CAS BI 74640

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 12
subject Words 2024
subject Authors Eric J. Simon, Jane B. Reece, Jean L. Dickey, Kelly A. Hogan

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What name is given to the food-trapping cells of sponges?
A) cnidocytes
B) amoebocytes
C) skeletal fibers
D) choanocytes
Why are most food chains limited to three to five trophic levels?
A) The higher the trophic level, the larger the organism; the larger the organism, the less
likely it will be prey.
B) The nutritional quality of existing biomass decreases with increasing trophic level.
C) Most ecosystems have insufficient space to support the increased number of
organisms that more trophic levels would require.
D) There is insufficient energy to support more trophic levels.
Read the following scenario to answer the following questions.
The North American beaver is a large rodent that builds dams to convert freshwater
streams into ponds. Beavers build their dams out of trees, which they cut down using
their front teeth. Beavers also eat the leaves and bark of trees, as well as the starchy
roots of water lilies.
As a beaver chews from the outside to the inside of a tree, in what order does it
encounter plant tissues?
A) secondary xylem secondary phloem cork cork cambium vascular ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒
B) cork cambium cork secondary xylem vascular cambium secondary ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒
C) cork cork cambium vascular cambium secondary xylem secondary ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒
D) cork cork cambium secondary phloem vascular cambium secondary ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒
Read the following scenario to answer the following question(s).
Cellular respiration converts the energy of fuel molecules to a form of energy that a cell
can use to perform work. In an average day, most adult humans need to consume about
2,000 Calories to maintain their health. However, the exact amount of dietary Calories a
person needs depends upon many factors, including the person's age, physical activity,
size, and health. Foods that we consume vary greatly in their nutritional content and
quality. A large hard-boiled egg, for example, has about 75 dietary Calories and
contains about 70% of our recommended daily intake of cholesterol.
Running burns approximately 600 Calories per hour. If you ate four hard-boiled eggs,
how long would you have to run to burn them off?
A) 10 minutes
B) 30 minutes
C) 60 minutes
D) 120 minutes
The Human Genome Project has the potential to ________.
A) lead to treatments for inherited diseases
B) lead to treatments for contagious diseases
C) increase our understanding of the historical relationships among species
D) play a role in all of the choices listed here
Please read the following paragraph and then answer the following questions.
The human eye is an incredible organ, capable of gathering light to focus on images
near and far, in bright light or dim, and with quick adjustments between these extremes.
However, eyes can develop problems, such as floaters, which are small particles that
interfere with the transmission of light between the lens and the retina, and bloodshot
eyes, which occur when irritants such as dust or smoke get in the eye.
If floaters are small particles that interfere with the transmission of light between the
lens and the retina, they must be located in the ________.
A) pupil
B) cornea
C) jellylike fluid of the eye
D) blind spot
The table below shows experimental data from poultry scientists. Examine the table to
answer the following questions.
Oviposition time, egg weight, chicken hatch weight and hatch weight/egg weight from
young and mid-age broiler breeder flocks.
If the egg was weighed halfway between being laid and hatching, how would you
expect that weight to compare to the weight of the newly hatched chick?
A) The egg would weigh more at this midpoint than when newly hatched because,
during development, the chick gains new parts.
B) The egg would weigh more at this midpoint than when newly hatched because it is
taking in oxygen.
C) The egg would weigh less at this midpoint than when newly hatched because the
shell wears away over time.
D) The egg would weigh less at this midpoint than when newly hatched because some
of the mass of the egg would be released through cell respiration.
Which of these shown in the figure below does NOTbegin cellular respiration in the
A) amino acids
B) fatty acids
C) glucose
D) glycerol
A couple has two female children. What is the probability that their next child will be
A) 25%
B) 50%
C) 33%
D) 67%
Which of the following is a genetically modified organism?
A) an organism carrying a gene that was acquired by artificial means
B) the first organism in which a particular mutation has appeared
C) a cloned organism carrying two different alleles
D) an organism that gestated in an artificial womb
In animals, individual cells are grouped into ________.
A) organs
B) tissues
C) organisms
D) organ systems
The common house mouse species, Mus musculus, has the following taxonomic
classification: Mus, Muridae, Rodentia, Mammalia, Chordata, Animalia, Eukarya.
Which part of the name is the Family?
A) Rodentia
B) Chordata
C) Muridae
D) Animalia
________ can be a symptom of hypothyroidism.
A) Goiter
B) A low sperm count
C) Graves' disease
D) Hyperactivity
Science is ________.
A) the inquiry-based effort to describe and explain nature
B) the search for truth
C) an organized set of principles for how to behave ethically and morally
D) all of the above
Which of these best describes Type II survivorship?
A) There is high survivorship for the very young.
