CAS BI 75235

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 1693
subject Authors Jane B. Reece, Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Peter V. Minorsky, Steven A. Wasserman

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Innate immunity _____.
A) is activated immediately upon infection
B) depends on an infected animal's previous exposure to the same pathogen
C) is based on recognition of antigens that are specific to different pathogens
D) is found only in vertebrate animals
What is the function of the osmotic gradient found in the kidney? The osmotic gradient
allows for _____.
A) electrolytes to move from low to high concentrations in the absence of ATP
B) the precise control of the retention of water and electrolytes
C) the loop of Henle to deliver water to the renal vein
D) the filtration of large cells at the glomerulus
Which of the following represents an idea that Darwin learned from the writings of
Thomas Malthus?
A) Technological innovation in agricultural practices will permit exponential growth of
the human population into the foreseeable future.
B) Populations tend to increase at a faster rate than their food supply normally allows.
C) Earth changed over the years through a series of catastrophic upheavals.
D) The environment is responsible for natural selection.
Which of the following is an example of cryptic coloration?
A) bands on a coral snake
B) brown or gray color of tree bark
C) markings of a viceroy butterfly's wings
D) a "walking stick" insect that resembles a twig
As an undergraduate research assistant, you are assisting with a radioisotope tracer
experiment. You expose a mature leaf on one side of the lower shoot of a sugar beet
plant to 14CO2 and then track the movement of the 14C atoms by radiography. Where
are you LEAST likely to detect 14C?
A) the treated leaf
B) the shoot apical meristem
C) the roots
D) a mature upper leaf on the opposite side of the plant from the treated leaf
Clonal selection is an explanation for how _____.
A) V, J, and C gene segments are rearranged
B) an antigen can provoke production of high levels of specific antibodies
C) HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) can disrupt the immune system
D) macrophages can recognize specific T cells and B cells
Bagworm moth caterpillars feed on evergreens and carry a silken case or bag around
with them in which they eventually pupate. Adult female bagworm moths are larval in
appearance; they lack the wings and other structures of the adult male and instead retain
the appearance of a caterpillar even though they are sexually mature and can lay eggs
within the bag. This is a good example of _____.
A) allometric growth
B) paedomorphosis
C) sympatric speciation
D) adaptive radiation
Wetlands are standing bodies of freshwater, just like lakes and ponds. However,
wetlands are different from lakes and ponds because wetlands have _____.
A) emergent vegetation
B) oxygen-poor water
C) shallow water and emergent vegetation
D) emergent vegetation and oxygen-poor water
The citric acid cycle.
For each mole of glucose (C6H12O6) oxidized by cellular respiration, how many moles
of CO2 are released in the citric acid cycle (see the accompanying figure)?
A) 2
B) 4
C) 6
D) 32
Which of the following is the best description of a control for an experiment?
A) The control group is kept in an unchanging environment.
B) The control group is matched with the experimental group except for one
experimental variable.
C) The control group is exposed to only one variable rather than several.
D) Only the experimental group is tested or measured.
Listed below are several examples of types of animal behavior. Choose the letter of the
correct term (A-E) that matches each example in the following question(s).
A. operant conditioning
B. agonistic behavior
C. innate behavior
D. imprinting
E. altruistic behavior
Upon observing a golden eagle flying overhead, a sentry prairie dog gives a warning
call to other foraging members of the prairie dog community.
A) B
B) C
C) D
D) E
Among plants known as legumes (beans, peas, alfalfa, clover, for example) the seeds
are contained in a fruit that is itself called a legume, better known as a pod. Upon
opening such pods, it is commonly observed that some ovules have become mature
seeds, whereas other ovules have not. Thus, which of the following statements is (are)
1. The flowers that gave rise to such pods were not pollinated.
2. Pollen tubes did not enter all of the ovules in such pods.
3. There was apparently not enough endosperm to distribute to all of the ovules in such
4. The ovules that failed to develop into seeds were derived from sterile floral parts.
