcholine is an example
g. reflex control center for breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure
h. axons of the central nervous system that are sheathed with fatty myelin
i. at top of the brainstem bordering the cerebral hemispheres; influences learning and
emotional behavior
j. motor neurons that are divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions
k. membrane coverings over brain spinal cord
l. contains the tectum; receives and integrates sensory information that is largely sent on
to the forebrain for further neural processing
m. connects right and left cerebral hemispheres
n. group of nerve cell bodies that form an integrative center
o. contains centers concerned with body temperature regulation and with salt and water
The chromosomes are aligned at the spindle equator during
a. anaphase.
b. metaphase.
c. interphase.
d. prophase.
e. telophase.
The following questions refer to the figure above showing a fish gill filament.
The least oxygenated water is indicated by
a. A.
b. B.
c. C.
d. D.
e. E.
For the following statements select the best choice of the four evolutionary processes
listed below.
a. mutation
b. gene flow
c. genetic drift
d. natural selection
This is most likely to lead to the loss of genetic variation in a small population.
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. dissipates excess vibrational energy to the middle ear
b. contains the organ of Corti
c. separates the outer and middle ears
d. membrane-covered gateway to inner ear
e. consists of tissue containing rods and cones
f. bone in middle ear
g. peak height and valley depth of sound waves are its basis
h. maintain balance and position; detect acceleration
i. depends on the number of wave cycles per second
j. a substance that elicits a response in members of the same species
k. regulates size of pupil and amount of incoming light
Collagen fibers are characteristic of which tissue?
a. muscle
b. epithelial
c. connective
d. nervous
e. glandular
The following questions refer to the figure above illustrating transport in phloem.
Companion cell assisted loading of organic compounds is indicated at
a. A.
b. B.
c. C.
d. D.
e. E.
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. do not maintain the same body temperature at all times; are capable of internal heat
b. heat energy is released to the air when liquid water converts to gaseous form
c. bulk flow of protein-free plasma from capillaries into Bowman's capsule
d. animals with more or less constant body temperature
e. emission of heat from body surface when environmental temperature is lower than
the body temperature
f. movement of ions from peritubular capillaries into nephron tubules
g. loss of too much body heat
h. heat next to the body's surface undergoes mass transport by air or water currents
i. active and passive transport of solutes from peritubular capillaries into the glomerular
j. a long, slender, tubular unit in the vertebrate kidney that forms urine
k. body temperatures rise and fall with environmental changes
l. secreted by adrenal glands; influences sodium reabsorption
m. passive transport of water; active and passive transport of solutes out of the nephron
into peritubular capillaries
n. heat energy is transferred from high to low temperature regions due to collisions
between adjacent molecules
o. released from the posterior lobe of the pituitary in response to hypothalamic signals
p. toxic substances are extracted from blood circulating in cellophane tubes suspended
in a warm-water bath
q. erection of hairs and feathers by smooth muscles in the skin
Respond to the following statements in reference to the five kinds of species
interactions listed below.
a. competition
b. parasitoidism
c. mutualism
d. commensalism
e. parasitism
If a wasp lays its eggs inside the larva of a fly, the interaction is this.
The products of genes that are switched on in specific tissues at specific stages of
development affect mainly
a. gene replication.
b. gene transcription.
c. mRNA transcript processing.
d. translation.
e. post-translational processing of proteins.
Energized myosin heads bind to actin only when ____ is present.
a. ATP
b. ADP
c. calcium
d. phosphorus
e. sodium
Choose the best matching element.
a. deciphered the mRNA code words
b. RNA-directed synthesis of polypeptide chains
c. sites at which RNA polymerases can bind and initiate transcription
d. binds to small subunit platform of a ribosome
e. guided and catalyzed by RNA polymerases
f. polypeptide chain elongation proceeds independently at each body in this cluster
g. discovered transposons
h. a tRNA triplet opposite a codon
i. a set of three nucleotides
What distribution pattern is the most common in the natural world?
a. random
b. uniform
c. clumped
d. stratified or layered
e. homogeneous
According to the multiregional model,
a. Homo erectus populations migrated out of Africa.
b. Homo erectus evolved further in regions beyond Africa.
c. Homo erectus populations gave rise to races of Homo sapiens.
d. Homo sapiens subpopulations originated in several separate locations.
e. all of these are true.
Chemical evolution started on Earth
a. after the appearance of prokaryotic cells.
b. long before any cells emerged.
c. after the appearance of eukaryotic cells.
d. after the appearance of eukaryotic cells but before the appearance of multicellular
e. after the appearance of multicellular organisms.
The space between the two membranes of the mitochondrion accumulates
a. proteins.
b. H+.
c. carbohydrates.
d. H2O2.
e. CO2.
Which gas is increasing in the atmosphere and intensifying the greenhouse effect?
a. carbon dioxide
b. carbon monoxide
c. ozone
d. nitrogen
e. oxygen
If long or round are homozygous forms of an incompletely dominant gene, and oval is
the phenotype of the heterozygote, give the F2 ratio of the cross between long and
round (both genotype and phenotype).
Genetic information carried by a(n) __________ directs the synthesis of a __________
chain during translation.
Will our modern forests eventually become coal?
__________ released by the hypothalamus causes the pituitary gland to secrete
__________ and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).
Why is it beneficial to urinate after sexual activity?
Archaeans include three main groups:__________ (methane producers), __________
(salt lovers), and __________ (heat lovers).
__________ line human nasal passages.
Continued stimulation of a receptor may lead to a diminished response and is called
The multiple stomach chambers of cattle and other __________ allow them to
maximize the nutrients they get from plant food.
__________ selection favors intermediate forms of a trait whereas __________
selection favors extreme forms.
__________ that impart greater __________ to an individual become more common in
a population over generations, compared with less competitive forms.
Seeds can be described as "a little plant in a box with its lunch". Which parts of the seed
correspond to the elements of this description?
__________ secrete hormones into blood.
Labeling. The following statements refer to the figure below showing the fine structure
of a leaf.
Epidermis is labeled __________.
In seed plants, __________ allow reproduction without standing water.
Based on what we know today, what is the best explanation for why the emu, ostrich,
and rhea are so similar despite being geographically separated?

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