B) Most individuals survive to older age intervals.
C) Survivorship is constant over the lifespan.
D) Survivorship is high for the few individuals that survive to a certain age.
When a base is added to a buffered solution, the buffer will ________.
A) donate OH− ions
B) accept water molecules
C) donate H+ ions
D) form covalent bonds with the base
Throughout most of human history, human population size ________.
A) was at carrying capacity
B) grew very slowly
C) showed boom-and-bust cycles
D) skyrocketed
Anaphylactic shock ________.
A) occurs when blood vessels constrict abruptly
B) is a symptom of an immunodeficiency disease
C) causes blood pressure to drop dangerously
D) has no treatment
Animals store carbohydrates as ________.
A) cellulose
B) glycogen
C) starch
D) maltose
What must pyruvic acid be converted to before it can enter the citric acid cycle?
A) acetyl CoA
B) lactic acid
C) ethyl alcohol
D) citric acid
Temperate zones ________.
A) have the coolest climates on Earth
B) have milder climates than the tropics
C) are relatively dry
D) are concentrated in the polar regions
Together, inhalation and exhalation are referred to as ________.
A) diffusion
B) breathing
C) active transport
D) negative pressure
Nearly all ________ are aquatic.
A) crustaceans
B) arachnids
C) flatworms
D) roundworms
The tongue does all of the following EXCEPT ________.
A) taste food
B) shape food into a ball
C) secrete saliva
D) push food into the pharynx
Please use the following information to answer the following questions.
You work for a company selling tropical rain forest plants commonly found in the
understory of the forest. These plants are shade tolerant and can be grown indoors
because they require low light. Your employer wants you to find out what is the best
type of light to maximize growth of these understory plants. Using a full spectrum of
natural light would cause these plants to die because they are a shade-tolerant plant
From your biology class, you recall that the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis
involve pigment molecules that absorb light of specific wavelengths. You also
remember the experiments done by the German biologist Theodor Engelmann, in which
he separated light using a prism into different wavelengths and then determined which
wavelengths were best for promoting photosynthesis in the algae species he was
examining. Your goal is to determine which wavelengths (colors) of light are best for
promoting photosynthesis to enhance growth in your species of plant. To achieve this,
you grew your plants under different wavelengths of light and measured their growth
rates. The wavelengths were measured in nanometers (nm), and the growth rate was
measured in millimeters per day (mm/day). The data you collected are as follows:
Make a bar graph plotting growth rates on the y-axis and wavelengths of light on the
x-axis. Referring to your graph, answer the following questions:
Shade-tolerant plants have many adaptations for living in areas of low light. Predict
whether each of the following processes would be high or low in comparison with other
plants and choose the answer that is most CORRECT.
Density of stomata on leaves
Leaf size
Carbohydrate storage
A) High, high, high
B) High, high, low
C) Low, high, high
D) Low, high, low
What will be the approximate shape of the age-structure diagram of a rapidly increasing
A) a rectangle
B) a pyramid
C) an inverted pyramid
D) an hourglass
Facilitated diffusion across a biological membrane requires ________ and moves a
substance ________ its concentration gradient.
A) energy... down
B) transport proteins... down
C) energy and transport proteins... against
D) transport proteins... against
Where in a woman's reproductive tract does fertilization most often take place?
A) in the ovary
B) in the oviduct
C) in the follicle
D) in the uterus
Read the following scenario to answer the following questions.
Yawning is a reflexive action that is often associated with sleepiness. When a person
yawns, the mouth opens, and a longer than normal breath of air is inhaled, followed by
a longer than normal exhalation. Hypothesizing that yawning has a regulatory
mechanism similar to breathing, scientists conducted an experiment on college students
to test the effect of ambient carbon dioxide levels on yawning.
If yawning has a regulatory mechanism similar to breathing, then which of the
following is TRUE?
A) Athletes should yawn more when exercising compared to when they are not
B) Tibetan mountaineers yawn more when they are walking compared to when they are
standing still.
C) People adapted to lower altitudes should yawn the same amount when they are at
high altitudes.
D) Athletes who have trained at high altitudes should inhale a greater volume of air
when yawning compared to those who have trained only at low altitudes.
What characteristic is unique to echinoderms?
A) a lack of segmentation
B) a water vascular system
C) radial symmetry
D) larvae with bilateral symmetry
When tissue lining a blood vessel is damaged, the first thing that happens is ________.
A) erythrocytes release fibrin
B) leukocytes multiply
C) platelets convert fibrinogen to fibrin
D) platelets adhere to the damaged tissue
A purebred plant that produces yellow seeds is crossed with a purebred plant that
produces green seeds. The F1 plants have yellow seeds. What is the expected
phenotypic ratio of seed color of the offspring of an F1 F1 cross?
A) 1:2:1
B) 2:1
C) 3:1
D) 9:3:3:1
The Calvin cycle makes direct use of ________ to make ________.
A) light energy and CO2... sugar
B) CO2, ATP, and NADPH... sugar and O2
C) light energy, CO2, and water... sugar and O2
D) CO2, ATP, and NADPH... sugar

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