5. Fruit can develop, even if all ovules within have not been fertilized.
A) 1 and 5
B) 2 and 4
C) 2 and 5
D) 3 and 5
Consider the food chain of grass → grasshopper → mouse → snake → hawk. About
how much of the chemical energy fixed by photosynthesis of the grass (100 percent) is
available to the hawk?
A) 0.01%
B) 0.1%
C) 1%
D) 10%
Besides turning enzymes on or off, what other means does a cell use to control
enzymatic activity?
A) localization of enzymes into specific organelles or membranes
B) exporting enzymes out of the cell
C) connecting enzymes into large aggregates
D) hydrophobic interactions
Which of the following have chloroplasts (or structures since evolved from
chloroplasts) thought to be derived from ancestral green algae?
A) stramenopiles
B) apicomplexans
C) dinoflagellates
D) chlorarachniophytes
The point of connection between two communicating neurons is called the _____.
A) axon hillock
B) dendrite
C) synapse
D) cell body
Increases and decreases of the heart rate result from changes in the activity of the
A) medulla oblongata
B) thalamus
C) pituitary
D) cerebellum
In which feature(s) should one be able to locate a complete chromosome of this
1. nucleolus
2. prophage
3. endospore
4. nucleoid
A) 4 only
B) 1 and 3
C) 2 and 3
D) 3 and 4
In its mechanism, photophosphorylation is most similar to _____.
A) substrate-level phosphorylation in glycolysis
B) oxidative phosphorylation in cellular respiration
C) the Calvin cycle
D) reduction of NADP+
DNA is synthesized through a process known as _____.
A) semiconservative replication
B) conservative replication
C) translation
D) transcription
The following questions are based on the drawings of root or stem cross sections shown
in the figure.
Refer to the figure above. A plant that is at least three years old is represented by _____.
A) I only
B) II only
C) III only
D) IV only
Which of the following types of plants are incapable of self-pollination?
A) dioecious
B) monoecious
C) wind-pollinated
D) insect-pollinated
In a typical angiosperm, what is the sequence of structures encountered by the tip of a
growing pollen tube on its way to the egg?
1. micropyle
2. style
3. ovary
4. stigma
A) 4 →? 2 → 3 → 1
B) 4 → 3 → 2 → 1
C) 1 → 3 → 4 → 2
D) 3 → 2 → 4 → 1
Connective tissues typically have _____.
A) little space between the membranes of adjacent cells
B) the ability to transmit electrochemical impulses
C) the ability to shorten upon stimulation
D) relatively few cells and a large amount of extracellular matrix
The primitive streak in a bird is the functional equivalent of _____.
A) the lip of the blastopore in the frog
B) the archenteron in a frog
C) the notochord in a mammal
D) neural crest cells in a mammal
There are several properties that are characteristic of a soil in which typical plants
would grow well. Of the following, which would be the least conducive to plant
A) abundant humus
B) numerous soil organisms
C) compacted soil
D) high cation exchange capacity
The number of major histocompatability (MHC) protein combinations possible in a
given population is enormous. However, an individual in that diverse population has a
far more limited array of MHC molecules because _____.
A) the MHC proteins are made from several different gene regions that are capable of
rearranging in a number of ways
B) MHC proteins from one individual can only be of class I or class II
C) each of the MHC genes has a large number of alleles, but each individual only
inherits two for each gene
D) once a B cell has matured in the bone marrow, it is limited to two MHC response
Spherocytosis is a human blood disorder associated with a defective cytoskeletal
protein in the red blood cells (RBCs). What do you suspect is the consequence of such a
A) abnormally shaped RBCs
B) an insufficient supply of ATP in the RBCs
C) an insufficient supply of oxygen-transporting proteins in the RBCs
D) adherence of RBCs to blood vessel walls, causing plaque formation
A homozygous tomato plant with red fruit and yellow flowers was crossed with a
homozygous tomato plant with golden fruit and white flowers. The F1 all had red fruit
and yellow flowers. The F1 were testcrossed by crossing them to homozygous recessive
individuals and the following offspring were obtained:
Red fruit and yellow flowers41
Red fruit and white flowers7
Golden fruit and yellow flowers8
Golden fruit and white flowers44
How many map units separate these genes?
A) 17.6
B) 15
C) 17.1
D) 18.1
DES is called an "endocrine disrupting chemical" because it structurally resembles, and
interferes with, the endocrine secretions of the _____.
A) thyroid gland
B) adrenal medulla
C) ovaries
D) hypothalamus

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